from typing import Any, Dict, Callable import torch from torch.fx import GraphModule # type: ignore from torch.fx import map_arg # type: ignore from torch.fx.graph import Graph from torch.fx.node import Node from torch.quantization import get_default_compare_output_module_list from torch.quantization._numeric_suite import ( _find_match, get_logger_dict, prepare_model_with_stubs, compare_weights, Logger, OutputLogger, ShadowLogger, ) from torch.quantization.fx.quantization_patterns import QuantizeHandler from torch.quantization.fx.quantization_types import QuantizerCls from torch.quantization.fx.quantize import _remove_qconfig, is_activation_post_process from torch.quantization.quantize_fx import prepare_fx class NumericSuiteQuantizeHandler(QuantizeHandler): """QuantizeHanlder used for float and qunantized module for numeric suite""" def __init__(self, quantizer: QuantizerCls, node: Node): super().__init__(quantizer, node) def convert( self, quantizer: QuantizerCls, node: Node, load_arg: Callable, debug: bool = False, convert_custom_config_dict: Dict[str, Any] = None, ) -> Node: return NotImplemented def remove_qconfig_observer_fx(model): # remove activation post process act_post_process_removed_graph = Graph() env: Dict[str, Any] = {} modules = dict(model.named_modules()) def load_arg(a): return map_arg(a, lambda node: env[]) for node in model.graph.nodes: if node.op == "output": act_post_process_removed_graph.output(map_arg(node.args[0], load_arg)) continue if node.op == "call_module" and is_activation_post_process( modules[] ): # remove activation post process node env[] = env[node.args[0].name] else: env[] = act_post_process_removed_graph.node_copy(node, load_arg) _remove_qconfig(model) model = GraphModule(model, act_post_process_removed_graph) return model def _get_logger_dict_helper_fx(model, target_dict): modules = dict(model.named_modules()) for node in model.graph.nodes: if node.op == "call_module": if isinstance(modules[], Logger): input_node = node.args[0] if input_node.op == "call_function" and in ( torch.quantize_per_tensor, torch.quantize_per_channel, ): # stats of activation before applying quantized op target_dict[input_node.args[0].name + ".stats"] = modules[ ].stats else: # stats for activation after applying quantized op target_dict[node.args[0].name + ".stats"] = modules[ ].stats def get_logger_dict_fx(model): torch._C._log_api_usage_once("quantization_api._numeric_suite.get_logger_dict_fx") target_dict: Dict[str, Dict] = {} _get_logger_dict_helper_fx(model, target_dict) return target_dict def compare_weights_fx(float_dict, quantized_dict): r"""Compare the weights of the float module (after prepare) with its corresponding quantized module. Return a dict with key corresponding to module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the float and quantized weights. This dict can be used to compare and compute the quantization error of the weights of float and quantized models. Note the float module is the float module which has been prepared by calling prepare_fx Example usage: prepared_model = prepare_fx(float_model, qconfig_dict) prepared_float_model = copy.deepcopy(prepared_model) quantized_model = convert_fx(prepared_float_model) qmodel = quantized_model wt_compare_dict = compare_weights_fx(prepared_float_model.state_dict(), qmodel.state_dict()) for key in wt_compare_dict: print(key, compute_error(wt_compare_dict[key]['float'], wt_compare_dict[key]['quantized'].dequantize())) Args: float_dict: state dict of the float model (after prepare) quantized_dict: state dict of the quantized model Return: weight_dict: dict with key corresponding to module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the float and quantized weights """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite_fx.compare_weights_fx" ) return compare_weights(float_dict, quantized_dict) def prepare_model_with_stubs_fx( prepared_float_module, q_module, module_swap_list, Logger ): r"""Prepare the model by attaching the float module (after prepare) to its matching quantized module as the shadow if the float module type is in module_swap_list. Example usage: prepare_model_with_stubs_fx(prepared_float_model, q_model, module_swap_list, Logger) q_model(data) ob_dict = get_logger_dict(q_model) Args: prepared_float_module: float module after prepare q_module: module quantized from float_module module_swap_list: list of float module types to attach the shadow Logger: type of logger to be used in shadow module to process the outputs of quantized module and its float shadow module """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite.prepare_model_with_stubs_fx" ) return prepare_model_with_stubs( prepared_float_module, q_module, module_swap_list, Logger ) # TODO: Add submodule and functional support for compare_model_stub_fx def compare_model_stub_fx( prepared_float_model, q_model, module_swap_list, *data, Logger=ShadowLogger ): r"""Compare quantized module in a model with its floating point counterpart, feeding both of them the same input. Return a dict with key corresponding to module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the output tensors of quantized and its matching float shadow module. This dict can be used to compare and compute the module level quantization error. Note prepared_float module is a float module which has been