2021-06-01 17:38:31 +02:00

111 lines
3.8 KiB

import collections
import warnings
import torch._six
import torch.cuda
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union
__all__ = ['all_reduce', 'reduce', 'broadcast', 'all_gather', 'reduce_scatter']
SUM = 0 # ncclRedOp_t
def is_available(tensors):
if not hasattr(torch._C, '_nccl_all_reduce'):
warnings.warn('PyTorch is not compiled with NCCL support')
return False
devices = set()
for tensor in tensors:
if tensor.is_sparse:
return False
if not tensor.is_contiguous():
return False
if not tensor.is_cuda:
return False
device = tensor.get_device()
if device in devices:
return False
return True
def version():
return torch._C._nccl_version()
def unique_id():
return torch._C._nccl_unique_id()
def init_rank(num_ranks, uid, rank):
return torch._C._nccl_init_rank(num_ranks, uid, rank)
def _check_sequence_type(inputs: Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]) -> None:
if not isinstance(inputs, collections.Container) or isinstance(inputs, torch.Tensor):
raise TypeError("Inputs should be a collection of tensors")
def all_reduce(inputs, outputs=None, op=SUM, streams=None, comms=None):
if outputs is None:
outputs = inputs
torch._C._nccl_all_reduce(inputs, outputs, op, streams, comms)
# `output` used to be `outputs`, taking in a list of tensors. So we have two
# arguments for BC reasons.
def reduce(inputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
output: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]] = None,
root: int = 0,
op: int = SUM,
streams: Optional[Sequence[torch.cuda.Stream]] = None,
comms=None, *,
outputs: Optional[Sequence[torch.Tensor]] = None) -> None:
_output: torch.Tensor
if outputs is not None:
if output is not None:
raise ValueError(
"'output' and 'outputs' can not be both specified. 'outputs' is deprecated in "
"favor of 'output', taking in a single output tensor. The signature of reduce is: "
"reduce(inputs, output=None, root=0, op=SUM, streams=None, comms=None).")
"nccl.reduce with an output tensor list is deprecated. "
"Please specify a single output tensor with argument 'output' instead instead.")
_output = outputs[root]
elif not isinstance(output, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(output, torch._six.container_abcs.Sequence):
# User called old API with positional arguments of list of output tensors.
"nccl.reduce with an output tensor list is deprecated. "
"Please specify a single output tensor.")
_output = output[root]
_output = inputs[root] if output is None else output
torch._C._nccl_reduce(inputs, _output, root, op, streams, comms)
def broadcast(inputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor], root: int = 0, streams=None, comms=None) -> None:
torch._C._nccl_broadcast(inputs, root, streams, comms)
def all_gather(inputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor], outputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor], streams=None, comms=None) -> None:
torch._C._nccl_all_gather(inputs, outputs, streams, comms)
def reduce_scatter(inputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
outputs: Sequence[torch.Tensor],
op: int = SUM,
streams=None, comms=None) -> None:
torch._C._nccl_reduce_scatter(inputs, outputs, op, streams, comms)