using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; public class Player : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody2D rb; private Animator myAnimator; public float walkSpeed = 4f; float speedLimiter = 0.7f; float inputHorizontal; float inputVertical; public GameObject Panel; private bool inRange = false; public ParticleSystem dmgParticleSystem; public HealthBar healthBar; private static bool attackSword; private bool attackFist; private static bool pickaxeInUse; private static bool playerInCollider; public bool lvlUp = false; public float test; private float timerRegen = 0f; private float timerTick = 0f; private float waitRegen = 8.0f; private float waitTick = 1.0f; private bool startRegen = false; private bool canWalk = true; [Header("Player Starts values")] public const int BaseHealth = 10; public const float BaseSpeed = 4f; [Header("Player Skills Points")] public int healthPoints; public int defensePoints; public int strengthPoints; public int intelligencePoints; [Header("Player current values")] public float attackValue; public float defenseValue; public float currentSpeed; // as WalkSpeed public float currentHealth; public float maxHealth; public float exp; public int lvl; public float maxExp; public LevelBar levelBar; public FloatValue minPlayerExp; public static void putPlayerInCollider() { playerInCollider = true; } public static void takePlayerFromCollider() { playerInCollider = false; } void Start() { Panel = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(true).Where(sr => == "YouDied").ToArray()[0]; healthBar = (HealthBar)FindObjectOfType(); levelBar = (LevelBar)FindObjectOfType(); if (OnMapAppearanceMethod.IsNewGame()) { currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health"); exp = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("exp"); lvl = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lvl"); } else { currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health-S"); exp = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("exp-S"); lvl = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lvl-S"); } rb = gameObject.GetComponent(); myAnimator = GetComponent(); //healthBar.SetMaxHealth(maxHealth.initialValue); //healthBar.SetHealth(currentHealth); //levelBar.SetStartExp(minPlayerExp.initialValue); //levelBar.SetExp(exp); ManageSpeed(); walkSpeed = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("speed"); ManageLevels(exp); } public void GetExp(float expValue) { exp = exp + expValue; ManageLevels(exp); } public void ManageLevels(float exp) { if (lvl == 1) { maxExp = 25; if (exp >= maxExp) { lvl = 2; lvlUp = true; maxExp = 50; // Add points and refresh view (if opened) SkillsPointsManger.Instance.AddFreePoints(2); SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } } else if (lvl == 2) { maxExp = 50; if (exp >= maxExp) { lvl = 3; lvlUp = true; maxExp = 100; // Add points and refresh view (if opened) SkillsPointsManger.Instance.AddFreePoints(2); SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } } else if (lvl == 3) { maxExp = 100; if (exp >= maxExp) { lvl = 4; lvlUp = true; maxExp = 200; // Add points and refresh view (if opened) SkillsPointsManger.Instance.AddFreePoints(2); SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } } } public void TakeDamage(float damage, bool isPanelEnabled = true) { defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS); Debug.Log($"Minion Damage: {damage}; \n\tDefense: {PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("defenseValue")}"); damage = damage - PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("defenseValue"); damage = damage < 0 ? 0 : damage; Debug.Log($"\tRealDamage: {damage}"); currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health"); currentHealth = currentHealth - damage; PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth); var em = dmgParticleSystem.emission; em.enabled = true; StartCoroutine(Timer()); timerRegen = 0.0f; startRegen = false; if (currentHealth <= 0) { if (isPanelEnabled) { Panel.SetActive(true); } walkSpeed = 0f; canWalk = false; } } IEnumerator Timer() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f); var em = dmgParticleSystem.emission; em.enabled = false; } private void HandleAttacks() { if (canWalk == true) { /* if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0) return;*/ if (attackFist) { myAnimator.SetTrigger("attackFist"); } else if (attackSword && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.Name.Equals("Pickaxe")) { myAnimator.SetTrigger("pickaxe"); } else if (attackSword && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Weapon) { myAnimator.SetTrigger("attack"); } } } private void HandleInput() { KeyCode keyToAttack = (KeyCode) System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), PlayerPrefs.GetString("Attack")); if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyToAttack)) { attackSword = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)) { attackFist = true; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) { pickaxeInUse = true; } } private void ResetValues() { attackSword = false; attackFist = false; pickaxeInUse = false; } void Update() { if (lvlUp == true) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LvlUpPopUp", 1); exp = 0; lvlUp = false; } ManageHealth(); ManageDefense(); ManageIntelligence(); ManageStrength(); ManageSpeed(); if (canWalk == true) { inputHorizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); inputVertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); // speed calculated in ManageSpeed function walkSpeed = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("speed"); myAnimator.SetFloat("moveX", inputHorizontal * walkSpeed); myAnimator.SetFloat("moveY", inputVertical * walkSpeed); if (inputHorizontal != 0) { myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", walkSpeed); } else if (inputVertical != 0) { myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", walkSpeed); } else { myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", 0); } if (inputHorizontal == 1 || inputHorizontal == -1 || inputVertical == 1 || inputVertical == -1) { myAnimator.SetFloat("lastMoveX", inputHorizontal); myAnimator.SetFloat("lastMoveY", inputVertical); } timerRegen += Time.deltaTime; if (timerRegen >= waitRegen) { startRegen = true; } currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health"); maxHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("maxHealth"); if (startRegen == true) { timerTick += Time.deltaTime; if (timerTick >= waitTick) { if (currentHealth < maxHealth) { currentHealth = currentHealth + 1; if (currentHealth > maxHealth) { currentHealth = maxHealth; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth); timerTick = 0f; } } } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("exp", exp); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("lvl", lvl); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxExp", maxExp); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", maxHealth); } HandleInput(); } void FixedUpdate() { if (canWalk == true) { if (inputHorizontal != 0 || inputVertical != 0) { if (inputHorizontal != 0 && inputVertical != 0) { inputHorizontal *= speedLimiter; inputVertical *= speedLimiter; } rb.velocity = new Vector2(inputHorizontal * walkSpeed, inputVertical * walkSpeed); } else { rb.