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377 lines
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# backend.py - execute rendering, open files in viewer
import errno
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
from . import _compat
from . import tools
__all__ = ['render', 'pipe', 'unflatten', 'version', 'view',
'ExecutableNotFound', 'RequiredArgumentError']
ENGINES = { # http://www.graphviz.org/pdf/dot.1.pdf
'dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp', 'sfdp', 'patchwork', 'osage',
FORMATS = { # http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html
'canon', 'dot', 'gv', 'xdot', 'xdot1.2', 'xdot1.4',
'gd', 'gd2',
'imap', 'cmapx',
'imap_np', 'cmapx_np',
'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe',
'json', 'json0', 'dot_json', 'xdot_json', # Graphviz 2.40
'pct', 'pict',
'plain', 'plain-ext',
'svg', 'svgz',
'tif', 'tiff',
'vml', 'vmlz',
RENDERERS = { # $ dot -T:
FORMATTERS = {'cairo', 'core', 'gd', 'gdiplus', 'gdwbmp', 'xlib'}
ENCODING = 'utf-8'
PLATFORM = platform.system().lower()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ExecutableNotFound(RuntimeError):
"""Exception raised if the Graphviz executable is not found."""
_msg = ('failed to execute %r, '
'make sure the Graphviz executables are on your systems\' PATH')
def __init__(self, args):
super(ExecutableNotFound, self).__init__(self._msg % args)
class RequiredArgumentError(Exception):
"""Exception raised if a required argument is missing."""
class CalledProcessError(_compat.CalledProcessError):
def __str__(self):
s = super(CalledProcessError, self).__str__()
return '%s [stderr: %r]' % (s, self.stderr)
def command(engine, format_, filepath=None, renderer=None, formatter=None):
"""Return args list for ``subprocess.Popen`` and name of the rendered file."""
if formatter is not None and renderer is None:
raise RequiredArgumentError('formatter given without renderer')
if engine not in ENGINES:
raise ValueError('unknown engine: %r' % engine)
if format_ not in FORMATS:
raise ValueError('unknown format: %r' % format_)
if renderer is not None and renderer not in RENDERERS:
raise ValueError('unknown renderer: %r' % renderer)
if formatter is not None and formatter not in FORMATTERS:
raise ValueError('unknown formatter: %r' % formatter)
output_format = [f for f in (format_, renderer, formatter) if f is not None]
cmd = ['dot', '-K%s' % engine, '-T%s' % ':'.join(output_format)]
if filepath is None:
rendered = None
cmd.extend(['-O', filepath])
suffix = '.'.join(reversed(output_format))
rendered = '%s.%s' % (filepath, suffix)
return cmd, rendered
if PLATFORM == 'windows': # pragma: no cover
def get_startupinfo():
"""Return subprocess.STARTUPINFO instance hiding the console window."""
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
return startupinfo
def get_startupinfo():
"""Return None for startupinfo argument of ``subprocess.Popen``."""
return None
def run(cmd, input=None, capture_output=False, check=False, encoding=None,
quiet=False, **kwargs):
"""Run the command described by cmd and return its (stdout, stderr) tuple."""
log.debug('run %r', cmd)
if input is not None:
kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
if encoding is not None:
input = input.encode(encoding)
if capture_output:
kwargs['stdout'] = kwargs['stderr'] = subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, startupinfo=get_startupinfo(), **kwargs)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise ExecutableNotFound(cmd)
out, err = proc.communicate(input)
if not quiet and err:
_compat.stderr_write_bytes(err, flush=True)
if encoding is not None:
if out is not None:
out = out.decode(encoding)
if err is not None:
err = err.decode(encoding)
if check and proc.returncode:
raise CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd,
output=out, stderr=err)
return out, err
def render(engine, format, filepath, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False):
"""Render file with Graphviz ``engine`` into ``format``, return result filename.
engine: The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
format: The output format used for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
filepath: Path to the DOT source file to render.
renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file.
