from multiprocessing import Process, Manager import numpy as np import unittest import tempfile import shutil import logging from hypothesis import given, settings import hypothesis.strategies as st from caffe2.python import workspace log = logging.getLogger("parallelize_bmuf_distributed_test") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) def bmuf_process(filestore_dir, process_id, shared_results, cpu_device=False, nesterov=False): # We need to import caffe2 in every process to initialize CUDA independently. from caffe2.python import core, cnn, data_parallel_model, dyndep from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2 dyndep.InitOpsLibrary("@/caffe2/caffe2/distributed:file_store_handler_ops") if not cpu_device: if not workspace.has_gpu_support:'No GPU support test is Ignored.') return if workspace.NumGpuDevices() < 4:'Not enough GPU support, test IGNORED') return model = cnn.CNNModelHelper( order="NHWC", name="test" ) if not cpu_device: device_type = workspace.GpuDeviceType device_prefix = "gpu" else: device_type = caffe2_pb2.CPU device_prefix = "cpu" devices = [0, 1] if process_id == 0 else [2, 3] def _model_build_fun(model, loss_scale): fc = model.FC( "data", "fc", 16, 1, ("ConstantFill", {}), ("ConstantFill", {}) ) fc_fl = model.FlattenToVec(fc, "fc_fl") sigm = model.Sigmoid(fc_fl, "sigm") sq = model.SquaredL2Distance([sigm, "label"], "sq") loss = model.AveragedLoss(sq, "loss") loss = model.Scale(loss, scale=loss_scale) # For testing explicit sync model.param_init_net.UniformFill([], ["sync_num"], shape=[1]) return [loss] def _input_builder_fun(model): return None def _param_update_fun(model): ITER = model.Iter("ITER") LR = [ITER], "LR", base_lr=(-0.1), policy="fixed", ) ONE = model.param_init_net.ConstantFill( [], "ONE", shape=[1], value=1.0, ) for param in model.GetParams(): grad = model.param_to_grad[param] model.WeightedSum([param, ONE, grad, LR], param) def _generate_data(devices, process_id, device_type, device_prefix): np.random.seed(26 + process_id * 10) # Each run has same input, independent of number of gpus batch_size = 64 for _ in range(0, 10): full_data = np.random.rand(batch_size, 16) full_labels = np.round(full_data[:, 0]) batch_per_device = batch_size // len(devices) for (j, g) in enumerate(devices): st = j * batch_per_device en = st + batch_per_device data = full_data[st:en, :].astype(np.float32) labels = full_labels[st:en].astype(np.float32) with core.DeviceScope(core.DeviceOption(device_type, g)): workspace.FeedBlob("{}_{}/data".format(device_prefix, g), data) workspace.FeedBlob("{}_{}/label".format(device_prefix, g), labels) _generate_data(devices, process_id, device_type, device_prefix) workspace.RunOperatorOnce( core.CreateOperator( "FileStoreHandlerCreate", [], ["store_handler"], path=filestore_dir ) ) rendezvous = dict( kv_handler="store_handler", shard_id=process_id, num_shards=2, engine="GLOO", exit_nets=None ) data_parallel_model.Parallelize_BMUF( model, _input_builder_fun, _model_build_fun, _param_update_fun, devices=devices, rendezvous=rendezvous, nesterov=nesterov, add_blobs_to_sync=["sync_num"], cpu_device=cpu_device ) data_parallel_model.RunInitNet(model) def _device_pid(device, pid): if pid == 1: return device + 2 return device np.testing.assert_equal( workspace.FetchBlob("{}_{}/fc_w_v".format( device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))), np.zeros(16).astype(np.float32).reshape(1, 16) ) # Run the algorithm for one iteration to have non-zero params. data_parallel_model.RunNet(model, 1) # Save iteration momentum and post local update params results = {} v_b_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b_v".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) v_w_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w_v".