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f); } } HandleAttacks(); ResetValues(); } public void SaveCheckpoint() { currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health"); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health-S", currentHealth); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("exp-S", exp); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("lvl-S", lvl); } public void ManageHealth() { //nie wiem czy to potrzebne ale zostawiam tak healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS); // nowe - analogicznie jak w ataku var healthCalculltor = new HealthCalcullator(); var health = BaseHealth + healthCalculltor.CalculateWithoutItem(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", health); //Debug.Log("Health: " + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("maxHealth")); } public void AddHealthPoint() { healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS); healthPoints = healthPoints + 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS, healthPoints); // Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } public void ManageStrength() { if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0) { var attackCalculator = new AttackCalcullator(); attackValue = attackCalculator.CalculateWithoutItem(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue); } else if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Weapon) { var equippedItem = EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value; var attackCalculator = new AttackCalcullator(); attackValue = attackCalculator.Calculate(equippedItem.Value); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue); } else { throw new System.Exception("Attack Calculation Error"); } //Debug.Log("Attack: " + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("attackValue")); } public void AddStrengthPoint() { strengthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_STRENGHT_POINTS); strengthPoints = strengthPoints + 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_STRENGHT_POINTS, strengthPoints); // Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } public void ManageDefense() { //nie wiem czy to potrzebne ale zostawiam tak defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS); // nowe - analogicznie jak w ataku var defenseCalculator = new DefenseCalculattor(); if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.HelmetSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.ArmorSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0 ){ defenseValue = defenseCalculator.CalculateWithoutItem(); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("defenseValue", defenseValue); } else if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.HelmetSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.HelmetSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Helmet) || (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.ArmorSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList() .Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.ArmorSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Chest) ) { var helmetSlot = EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.HelmetSlot && el.Value != null); var helmet = (helmetSlot.Count() != 0) ? helmetSlot.First().Value.Value : 0; var chestplateSlot = EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.ArmorSlot && el.Value != null); var chestplate = (chestplateSlot.Count() != 0) ? chestplateSlot.First().Value.Value : 0; defenseValue = defenseCalculator.Calculate(helmet + chestplate); PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("defenseValue", defenseValue); } else { throw new System.Exception("Defense Calculation Error"); } //Debug.Log("Defense: " + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("defenseValue")); } public void AddDefensePoint() { defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS); defensePoints = defensePoints + 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS, defensePoints); // Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } public void ManageIntelligence() { intelligencePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS); } public void AddIntelligencePoint() { intelligencePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS); intelligencePoints = intelligencePoints + 1; PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS, intelligencePoints); // Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data SkillsPointsManger.Instance.UpdatePanelView(); } public void LevelUpPopUp() { healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS); } public void ManageSpeed() { var speed = 0f; var speedCalculator = new SpeedCalcullator(); if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.BootsSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0) { speed = BaseSpeed + speedCalculator.CalculateWithoutItem(); } else if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.BootsSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.BootsSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Boots) { var boots = EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.BootsSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value; speed = BaseSpeed + speedCalculator.Calculate(boots.Value); } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("speed", speed); //Debug.Log("Speed: " + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("speed")); } // nowe - analogicznie jak w ataku }