ValueError: If ``engine``, ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
The layout command is started from the directory of ``filepath``, so that
references to external files (e.g. ``[image=...]``) can be given as paths
relative to the DOT source file.
dirname, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
del filepath
cmd, rendered = command(engine, format, filename, renderer, formatter)
if dirname:
cwd = dirname
rendered = os.path.join(dirname, rendered)
cwd = None
run(cmd, capture_output=True, cwd=cwd, check=True, quiet=quiet)
return rendered
def pipe(engine, format, data, renderer=None, formatter=None, quiet=False):
"""Return ``data`` piped through Graphviz ``engine`` into ``format``.
engine: The layout commmand used for rendering (``'dot'``, ``'neato'``, ...).
format: The output format used for rendering (``'pdf'``, ``'png'``, ...).
data: The binary (encoded) DOT source string to render.
renderer: The output renderer used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
formatter: The output formatter used for rendering (``'cairo'``, ``'gd'``, ...).
quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the layout subprocess.
Binary (encoded) stdout of the layout command.
ValueError: If ``engine``, ``format``, ``renderer``, or ``formatter`` are not known.
graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``formatter`` is given but ``renderer`` is None.
graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
cmd, _ = command(engine, format, None, renderer, formatter)
out, _ = run(cmd, input=data, capture_output=True, check=True, quiet=quiet)
return out
def unflatten(source,
stagger=None, fanout=False, chain=None,
"""Return DOT ``source`` piped through Graphviz *unflatten* preprocessor.
source (str): The DOT source to process (improve layout aspect ratio).
stagger (int): Stagger the minimum length of leaf edges between 1 and this small integer.
fanout (bool): Fanout nodes with indegree = outdegree = 1 when staggering (requires ``stagger``).
chain (int): Form disconnected nodes into chains of up to this many nodes.
encoding: Encoding used to encode unflatten stdin and decode its stdout.
str: Decoded stdout of the Graphviz unflatten command.
graphviz.RequiredArgumentError: If ``fanout`` is given but ``stagger`` is None.
graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz unflatten executable is not found.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
See also:
if fanout and stagger is None:
raise RequiredArgumentError('fanout given without stagger')
cmd = ['unflatten']
if stagger is not None:
cmd += ['-l', str(stagger)]
if fanout:
if chain is not None:
cmd += ['-c', str(chain)]
out, _ = run(cmd, input=source, capture_output=True, encoding=encoding)
return out
def version():
"""Return the version number tuple from the ``stderr`` output of ``dot -V``.
Two, three, or four ``int`` version ``tuple``.
graphviz.ExecutableNotFound: If the Graphviz executable is not found.
subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the exit status is non-zero.
RuntimmeError: If the output cannot be parsed into a version number.
Ignores the ``~dev.<YYYYmmdd.HHMM>`` portion of development versions.
See also:
Graphviz Release version entry format
cmd = ['dot', '-V']
out, _ = run(cmd, check=True, encoding='ascii',
ma = re.search(r'graphviz version'
r' '
r' ', out)
if ma is None:
raise RuntimeError('cannot parse %r output: %r' % (cmd, out))
return tuple(int(d) for d in ma.groups() if d is not None)
def view(filepath, quiet=False):
"""Open filepath with its default viewing application (platform-specific).
filepath: Path to the file to open in viewer.
quiet (bool): Suppress ``stderr`` output from the viewer process
(ineffective on Windows).
RuntimeError: If the current platform is not supported.
There is no option to wait for the application to close, and no way
to retrieve the application's exit status.
view_func = getattr(view, PLATFORM)
except AttributeError:
raise RuntimeError('platform %r not supported' % PLATFORM)
view_func(filepath, quiet)
@tools.attach(view, 'darwin')
def view_darwin(filepath, quiet):
"""Open filepath with its default application (mac)."""
cmd = ['open', filepath]
log.debug('view: %r', cmd)
popen_func = _compat.Popen_stderr_devnull if quiet else subprocess.Popen
@tools.attach(view, 'linux')
@tools.attach(view, 'freebsd')
def view_unixoid(filepath, quiet):
"""Open filepath in the user's preferred application (linux, freebsd)."""
cmd = ['xdg-open', filepath]
log.debug('view: %r', cmd)
popen_func = _compat.Popen_stderr_devnull if quiet else subprocess.Popen
@tools.attach(view, 'windows')
def view_windows(filepath, quiet):
"""Start filepath with its associated application (windows)."""
# TODO: implement quiet=True
filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath)
log.debug('view: %r', filepath)