using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class ShopContentUIManager : UIWarehouseManager { public static new ShopContentUIManager Instance { get; protected set; } public override int SLOTS_NUMBER { get { return 24; } } public const string ITEM_LOCALIZATION = "UiPanels/"; public const string PANEL_NAME = null; public override void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else { Debug.Log(Instance); Debug.Log("destroiy shop UI"); Destroy(gameObject); } } /* public override void UpdateList() { // TODO something like rebuild associated panel content // depending on which class we use it mayu be Inventory / Chest / Shop Panel Controller DynamicPanel.GetComponent<InventoryPanelController>(); //.Refresh() -- rebuild content }*/ public void Update() { // use empty function to override parent Update // to prevent using Open Panel and Close Panel!!! // this UI manager mustn't open panel - only manage passed chest content and return updated data } public bool OpenPanel() { return true; } public bool ClosePanel() { return true; } protected override GameObject GetTemplatePanel() { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); } public override void SetupPanel() { base.SetupPanel(); // setup models list DynamicPanel.GetComponent<ShopPanelController>().SetUp(Elements); } public override void UpdateList() { DynamicPanel.GetComponent<ShopPanelController>().BuildPanelContent(Elements); } #region adust parent function public override void Add(IndexValuePair<int, EquippableItem> itemOnSlot) { base.Add(itemOnSlot); UpdateShopContent(); } public override void Add(EquippableItem item) { base.Add(item); UpdateShopContent(); } public override void RemoveByPosition(int keyPosition) { base.RemoveByPosition(keyPosition); UpdateShopContent(); } public override int RemoveByItemId(int itemId) { var result = base.RemoveByItemId(itemId); UpdateShopContent(); return result; } public override int RemoveByItemName(string itemName) { var result = base.RemoveByItemName(itemName); UpdateShopContent(); return result; } public override void RemoveAll() { Elements.Clear(); UpdateShopContent(); } #endregion private void UpdateShopContent() { ShopUIManager.Instance.UpdateShopContent(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, ShopUIManager.Instance.CurrentShopOwnerName, Elements); } }