2021-06-01 17:38:31 +02:00

77 lines
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from .._shared.utils import check_shape_equality
from ._contingency_table import contingency_table
__all__ = ['adapted_rand_error']
def adapted_rand_error(image_true=None, image_test=None, *, table=None,
r"""Compute Adapted Rand error as defined by the SNEMI3D contest. [1]_
image_true : ndarray of int
Ground-truth label image, same shape as im_test.
image_test : ndarray of int
Test image.
table : scipy.sparse array in crs format, optional
A contingency table built with skimage.evaluate.contingency_table.
If None, it will be computed on the fly.
ignore_labels : sequence of int, optional
Labels to ignore. Any part of the true image labeled with any of these
values will not be counted in the score.
are : float
The adapted Rand error; equal to :math:`1 - \frac{2pr}{p + r}`,
where ``p`` and ``r`` are the precision and recall described below.
prec : float
The adapted Rand precision: this is the number of pairs of pixels that
have the same label in the test label image *and* in the true image,
divided by the number in the test image.
rec : float
The adapted Rand recall: this is the number of pairs of pixels that
have the same label in the test label image *and* in the true image,
divided by the number in the true image.
Pixels with label 0 in the true segmentation are ignored in the score.
.. [1] Arganda-Carreras I, Turaga SC, Berger DR, et al. (2015)
Crowdsourcing the creation of image segmentation algorithms
for connectomics. Front. Neuroanat. 9:142.
if image_test is not None and image_true is not None:
check_shape_equality(image_true, image_test)
if table is None:
p_ij = contingency_table(image_true, image_test,
ignore_labels=ignore_labels, normalize=False)
p_ij = table
# Sum of the joint distribution squared
sum_p_ij2 = @ - p_ij.sum()
a_i = p_ij.sum(axis=1).A.ravel()
b_i = p_ij.sum(axis=0).A.ravel()
# Sum of squares of the test segment sizes (this is 2x the number of pairs
# of pixels with the same label in im_test)
sum_a2 = a_i @ a_i - a_i.sum()
# Same for im_true
sum_b2 = b_i @ b_i - b_i.sum()
precision = sum_p_ij2 / sum_a2
recall = sum_p_ij2 / sum_b2
fscore = 2. * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
are = 1. - fscore
return are, precision, recall