using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; [Serializable] public class NpcDialogueManager : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] public string SpeakerName; [SerializeField] public MultiDialogue DialogueTemplate; /* We user object CLONED TO PREVENT overwritting changes in main object inassets */ [SerializeField] public MultiDialogue Dialogue; // List, Value : UnityEvent> public List, UnityEvent>> EndactionEventList; public void Start() { Dialogue = Instantiate(DialogueTemplate); Dialogue.SetSpeakerName(SpeakerName); } public void Update() { } /// /// Function to invoke actions declared in manager on object from scene not onto asset /// /// Used in Dialogue ScriptableObject Template /// /// public void DialogueEndAction(int dialogueIndex) { GameObject.FindObjectsOfType().Where(obj => ==; } /// /// Function to invoke actions declared in manager (on current object) /// /// Use this to invoke actions which we want to occured after specific Dialogue /// /// protected void InvokeDialogueEndAction(int dialogueIndex) { EndactionEventList.Where(el => el.Key.Key == dialogueIndex).ToList().ForEach(el => el.Value.Invoke()); } /// /// Function to invoke actions declared in manager on object from scene not onto asset /// /// Used in Dialogue ScriptableObject Template /// public void StepEndAction() { GameObject.FindObjectsOfType().Where(obj => ==; } /// /// Function to invoke actions declared in manager (on current object) /// /// Use this to invoke actions which we want to occured after specific Dialogue Step /// protected void InvokeStepEndAction() { var dialogueProgress = Dialogue.DialogueStepStatus(); EndactionEventList.Where(el => el.Key.Key == dialogueProgress.Item1 & el.Key.Value == dialogueProgress.Item2).ToList().ForEach(el => el.Value.Invoke()); } }