2021-06-01 17:38:31 +02:00

147 lines
6.1 KiB

from pickle import Pickler, whichmodule, _Pickler, _getattribute, _extension_registry, _compat_pickle # type: ignore
from pickle import GLOBAL, STACK_GLOBAL, EXT1, EXT2, EXT4, PicklingError
from types import FunctionType
from struct import pack
from ._mangling import demangle, is_mangled, get_mangle_prefix
import importlib
class CustomImportPickler(_Pickler):
dispatch = _Pickler.dispatch.copy()
def __init__(self, import_module, *args, **kwargs):
self.import_module = import_module
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def save_global(self, obj, name=None):
# unfortunately the pickler code is factored in a way that
# forces us to copy/paste this function. The only change is marked
# CHANGED below.
write = self.write
memo = self.memo
if name is None:
name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', None)
if name is None:
name = obj.__name__
orig_module_name = whichmodule(obj, name)
# CHANGED: demangle the module name before importing. If this obj came
# out of a PackageImporter, `__module__` will be mangled. See
# for details.
module_name = demangle(orig_module_name)
# CHANGED: self.import_module rather than
# __import__
module = self.import_module(module_name)
obj2, parent = _getattribute(module, name)
except (ImportError, KeyError, AttributeError):
raise PicklingError(
"Can't pickle %r: it's not found as %s.%s" %
(obj, module_name, name)) from None
if obj2 is not obj:
# CHANGED: More specific error message in the case of mangling.
obj_module_name = getattr(obj, "__module__", orig_module_name)
obj2_module_name = getattr(obj2, "__module__", orig_module_name)
msg = f"Can't pickle {obj}: it's not the same object as {obj2_module_name}.{name}."
is_obj_mangled = is_mangled(obj_module_name)
is_obj2_mangled = is_mangled(obj2_module_name)
if is_obj_mangled or is_obj2_mangled:
obj_location = (
if is_obj_mangled
else "the current Python environment"
obj2_location = (
if is_obj2_mangled
else "the current Python environment"
obj_importer_name = (
f"the importer for {get_mangle_prefix(obj_module_name)}"
if is_obj_mangled
else "'importlib.import_module'"
obj2_importer_name = (
f"the importer for {get_mangle_prefix(obj2_module_name)}"
if is_obj2_mangled
else "'importlib.import_module'"
msg += (f"\n\nThe object being pickled is from '{orig_module_name}', "
f"which is coming from {obj_location}."
f"\nHowever, when we import '{orig_module_name}', it's coming from {obj2_location}."
"\nTo fix this, make sure 'PackageExporter.importers' lists "
f"{obj_importer_name} before {obj2_importer_name}")
raise PicklingError(msg)
if self.proto >= 2:
code = _extension_registry.get((module_name, name))
if code:
assert code > 0
if code <= 0xff:
write(EXT1 + pack("<B", code))
elif code <= 0xffff:
write(EXT2 + pack("<H", code))
write(EXT4 + pack("<i", code))
lastname = name.rpartition('.')[2]
if parent is module:
name = lastname
# Non-ASCII identifiers are supported only with protocols >= 3.
if self.proto >= 4:
elif parent is not module:
self.save_reduce(getattr, (parent, lastname))
elif self.proto >= 3:
write(GLOBAL + bytes(module_name, "utf-8") + b'\n' +
bytes(name, "utf-8") + b'\n')
if self.fix_imports:
r_name_mapping = _compat_pickle.REVERSE_NAME_MAPPING
r_import_mapping = _compat_pickle.REVERSE_IMPORT_MAPPING
if (module_name, name) in r_name_mapping:
module_name, name = r_name_mapping[(module_name, name)]
elif module_name in r_import_mapping:
module_name = r_import_mapping[module_name]
write(GLOBAL + bytes(module_name, "ascii") + b'\n' +
bytes(name, "ascii") + b'\n')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise PicklingError(
"can't pickle global identifier '%s.%s' using "
"pickle protocol %i" % (module, name, self.proto)) from None
dispatch[FunctionType] = save_global
def import_module_from_importers(module_name, importers):
last_err = None
for import_module in importers:
return import_module(module_name)
except ModuleNotFoundError as err:
last_err = err
if last_err is not None:
raise last_err
raise ModuleNotFoundError(module_name)
def create_custom_import_pickler(data_buf, importers):
if importers == [importlib.import_module]:
# if we are using the normal import library system, then
# we can use the C implementation of pickle which is faster
return Pickler(data_buf, protocol=3)
return CustomImportPickler(lambda mod: import_module_from_importers(mod, importers),
data_buf, protocol=3)