prepared by calling prepare_fx. This function first call prepare_model_with_stubs_fx() to swap the quantized module that we want to compare with the Shadow module, which takes quantized module, corresponding float module and logger as input, and creates a forward path inside to make the float module to shadow quantized module sharing the same input. The logger can be customizable, default logger is ShadowLogger and it will save the outputs of the quantized module and float module that can be used to compute the module level quantization error. Example usage: module_swap_list = [nn.Linear] ob_dict = compare_model_stub_fx(prepared_float_model,qmodel,module_swap_list, data) for key in ob_dict: print(key, compute_error(ob_dict[key]['float'], ob_dict[key]['quantized'].dequantize())) Args: prepared_float_model: float model which has been prepared q_model: model quantized from float_model module_swap_list: list of float module types at which shadow modules will be attached. data: input data used to run the prepared q_model Logger: type of logger to be used in shadow module to process the outputs of quantized module and its float shadow module """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite.compare_model_stub_fx" ) prepared_float_model = remove_qconfig_observer_fx(prepared_float_model) prepare_model_with_stubs_fx(prepared_float_model, q_model, module_swap_list, Logger) q_model(*data) ob_dict = get_logger_dict(q_model) return ob_dict def get_matching_activations_fx(prepared_float_module, q_module): r"""Find the matching activation between float and quantized modules. Args: prepared_float_module: float module which has been prepared q_module: module quantized from float_module Return: act_dict: dict with key corresponding to quantized module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the matching float and quantized activations """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite.get_matching_activations_fx" ) float_dict = get_logger_dict_fx(prepared_float_module) quantized_dict = get_logger_dict_fx(q_module) act_dict: Dict[str, Dict] = {} for key in quantized_dict: match_key = _find_match(sorted(float_dict, reverse=True), key, "stats") if match_key is not None: act_dict[key] = {} act_dict[key]["float"] = float_dict[match_key]["tensor_val"] act_dict[key]["quantized"] = quantized_dict[key]["tensor_val"] return act_dict def prepare_model_outputs_fx( prepared_float_module, q_module, Logger=OutputLogger, allow_list=None ): r"""Prepare the model by attaching the logger to both float module (after prepare) and quantized module if they are in the allow_list. Args: prepared_float_module: float module after prepare q_module: module quantized from float_module Logger: type of logger to be attached to float_module and q_module allow_list: list of module types to attach logger """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite.prepare_model_outputs_fx" ) if allow_list is None: allow_list = get_default_compare_output_module_list() prepared_float_module = remove_qconfig_observer_fx(prepared_float_module) qconfig_debug = torch.quantization.QConfig(activation=Logger, weight=None) qconfig_dict = {"": qconfig_debug} additional_quant_patterns = {} for module in allow_list: additional_quant_patterns[module] = NumericSuiteQuantizeHandler prepare_custom_config_dict = {"additional_quant_pattern": additional_quant_patterns} prepared_float_module = prepare_fx( prepared_float_module, qconfig_dict, prepare_custom_config_dict ) q_module = prepare_fx(q_module, qconfig_dict, prepare_custom_config_dict) return prepared_float_module, q_module def compare_model_outputs_fx( prepared_float_model, q_model, *data, Logger=OutputLogger, allow_list=None ): r"""Compare output activations between float and quantized models at corresponding locations for the same input. Return a dict with key corresponding to quantized module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the activations of quantized model and float model at matching locations. This dict can be used to compare and compute the propagation quantization error. Note prepared_float_model is the float model after prepare by calling prepare_fx Example usage: act_compare_dict = compare_model_outputs_fx(prepared_float_model, qmodel, data) for key in act_compare_dict: print(key, compute_error(act_compare_dict[key]['float'], act_compare_dict[key]['quantized'].dequantize())) Args: prepared_float_model: float model after prepare by calling prepare_fx q_model: model quantized from float_model data: input data used to run the prepared float_model and q_model Logger: type of logger to be attached to prepared_float_module and q_module allow_list: list of module types to attach logger Return: act_compare_dict: dict with key corresponding to quantized module names and each entry being a dictionary with two keys 'float' and 'quantized', containing the matching float and quantized activations """ torch._C._log_api_usage_once( "quantization_api._numeric_suite.compare_model_outputs_fx" ) if allow_list is None: allow_list = get_default_compare_output_module_list() prepared_float_model, q_model = prepare_model_outputs_fx( prepared_float_model, q_model, Logger, allow_list ) prepared_float_model(*data) q_model(*data) act_compare_dict = get_matching_activations_fx(prepared_float_model, q_model) return act_compare_dict