# graphviz - create dot, save, render, view """Assemble DOT source code and render it with Graphviz. >>> dot = Digraph(comment='The Round Table') >>> dot.node('A', 'King Arthur') >>> dot.node('B', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise') >>> dot.node('L', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave') >>> dot.edges(['AB', 'AL']) >>> dot.edge('B', 'L', constraint='false') >>> print(dot) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE // The Round Table digraph { A [label="King Arthur"] B [label="Sir Bedevere the Wise"] L [label="Sir Lancelot the Brave"] A -> B A -> L B -> L [constraint=false] } """ from .dot import Graph, Digraph from .files import Source from .lang import escape, nohtml from .backend import (render, pipe, unflatten, version, view, ENGINES, FORMATS, RENDERERS, FORMATTERS, ExecutableNotFound, RequiredArgumentError) __all__ = ['Graph', 'Digraph', 'Source', 'escape', 'nohtml', 'render', 'pipe', 'unflatten', 'version', 'view', 'ENGINES', 'FORMATS', 'RENDERERS', 'FORMATTERS', 'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError'] __title__ = 'graphviz' __version__ = '0.16' __author__ = 'Sebastian Bank ' __license__ = 'MIT, see LICENSE.txt' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Sebastian Bank' #: Set of known layout commands used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...) ENGINES = ENGINES #: Set of known output formats for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...) FORMATS = FORMATS #: Set of known output formatters for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...) FORMATTERS = FORMATTERS #: Set of known output renderers for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...) RENDERERS = RENDERERS ExecutableNotFound = ExecutableNotFound RequiredArgumentError = RequiredArgumentError