
311 lines
11 KiB

# - create dot code
r"""Assemble DOT source code objects.
>>> dot = Graph(comment=u'M\xf8nti Pyth\xf8n ik den H\xf8lie Grailen')
>>> dot.node(u'M\xf8\xf8se')
>>> dot.node('trained_by', u'trained by')
>>> dot.edge(u'M\xf8\xf8se', 'trained_by')
>>> dot.edge('trained_by', 'tutte')
>>> dot.node_attr['shape'] = 'rectangle'
>>> print(dot.source.replace(u'\xf8', '0')) #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
// M0nti Pyth0n ik den H0lie Grailen
graph {
node [shape=rectangle]
trained_by [label="trained by"]
"M00se" -- trained_by
trained_by -- tutte
>>> dot.view('test-output/m00se.gv') # doctest: +SKIP
from . import backend
from . import files
from . import lang
__all__ = ['Graph', 'Digraph']
class Dot(files.File):
"""Assemble, save, and render DOT source code, open result in viewer."""
_comment = '// %s'
_subgraph = 'subgraph %s{'
_subgraph_plain = '%s{'
_node = _attr = '\t%s%s'
_attr_plain = _attr % ('%s', '')
_tail = '}'
_quote = staticmethod(lang.quote)
_quote_edge = staticmethod(lang.quote_edge)
_a_list = staticmethod(lang.a_list)
_attr_list = staticmethod(lang.attr_list)
def __init__(self, name=None, comment=None,
filename=None, directory=None,
format=None, engine=None, encoding=backend.ENCODING,
graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None,
strict=False): = name
self.comment = comment
super(Dot, self).__init__(filename, directory, format, engine, encoding)
self.graph_attr = dict(graph_attr) if graph_attr is not None else {}
self.node_attr = dict(node_attr) if node_attr is not None else {}
self.edge_attr = dict(edge_attr) if edge_attr is not None else {}
self.body = list(body) if body is not None else []
self.strict = strict
def _kwargs(self):
result = super(Dot, self)._kwargs()
return result
def clear(self, keep_attrs=False):
"""Reset content to an empty body, clear graph/node/egde_attr mappings.
keep_attrs (bool): preserve graph/node/egde_attr mappings
if not keep_attrs:
for a in (self.graph_attr, self.node_attr, self.edge_attr):
del self.body[:]
def __iter__(self, subgraph=False):
"""Yield the DOT source code line by line (as graph or subgraph)."""
if self.comment:
yield self._comment % self.comment
if subgraph:
if self.strict:
raise ValueError('subgraphs cannot be strict')
head = self._subgraph if else self._subgraph_plain
head = self._head_strict if self.strict else self._head
yield head % (self._quote( + ' ' if else '')
for kw in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'):
attrs = getattr(self, '%s_attr' % kw)
if attrs:
yield self._attr % (kw, self._attr_list(None, attrs))
for line in self.body:
yield line
yield self._tail
def source(self):
"""The DOT source code as string."""
return '\n'.join(self)
def node(self, name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs):
"""Create a node.
name: Unique identifier for the node inside the source.
label: Caption to be displayed (defaults to the node ``name``).
attrs: Any additional node attributes (must be strings).
name = self._quote(name)
attr_list = self._attr_list(label, attrs, _attributes)
line = self._node % (name, attr_list)
def edge(self, tail_name, head_name, label=None, _attributes=None, **attrs):
"""Create an edge between two nodes.
tail_name: Start node identifier (format: ``node[:port[:compass]]``).
head_name: End node identifier (format: ``node[:port[:compass]]``).
label: Caption to be displayed near the edge.
attrs: Any additional edge attributes (must be strings).
The ``tail_name`` and ``head_name`` strings are separated by
(optional) colon(s) into ``node`` name, ``port`` name, and
``compass`` (e.g. ``sw``).
See :ref:`details in the User Guide <ports>`.
tail_name = self._quote_edge(tail_name)
head_name = self._quote_edge(head_name)
attr_list = self._attr_list(label, attrs, _attributes)
line = self._edge % (tail_name, head_name, attr_list)
def edges(self, tail_head_iter):
"""Create a bunch of edges.
tail_head_iter: Iterable of ``(tail_name, head_name)`` pairs
The ``tail_name`` and ``head_name`` strings are separated by
(optional) colon(s) into ``node`` name, ``port`` name, and
``compass`` (e.g. ``sw``).
