format 224 classinstance 128140 class_ref 129563 // pracownikSpizarni name "" xyz 111 87 2000 classinstance 128268 class_ref 129032 // Spizarnia name "" xyz 429 94 2000 linkcanvas 128396 from ref 128140 z 2001 to ref 128268 dirscanvas 128524 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 128396 forward_label "1 wyszukajProdukt( produktId : int )" xyz 230 83 3000 msgs explicitmsg "wyszukajProdukt( produktId : int )" forward ranks 1 "1" dirscanvas_ref 128524 no_msg msgsend line 128652 -_-_ from ref 128268 z 2001 to ref 128140 end