using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [System.Serializable] public class EquipmentManager : BaseWarehouseController { public static int MAX_ITEMS = 0; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _helmet; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _chest; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _boots; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _weapon; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _potion_one; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _potion_two; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _potion_three; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _potion_four; [SerializeField] public EquippableItem _potion_five; public static EquipmentManager Instance; Dictionary<int, Item> equipment; private void Awake() { if(Instance == null) { Instance = this; equipment = new Dictionary<int, Item>() { { 0, _helmet }, { 1, _chest }, { 2, _boots }, { 3, _weapon }, { 4, _potion_one }, { 5, _potion_two }, { 6, _potion_three }, { 7, _potion_four }, { 8, _potion_five } }; }else if (Instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } } protected override void SetupPanel() { if(this.dynamicPanel) { this.dynamicPanel.GetComponent<EquipmentPanelController>().Setup(gameObject, equipment); } } // Handle in Manager items local list public override void SetItemOnPosition(int _keyPosition, Item _item) { // in qeuippment panel its case where we drop drop on empty slot if(_item == null) // if we move eg. form chest to eq Drop work on Eq Panel where dropitemSlot.Item is Null return; _keyPosition = MapItemTypeToSlotNumber((EquippableItem)_item);[_keyPosition] = _item; this.ApplyEquipmentObject(true, (EquippableItem)_item); base.SetItemOnPosition(_keyPosition, _item); } // Remove from Manager items local list public override void RemoveItemFromPosition(int _keyPosition) {; this.ApplyEquipmentObject(_keyPosition); base.RemoveItemFromPosition(_keyPosition); } /* * Function decide in which slot item should be handled * Mach item to dictionary key based on items equippment type * return: dictionary key */ private int MapItemTypeToSlotNumber(EquippableItem _item) { int key=-1; if(_item == null) { Debug.LogError("Ten item w ogóle nie powinien być rozpatrywany jako dodany do ekwipunku - nigdy nie był typu EquippableItem"); } switch(_item.EquipmentType) { case EquipmentType.Helmet: { key = 0; break; } case EquipmentType.Chest: { key = 1; break; } case EquipmentType.Boots: { key = 2; break; } case EquipmentType.Weapon: { key = 3; break; } case EquipmentType.Potion: { key = 4; break; } case EquipmentType.Bracelet: { key = 5; break; } case EquipmentType.Necklet: { key = 6; break; } case EquipmentType.Ring: { if(!equipment.ContainsKey(7) || equipment[7] == null) { key = 7; } if(!equipment.ContainsKey(8) || equipment[8] == null) { key = 8; } break; } default: { Debug.Log("Can't mach number to item type"); break; } } return key; } /* * applu EquippableItem to be able to see actual equipment status - mapped with 'qeuipment' Dictioanry which is not showed in amnager panel :/ */ public void ApplyEquipmentObject(bool put, EquippableItem _item = null) { switch(_item.EquipmentType) { case EquipmentType.Helmet: { _helmet = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Chest: { _chest = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Boots: { _boots = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Weapon: { _weapon = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Potion: { _potion_one = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Bracelet: { _potion_two = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Necklet: { _potion_three = put ? _item : null; break; } case EquipmentType.Ring: { if(!equipment.ContainsKey(7) || equipment[7] == null) { _potion_four = put ? _item : null; } if(!equipment.ContainsKey(8) || equipment[8] == null) { _potion_five = put ? _item : null; } break; } default: { Debug.Log("Can't mach number to item type"); break; } } } public void ApplyEquipmentObject(int _keyPosition) { switch(_keyPosition) { case 0: { _helmet = null; break; } case 1: { _chest = null; break; } case 2: { _boots = null; break; } case 3: { _weapon = null; break; } case 4: { _potion_one = null; break; } case 5: { _potion_two = null; break; } case 6: { _potion_three = null; break; } case 7: { _potion_four = null; break; } case 9: { _potion_five = null; break; } } } }