See :ref:`details in the User Guide <ports>`.
edge = self._edge_plain
quote = self._quote_edge
lines = (edge % (quote(t), quote(h)) for t, h in tail_head_iter)
def attr(self, kw=None, _attributes=None, **attrs):
"""Add a general or graph/node/edge attribute statement.
kw: Attributes target (``None`` or ``'graph'``, ``'node'``, ``'edge'``).
attrs: Attributes to be set (must be strings, may be empty).
See the :ref:`usage examples in the User Guide <attributes>`.
if kw is not None and kw.lower() not in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'):
raise ValueError('attr statement must target graph, node, or edge: '
'%r' % kw)
if attrs or _attributes:
if kw is None:
a_list = self._a_list(None, attrs, _attributes)
line = self._attr_plain % a_list
attr_list = self._attr_list(None, attrs, _attributes)
line = self._attr % (kw, attr_list)
def subgraph(self, graph=None, name=None, comment=None,
graph_attr=None, node_attr=None, edge_attr=None, body=None):
"""Add the current content of the given sole ``graph`` argument as subgraph \
or return a context manager returning a new graph instance created \
with the given (``name``, ``comment``, etc.) arguments whose content is \
added as subgraph when leaving the context manager's ``with``-block.
graph: An instance of the same kind (:class:`.Graph`, :class:`.Digraph`)
as the current graph (sole argument in non-with-block use).
name: Subgraph name (``with``-block use).
comment: Subgraph comment (``with``-block use).
graph_attr: Subgraph-level attribute-value mapping (``with``-block use).
node_attr: Node-level attribute-value mapping (``with``-block use).
edge_attr: Edge-level attribute-value mapping (``with``-block use).
body: Verbatim lines to add to the subgraph ``body`` (``with``-block use).
See the :ref:`usage examples in the User Guide <subgraphs>`.
When used as a context manager, the returned new graph instance uses
``strict=None`` and the parent graph's values for ``directory``,
``format``, ``engine``, and ``encoding`` by default.
If the ``name`` of the subgraph begins with ``'cluster'`` (all lowercase)
the layout engine will treat it as a special cluster subgraph.
if graph is None:
return SubgraphContext(self, {'name': name,
'comment': comment,
'format': self.format,
'engine': self.engine,
'encoding': self.encoding,
'graph_attr': graph_attr,
'node_attr': node_attr,
'edge_attr': edge_attr,
'body': body,
'strict': None})
args = [name, comment, graph_attr, node_attr, edge_attr, body]
if not all(a is None for a in args):
raise ValueError('graph must be sole argument of subgraph()')
if graph.directed != self.directed:
raise ValueError('%r cannot add subgraph of different kind:'
' %r' % (self, graph))
lines = ['\t' + line for line in graph.__iter__(subgraph=True)]
class SubgraphContext(object):
"""Return a blank instance of the parent and add as subgraph on exit."""
def __init__(self, parent, kwargs):
self.parent = parent
self.graph = parent.__class__(**kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
return self.graph
def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
if type_ is None:
class Graph(Dot):
"""Graph source code in the DOT language.
name: Graph name used in the source code.
comment: Comment added to the first line of the source.
filename: Filename for saving the source (defaults to ``name`` + ``'.gv'``).
directory: (Sub)directory for source saving and rendering.
format: Rendering output format (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
engine: Layout command used (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
encoding: Encoding for saving the source.
graph_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs for the graph.
node_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs set for all nodes.
edge_attr: Mapping of ``(attribute, value)`` pairs set for all edges.
body: Iterable of verbatim lines to add to the graph ``body``.
strict (bool): Rendering should merge multi-edges.
All parameters are `optional` and can be changed under their
corresponding attribute name after instance creation.
_head = 'graph %s{'
_head_strict = 'strict %s' % _head
_edge = '\t%s -- %s%s'
_edge_plain = _edge % ('%s', '%s', '')
def directed(self):
return False
class Digraph(Dot):
"""Directed graph source code in the DOT language."""
if Graph.__doc__ is not None:
__doc__ += Graph.__doc__.partition('.')[2]
_head = 'digraph %s{'
_head_strict = 'strict %s' % _head
_edge = '\t%s -> %s%s'
_edge_plain = _edge % ('%s', '%s', '')
def directed(self):
return True