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2022-11-07 22:18:28 +01:00
------------------- Code Monkey -------------------
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace GridPathfindingSystem {
public class UnitMovement {
private List<PathNode> pathList;
private int curX = 7;
private int curY = 0;
private float speed = 30f;
public delegate Vector3 DelGetPosition();
private DelGetPosition getPosition;
public delegate void DelSetPosition(Vector3 set);
private DelSetPosition setPosition;
public delegate void PathCallback(GridPathfinding.UnitMovementCallbackType cType, object obj);
private PathCallback pathCallback;
private GridPathfinding.UnitMovementCallbackType callbackType;
private object obj;
private bool isMoving = false;
private MapPos finalPos;
private MapPos mapPos;
private LastMoveTo lastMoveTo;
public bool destroyed = false;
private Vector3 lastDir =;
//private int layerMask = 1 << 9;
public void Setup(MapPos mapPos, DelGetPosition getPosition, DelSetPosition setPosition, float speed) {
this.mapPos = mapPos;
this.getPosition = getPosition;
this.setPosition = setPosition;
this.speed = speed;
// Update is called once per frame
public void Update(float deltaTime) {
if (pathList == null || (pathList != null && pathList.Count <= 0)) {
Vector3 pos = getPosition();
isMoving = true;
PathNode currPath = pathList[0];
Vector3 currPos;
float distanceCheck = 2f;
if (pathList.Count == 1) { // Last Pos
distanceCheck = 1f;
currPos = new Vector3(currPath.xPos * 10 + finalPos.offsetX, currPath.yPos * 10 + finalPos.offsetY);
} else {
currPos = new Vector3(currPath.xPos * 10, currPath.yPos * 10);
// Move to path
Vector3 dir = (currPos - pos).normalized;
lastDir = dir;
float moveAmount = Mathf.Min(deltaTime * speed, Vector3.Distance(pos, currPos));
Vector3 dirAmt = (dir * moveAmount);
setPosition(new Vector3(pos.x + dirAmt.x, pos.y + dirAmt.y));
pos = getPosition();
if (pathList.Count > 1) { //Not last pos
MapPos prevPos = new MapPos(mapPos.x, mapPos.y);
if (mapPos.offsetX > 0 || mapPos.offsetY > 0) {
// Last target had an offset
if (Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x / 10f) == mapPos.x && Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y / 10f) == mapPos.y) {
// Rounded position equals base MapPos without Offset
mapPos.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x / 10f);
mapPos.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y / 10f);
mapPos.offsetX = 0f;
mapPos.offsetY = 0f;
} else {
mapPos.x = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.x / 10f);
mapPos.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(pos.y / 10f);
if (prevPos.x != mapPos.x || prevPos.y != mapPos.y) {
//Event_Speaker.Broadcast(Event_Trigger.Unit_Moved, mapPos);
//unit.OnUnitMoved(prevPos, mapPos);
if (Vector3.Distance(pos, currPos) < distanceCheck) {
// Next path
if (pathList.Count == 0) {
// Final destination reached
pathList = null;
mapPos.offsetX = finalPos.offsetX;
mapPos.offsetY = finalPos.offsetY;
mapPos.straightToOffset = finalPos.straightToOffset;
if (finalPos.straightToOffset) {
mapPos.x = finalPos.x;
mapPos.y = finalPos.y;
public Vector3 GetLastDir() {
return lastDir;
public void SetSpeed(float spd) {
speed = spd;
public void PathComplete() {
if (destroyed) return;
isMoving = false;
if (pathCallback != null) {
pathCallback(callbackType, obj);
public void OnPathComplete(List<PathNode> path, MapPos _mapPos) {
if (destroyed) return;
MapPos previousFinalPos = finalPos;
finalPos = _mapPos;
//Debug.Log("Pathfind - "+finalPos);
//Optimize path, look for direct shortcuts.
RaycastHit hit;
for (int i=0; i<path.Count-2; i++) {
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(path[i].xPos*10,0,path[i].zPos*10);
//If this is on top of a hitbox, don't shortcut
if (Physics.Raycast(new Vector3(pos.x, 1, pos.z), new Vector3(0,-1,0), out hit, 2, layerMask)) {
for (int j=i+1; j<path.Count-1; j++) {
Vector3 pos2 = new Vector3(path[j].xPos*10,0,path[j].zPos*10);
if (!Physics.Raycast(pos, (pos2-pos).normalized, out hit, Vector3.Distance(pos,pos2), layerMask)) {
if (j > i+1) {
} else {
// See if going to path[0] involves going backwards
// Check if Distance(currentPos,path[1]) < Distance(path[0],path[1])
if (path.Count > 1 && (previousFinalPos == null || (previousFinalPos.offsetX == 0 && previousFinalPos.offsetY == 0))) {
if (Vector3.Distance(getPosition(), new Vector3(path[1].xPos * 10, path[1].yPos * 10)) <
Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(path[0].xPos * 10, path[0].yPos * 10), new Vector3(path[1].xPos * 10, path[1].yPos * 10))) {
//Currently closer, skip first position
pathList = path;
public bool MoveTo(MapPos _mapPos, GridPathfinding.UnitMovementCallbackType _callbackType = GridPathfinding.UnitMovementCallbackType.Simple, object _obj = null, PathCallback callback = null) {
lastMoveTo = new LastMoveTo(_mapPos, _callbackType, _obj, callback);
callbackType = _callbackType;
obj = _obj;
pathCallback = callback;
curX = mapPos.x;
curY = mapPos.y;
//return MyPathfinding.FindPath(curX,curY,_mapPos,OnPathComplete);
return false;
public bool MoveTo(List<MapPos> _mapPos, GridPathfinding.UnitMovementCallbackType _callbackType, object _obj, PathCallback callback) {
lastMoveTo = new LastMoveTo(_mapPos, _callbackType, _obj, callback);
callbackType = _callbackType;
obj = _obj;
pathCallback = callback;
curX = mapPos.x;
curY = mapPos.y;
//return MyPathfinding.FindPath(curX,curY,_mapPos,OnPathComplete);
return false;
public bool MoveTo(LastMoveTo _lastMoveTo) {
return MoveTo(_lastMoveTo.mapPos, _lastMoveTo.callbackType, _lastMoveTo.obj, _lastMoveTo.callback);
public void DestroySelf() {
destroyed = true;