using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; [Serializable] public class ShopUIManager : UIBaseManager<Shop> { public new static ShopUIManager Instance { get; private set; } public const string ITEM_LOCALIZATION = "UiPanels/Shop/"; public const string PANEL_NAME = "ShopPanel"; //public int SLOTS_NUMBER => 24; /// <summary> /// Keys pair to detect chest /// </summary> [Space] [Header("Current shop unique keys")] public string CurrentShopOwnerName = null; // OR NPC NAME public override void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } else { Debug.Log("Destroy " + gameObject); Destroy(gameObject); } } public override bool OpenPanel() { if (CurrentShopOwnerName == null || CurrentShopOwnerName == "") { Debug.Log($"You re not in range of any shop"); return false; } // Open additionals panels if (!InventoryUIManager.Instance.GetPanelStatus()) InventoryUIManager.Instance.OpenPanel(); return base.OpenPanel(); } public override bool ClosePanel() { base.ClosePanel(); ShopContentUIManager.Instance.DynamicPanel = null; CurrentShopOwnerName = ""; // Close additionals panels if (InventoryUIManager.Instance.GetPanelStatus()) InventoryUIManager.Instance.ClosePanel(); return true; } public override void SetupPanel() { base.SetupPanel(); var shop = FindShopInCollection(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, CurrentShopOwnerName); if (shop == null) throw new Exception($"Shop {CurrentShopOwnerName} not found"); ShopContentUIManager.Instance.SetList(shop.GetContent()); ShopContentUIManager.Instance.DynamicPanel = DynamicPanel; ShopContentUIManager.Instance.SetupPanel(); } public override void UpdateList() { if (CurrentShopOwnerName == null || CurrentShopOwnerName == "") throw new Exception($"You re not in collision with any chest"); var shop = FindShopInCollection(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, CurrentShopOwnerName); if (shop == null) throw new Exception($"Chest {CurrentShopOwnerName} not found"); ShopContentUIManager.Instance.SetList(shop.GetContent()); ShopContentUIManager.Instance.DynamicPanel = DynamicPanel; ShopContentUIManager.Instance.UpdateList(); } public void UpdateShopContent(string mapName, string shopOwnerName, List<IndexValuePair<int, EquippableItem>> chestContent) { Elements.Where(shop => shop.Map == mapName && shop.Npc == shopOwnerName).ToList().ForEach(shop => shop.SetContent(chestContent)); } protected override GameObject GetTemplatePanel() { // Resources = default path - Asset/Resources ... .obj return Resources.Load(ITEM_LOCALIZATION + PANEL_NAME) as GameObject; } private Shop FindShopInCollection(string _mapName, string _shopOwnerName) { return Elements.Find(shop => shop.Map == _mapName && shop.Npc == _shopOwnerName); } }