2022-12-25 03:39:31 +01:00

462 lines
14 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
Rigidbody2D rb;
private Animator myAnimator;
public float walkSpeed = 4f;
float speedLimiter = 0.7f;
float inputHorizontal;
float inputVertical;
public GameObject Panel;
private bool inRange = false;
public ParticleSystem dmgParticleSystem;
public HealthBar healthBar;
private static bool attackSword;
private bool attackFist;
private static bool pickaxeInUse;
private static bool playerInCollider;
public bool lvlUp = false;
public float test;
private float timerRegen = 0f;
private float timerTick = 0f;
private float waitRegen = 8.0f;
private float waitTick = 1.0f;
private bool startRegen = false;
private bool canWalk = true;
public float currentHealth;
public float maxHealth;
public int healthPoints;
public int defensePoints;
public int strengthPoints;
public int intelligencePoints;
public float exp;
public int lvl;
public float maxExp;
public LevelBar levelBar;
public FloatValue minPlayerExp;
public float attackValue;
public static void putPlayerInCollider()
playerInCollider = true;
public static void takePlayerFromCollider()
playerInCollider = false;
void Start()
Panel = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>(true).Where(sr => == "YouDied").ToArray()[0];
healthBar = (HealthBar)FindObjectOfType<HealthBar>();
levelBar = (LevelBar)FindObjectOfType<LevelBar>();
if (OnMapAppearanceMethod.IsNewGame())
currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health");
exp = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("exp");
lvl = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lvl");
currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health-S");
exp = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("exp-S");
lvl = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lvl-S");
rb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
myAnimator = GetComponent<Animator>();
walkSpeed = 4f;
public void GetExp(float expValue)
exp = exp + expValue;
public void ManageLevels(float exp)
if (lvl == 1)
maxExp = 25;
if (exp >= maxExp)
lvl = 2;
lvlUp = true;
maxExp = 50;
// Add points and refresh view (if opened)
else if (lvl == 2)
maxExp = 50;
if (exp >= maxExp)
lvl = 3;
lvlUp = true;
maxExp = 100;
// Add points and refresh view (if opened)
else if (lvl == 3)
maxExp = 100;
if (exp >= maxExp)
lvl = 4;
lvlUp = true;
maxExp = 200;
// Add points and refresh view (if opened)
public void TakeDamage(float damage, bool isPanelEnabled = true)
defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS);
if(defensePoints == 1)
damage = damage * 0.95f;
else if(defensePoints == 2)
damage = damage * 0.9f;
else if(defensePoints == 3)
damage = damage * 0.85f;
currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health");
currentHealth = currentHealth - damage;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth);
var em = dmgParticleSystem.emission;
em.enabled = true;
timerRegen = 0.0f;
startRegen = false;
if (currentHealth <= 0)
if (isPanelEnabled)
walkSpeed = 0f;
canWalk = false;
IEnumerator Timer()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
var em = dmgParticleSystem.emission;
em.enabled = false;
private void HandleAttacks()
if (canWalk == true)
if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0)
if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.Name.Equals("Pickaxe") && attackSword)
else if (attackSword && EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.EquipmentType == EquipmentTypeEnum.Weapon)
else if (attackFist)
private void HandleInput()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
attackSword = true;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift))
attackFist = true;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X))
pickaxeInUse = true;
private void ResetValues()
attackSword = false;
attackFist = false;
pickaxeInUse = false;
void Update()
if (lvlUp == true)
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LvlUpPopUp", 1);
exp = 0;
lvlUp = false;
if (canWalk == true)
inputHorizontal = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
inputVertical = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
myAnimator.SetFloat("moveX", inputHorizontal * walkSpeed);
myAnimator.SetFloat("moveY", inputVertical * walkSpeed);
if (inputHorizontal != 0)
myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", walkSpeed);
else if (inputVertical != 0)
myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", walkSpeed);
myAnimator.SetFloat("speed", 0);
if (inputHorizontal == 1 || inputHorizontal == -1 || inputVertical == 1 || inputVertical == -1)
myAnimator.SetFloat("lastMoveX", inputHorizontal);
myAnimator.SetFloat("lastMoveY", inputVertical);
timerRegen += Time.deltaTime;
if (timerRegen >= waitRegen)
startRegen = true;
currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health");
maxHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("maxHealth");
if (startRegen == true)
timerTick += Time.deltaTime;
if (timerTick >= waitTick)
if (currentHealth < maxHealth)
currentHealth = currentHealth + 1;
if (currentHealth > maxHealth)
currentHealth = maxHealth;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth);
timerTick = 0f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health", currentHealth);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("exp", exp);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("lvl", lvl);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxExp", maxExp);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", maxHealth);
void FixedUpdate()
if (canWalk == true)
if (inputHorizontal != 0 || inputVertical != 0)
if (inputHorizontal != 0 && inputVertical != 0)
inputHorizontal *= speedLimiter;
inputVertical *= speedLimiter;
rb.velocity = new Vector2(inputHorizontal * walkSpeed, inputVertical * walkSpeed);
rb.velocity = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
public void SaveCheckpoint()
currentHealth = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("health");
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("health-S", currentHealth);
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("exp-S", exp);
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("lvl-S", lvl);
public void ManageHealth()
healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS);
if (healthPoints == 0)
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", 10);
else if (healthPoints == 1)
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", 12);
else if (healthPoints == 2)
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", 14);
else if (healthPoints == 3)
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("maxHealth", 16);
public void AddHealthPoint()
healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS);
healthPoints = healthPoints + 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS, healthPoints);
// Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data
public void ManageStrength()
if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() == 0 || EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() == 0)
attackValue = 0f;
else if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 &&
EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 &&
EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.Name.Equals("Pickaxe"))
attackValue = 0.5f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue);
else if (EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Count() != 0 &&
EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).Count() > 0 &&
EquipmentUIManager.Instance.GetList().Where(el => el.Key == (int)EquipmentPanelSlotsTypeEnum.WeaponSlot && el.Value != null).First().Value.Name.Equals("Basic Sword"))
attackValue = 1.0f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue);
strengthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_STRENGHT_POINTS);
if(strengthPoints == 1)
attackValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("attackValue");
attackValue = attackValue * 1.1f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue);
else if(strengthPoints == 2)
attackValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("attackValue");
attackValue = attackValue * 1.2f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue);
else if(strengthPoints == 3)
attackValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("attackValue");
attackValue = attackValue * 1.3f;
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("attackValue", attackValue);
public void AddStrengthPoint()
strengthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_STRENGHT_POINTS);
strengthPoints = strengthPoints + 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_STRENGHT_POINTS, strengthPoints);
// Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data
public void ManageDefense()
defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS);
public void AddDefensePoint()
defensePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS);
defensePoints = defensePoints + 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_DEFENSE_POINTS, defensePoints);
// Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data
public void ManageIntelligence()
intelligencePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS);
public void AddIntelligencePoint()
intelligencePoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS);
intelligencePoints = intelligencePoints + 1;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_INTELIGENCE_POINTS, intelligencePoints);
// Fetch change in scene manager responsible for this data
public void LevelUpPopUp()
healthPoints = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(SkillsPointsManger.PLAYER_SKILS_HEALTH_POINTS);