using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; /* */ public class EventManager : MonoBehaviour where V : UnityEvent //where V : UnityEvent { private Dictionary eventDictionary; private static EventManager eventManager; public static EventManager instance { get { if (!eventManager) { eventManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(EventManager)) as EventManager; if (!eventManager) { Debug.LogError("There needs to be one active EventManger script on a GameObject in your scene."); } else { eventManager.Init(); } } return eventManager; } } void Init() { if (eventDictionary == null) { eventDictionary = new Dictionary(); } } public static void StartListening(T eventName, UnityAction listener) { V thisEvent = null; if (instance.eventDictionary.TryGetValue(eventName, out thisEvent)) { thisEvent.AddListener(listener); } else { thisEvent = (V)(new UnityEvent()); thisEvent.AddListener(listener); instance.eventDictionary.Add(eventName, thisEvent); } } public static void StopListening(T eventName, UnityAction listener) { if (eventManager == null) return; V thisEvent = null; if (instance.eventDictionary.TryGetValue(eventName, out thisEvent)) { thisEvent.RemoveListener(listener); } } public static void TriggerEvent(T eventName) { V thisEvent = null; if (instance.eventDictionary.TryGetValue(eventName, out thisEvent)) { thisEvent.Invoke(); } } }