format 224 classinstance 128105 class_ref 128539 // Kelner name "" xyz 541.31 27.15 2000 classinstance 128233 class_ref 128105 // ZarzadzanieZamowieniamiController name "" xyz 465.24 112.98 2000 classinstance 128617 class_ref 128233 // ZarzadcaZamowien name "" xyz 504.37 181.19 2000 classinstance 129257 class_ref 128283 // Zamowienie name "" xyz 86.84 180.5 2000 classinstance 129513 class_ref 128136 // Potrawa name "potrawa" xyz 78.85 371.08 2000 classinstance 130409 class_ref 141289 // MenedzerBazyDanych name "" xyz 499.03 314.19 2000 classinstance 130793 class_ref 141417 // BazaDanych name "" xyz 360.69 430.31 2000 linkcanvas 129001 from ref 128105 z 2001 to ref 128233 dirscanvas 129769 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 129001 forward_label "1 usunPotrawe(zamowienieId: int, potrawaId: int)" xyz 579 83 3000 linkcanvas 129129 from ref 128233 z 2001 to ref 128617 dirscanvas 129897 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 129129 forward_label "2 usunPotrawe(zamowienieId: int, potrawaId: int)" xyz 578 156 3000 linkcanvas 129385 from ref 128617 z 2001 to ref 129257 dirscanvas 130025 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 129385 forward_label "3 potrawa = zwrocPotrawe(potrawaId: int): Potrawa 9 usunPotrawe(potrawa: Potrawa)" xyz 213 209 3000 backward_label "5 potrawa" xyz 316 163 3000 linkcanvas 129641 decenter_begin 546 from ref 129257 z 2001 to ref 129513 dirscanvas 130153 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 129641 forward_label "10 <> destroy()" xyz 145 284 3000 backward_label "4 potrawa" xyz 74 282 3000 linkcanvas 130921 decenter_end 492 from ref 130793 z 2001 to point 396 324 line 132585 z 2001 to ref 130409 dirscanvas 131049 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 130921 backward_label "8 zmienLicznoscProduktowZPotrawy(potrawa: Potrawa, licznosc: int)" xyz 418 372 3000 linkcanvas 132713 from ref 128617 z 2001 to ref 130409 dirscanvas 132841 z 1000 linkcanvas_ref 132713 forward_label "7 dodajProdukty(potrawa: Potrawa, licznosc: int)" xyz 577 255 3000 selflinkcanvas 133097 classinstance_ref 128617 // :ZarzadcaZamowien xy 646 193 forward_label "6 licznosc = potrawa.zwrocLicznosc(): int" xyz 631 189 3000 msgs explicitmsg "usunPotrawe(zamowienieId: int, potrawaId: int)" forward ranks 1 "1" dirscanvas_ref 129769 msgs explicitmsg "usunPotrawe(zamowienieId: int, potrawaId: int)" forward ranks 2 "1.1" dirscanvas_ref 129897 msgs explicitmsg "potrawa = zwrocPotrawe(potrawaId: int): Potrawa" forward ranks 3 "1.1.1" dirscanvas_ref 130025 no_msg msgsend msgsend explicitmsg "potrawa" backward ranks 4 "2" dirscanvas_ref 130153 msgs explicitmsg "potrawa" backward ranks 5 "2.1" dirscanvas_ref 130025 msgs explicitmsg "licznosc = potrawa.zwrocLicznosc(): int" forward ranks 6 "2.1.1" selflinkcanvas_ref 133097 no_msg explicitmsg "dodajProdukty(potrawa: Potrawa, licznosc: int)" forward ranks 7 "2.1.2" dirscanvas_ref 132841 no_msg msgsend msgsend explicitmsg "zmienLicznoscProduktowZPotrawy(potrawa: Potrawa, licznosc: int)" backward ranks 8 "3" dirscanvas_ref 131049 no_msg explicitmsg "usunPotrawe(potrawa: Potrawa)" forward ranks 9 "4" dirscanvas_ref 130025 msgs explicitmsg "<> destroy()" forward ranks 10 "4.1" dirscanvas_ref 130153 no_msg msgsend msgsend end