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) results['v_b_'] = v_b_ results['v_w_'] = v_w_ workspace.RunNetOnce( b_0_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) w_0_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) b_1_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(1, process_id))) w_1_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(1, process_id))) results['b_0_'] = b_0_ results['w_0_'] = w_0_ results['b_1_'] = b_1_ results['w_1_'] = w_1_ # Test sync if process_id == 0: workspace.FeedBlob( device_prefix + "_0/sync_num", np.array([2603]).astype(np.float32), device_option=core.DeviceOption(device_type, 0)) # Compute block gradients. b_g_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b_g".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) w_g_ = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w_g".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) results['b_g_'] = b_g_ results['w_g_'] = w_g_ workspace.RunNetOnce(model._global_model_param_updates_net) # g_b = (b_0_ + b_1_) / 2 - b_g_ # g_w = (w_0_ + w_1_) / 2 - w_g_ v_b = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b_v".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) v_w = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w_v".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) w_g = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w_g".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) b_g = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b_g".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) w_0 = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) b_0 = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(0, process_id))) w_1 = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_w".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(1, process_id))) b_1 = workspace.FetchBlob( "{}_{}/fc_b".format(device_prefix, _device_pid(1, process_id))) results['v_b'] = v_b results['v_w'] = v_w results['w_g'] = w_g results['b_g'] = b_g results['w_0'] = w_0 results['b_0'] = b_0 results['w_1'] = w_1 results['b_1'] = b_1 # Test add_blobs_to_sync for j in devices: sync = workspace.FetchBlob( device_prefix + "_{}/sync_num".format(j))[0] results['sync_{}'.format(j)] = sync shared_results[process_id] = results class DistributedTest(unittest.TestCase): @given( cpu_device=st.booleans(), nesterov=st.booleans() ) @settings(deadline=10000) def test_bmuf_distributed(self, cpu_device, nesterov): if (not cpu_device) and workspace.has_hip_support:'Skipping the test on ROCm due to regression in ROCm3.5') return self._test_bmuf_distributed(cpu_device=cpu_device, nesterov=nesterov) def _test_bmuf_distributed(self, cpu_device=False, nesterov=False): processes = [] filestore_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() results = Manager().dict() for idx in range(0, 2): process = Process( target=bmuf_process, args=(filestore_dir, idx, results, cpu_device, nesterov) ) processes.append(process) process.start() while len(processes) > 0: process = processes.pop() process.join() shutil.rmtree(filestore_dir) if len(results) == 0: return w_0 = results[0]['w_0'] w_1 = results[0]['w_1'] b_0 = results[0]['b_0'] b_1 = results[0]['b_1'] # Check parameters are in sync. np.testing.assert_equal(w_0, w_1) np.testing.assert_equal(w_0, results[1]['w_0']) np.testing.assert_equal(w_0, results[1]['w_1']) np.testing.assert_equal(b_0, b_1) np.testing.assert_equal(b_0, results[1]['b_0']) np.testing.assert_equal(b_0, results[1]['b_1']) w_g_ = results[0]['w_g_'] b_g_ = results[0]['b_g_'] g_b = (results[0]['b_0_'] + results[1]['b_0_'] + results[0]['b_1_'] + results[1]['b_1_']) / 4 - b_g_ g_w = (results[0]['w_0_'] + results[1]['w_0_'] + results[0]['w_1_'] + results[1]['w_1_']) / 4 - w_g_ v_b_ = results[0]['v_b_'] v_b = results[0]['v_b'] v_w_ = results[0]['v_w_'] v_w = results[0]['v_w'] for pid in results.keys(): for k in results[pid].keys(): if k.startswith("sync_num"): self.assertEqual(2603, results[pid][k]) # Check block gradients are correct. np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_b, 0.75 * v_b_ + g_b) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(v_w, 0.75 * v_w_ + g_w) # Check params update step if nesterov: np.testing.assert_equal(w_0, w_g_ + v_w - 0.75 * (v_w - v_w_)) np.testing.assert_equal(b_0, b_g_ + v_b - 0.75 * (v_b - v_b_)) else: np.testing.assert_equal(w_0, w_g_ + v_w) np.testing.assert_equal(b_0, b_g_ + v_b)