from import * from init import * mode = "running" while mode != "exit": input() counter = 1 for card in cards: print(str(counter) + ": " + card) counter += 1 card = cards[input("Enter number of card you wish to use: ")] if VerifyInvalidCard(card): print("That is not a valid ATM card") continue if VerifyOwner(card): print("What do you want to do?") print("1. Check your account") print("2. Withdraw Money") print("3. Deposit Money") print("4. Add credits to your pre-paid phone card") print("5. Transfer Money") print("6. Exit") operation = input() if operation == "1": CheckAccount(card.account) elif operation == "2": amount = int(input ("How much money do you want to withdraw?")) WithdrawMoney(amount, card.account) elif operation == "3": notes = [] value = int(input("Value of the inserted note: ")) notes.append(value) while value != 0: value = int(input("Value of the next note (0 to exit): ")) notes.append(value) DepositMoney(notes, card.account) elif operation == "4": operator = input("Enter name of your phone card operator: ") amount = int(input("How much credits do you wish to add?")) GeneratePrepaidPhoneCode(amount, operator, card.account) elif operation == "5": accountTo = input("Enter account number to which money should be transfered: ") amount = int(input("How much money should be transfered?: ")) TransferMoney(card.account, bank[accountTo], amount) elif operation == "6": mode = "exit"