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from ref 134408 z 2001 to ref 128392
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from ref 134536 z 2001 to ref 128392
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from ref 136712 z 2001 to ref 128136
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relationcanvas 137480 relation_ref 137864 // <generalisation>
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from ref 128520 z 2006 to ref 137352
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geometry VHr
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line 130316 z 2006 to ref 137352
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relationcanvas 140936 relation_ref 138376 // Przechowuje
from ref 129032 z 2001 label "Przechowuje" italic max_width 255 xyz 320 558 2001 to ref 140808
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relationcanvas 141064 relation_ref 138504 // Zapisuje informacje o licznosci
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