using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public enum MissionStatusEnum

 * None         - raw status
 *                mostly as deffault value for models saved in assets or in files 
 *                also for code class constructors (deffault value is required to pass new instanes and save object in binnary files - not sure last one heh)
 * Available    - mission is avaiable for player
 *                system is waiting on player decision, he must reject or accept tast offered by NPC
 * Rejected     - mission has been rejected by Player
 *                Player dont want to participate in this adventure :(
 * Accepted     - player want to do the job
 *                change status to 'InProggress'
 * InProggress  - player is carrying out the task
 *                this status will be persist to complete all quest (mission)
 * Finished     - mission has been compleeted by player
 *                most importantly finish action were invoked!!