using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;

// Overwrite ControlsletterManager & PrologueLetterMoanager
// to extend this
public class WindowController : MonoBehaviour, IOpenable
    public virtual string PANEL_NAME => "Wizard.Letter";

    public GameObject Window;
    public GameObject _panel;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    public void OpenPanel()
        _panel = Instantiate(Window, GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI").transform);

    public void DestroyPanelWithSaving()
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(GetKeyName(), 1);

    public void DestroyPanel()

    // true if is opened
    public bool IsOpened()
        return _panel != null;

    public bool WasDisplayed()
        return PlayerPrefs.HasKey(GetKeyName()) ? Convert.ToBoolean(PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GetKeyName())) : false;

    public string GetKeyName()
        return PANEL_NAME + ".WhereDisplayed";

public interface IOpenable
    public void OpenPanel();

    public void DestroyPanel();

    public bool IsOpened();

    public bool WasDisplayed();