2021-06-01 17:38:31 +02:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is distributed under the terms of the 2-clause BSD License.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Almar Klein
Python implementation of the Binary Structured Data Format (BSDF).
BSDF is a binary format for serializing structured (scientific) data.
See for more information.
This is the reference implementation, which is relatively relatively
sophisticated, providing e.g. lazy loading of blobs and streamed
reading/writing. A simpler Python implementation is available as
This module has no dependencies and works on Python 2.7 and 3.4+.
Note: on Legacy Python (Python 2.7), non-Unicode strings are encoded as bytes.
# todo: in 2020, remove six stuff, __future__ and _isidentifier
# todo: in 2020, remove 'utf-8' args to encode/decode; it's faster
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import bz2
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import types
import zlib
from io import BytesIO
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Notes on versioning: the major and minor numbers correspond to the
# BSDF format version. The major number if increased when backward
# incompatible changes are introduced. An implementation must raise an
# exception when the file being read has a higher major version. The
# minor number is increased when new backward compatible features are
# introduced. An implementation must display a warning when the file
# being read has a higher minor version. The patch version is increased
# for subsequent releases of the implementation.
VERSION = 2, 1, 2
__version__ = ".".join(str(i) for i in VERSION)
# %% The encoder and decoder implementation
# From
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if PY3:
text_type = str
string_types = str
unicode_types = str
integer_types = int
classtypes = type
else: # pragma: no cover
logging.basicConfig() # avoid "no handlers found" error
text_type = unicode # noqa
string_types = basestring # noqa
unicode_types = unicode # noqa
integer_types = (int, long) # noqa
classtypes = type, types.ClassType
# Shorthands
spack = struct.pack
strunpack = struct.unpack
def lencode(x):
""" Encode an unsigned integer into a variable sized blob of bytes.
# We could support 16 bit and 32 bit as well, but the gain is low, since
# 9 bytes for collections with over 250 elements is marginal anyway.
if x <= 250:
return spack("<B", x)
# elif x < 65536:
# return spack('<BH', 251, x)
# elif x < 4294967296:
# return spack('<BI', 252, x)
return spack("<BQ", 253, x)
# Include len decoder for completeness; we've inlined it for performance.
def lendecode(f):
""" Decode an unsigned integer from a file.
n = strunpack("<B",[0]
if n == 253:
n = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
return n
def encode_type_id(b, ext_id):
""" Encode the type identifier, with or without extension id.
if ext_id is not None:
bb = ext_id.encode("UTF-8")
return b.upper() + lencode(len(bb)) + bb # noqa
return b # noqa
def _isidentifier(s): # pragma: no cover
""" Use of str.isidentifier() for Legacy Python, but slower.
return (
isinstance(s, string_types)
and re.match(r"^\w+$", s, re.UNICODE)
and re.match(r"^[0-9]", s) is None
class BsdfSerializer(object):
""" Instances of this class represent a BSDF encoder/decoder.
It acts as a placeholder for a set of extensions and encoding/decoding
options. Use this to predefine extensions and options for high
performance encoding/decoding. For general use, see the functions
`save()`, `encode()`, `load()`, and `decode()`.
This implementation of BSDF supports streaming lists (keep adding
to a list after writing the main file), lazy loading of blobs, and
in-place editing of blobs (for streams opened with a+).
Options for encoding:
* compression (int or str): ``0`` or "no" for no compression (default),
``1`` or "zlib" for Zlib compression (same as zip files and PNG), and
``2`` or "bz2" for Bz2 compression (more compact but slower writing).
Note that some BSDF implementations (e.g. JavaScript) may not support
* use_checksum (bool): whether to include a checksum with binary blobs.
* float64 (bool): Whether to write floats as 64 bit (default) or 32 bit.
Options for decoding:
* load_streaming (bool): if True, and the final object in the structure was
a stream, will make it available as a stream in the decoded object.
* lazy_blob (bool): if True, bytes are represented as Blob objects that can
be used to lazily access the data, and also overwrite the data if the
file is open in a+ mode.
def __init__(self, extensions=None, **options):
self._extensions = {} # name -> extension
self._extensions_by_cls = {} # cls -> (name, extension.encode)
if extensions is None:
extensions = standard_extensions
for extension in extensions:
def _parse_options(
# Validate compression
if isinstance(compression, string_types):
m = {"no": 0, "zlib": 1, "bz2": 2}
compression = m.get(compression.lower(), compression)
if compression not in (0, 1, 2):
raise TypeError("Compression must be 0, 1, 2, " '"no", "zlib", or "bz2"')
self._compression = compression
# Other encoding args
self._use_checksum = bool(use_checksum)
self._float64 = bool(float64)
# Decoding args
self._load_streaming = bool(load_streaming)
self._lazy_blob = bool(lazy_blob)
def add_extension(self, extension_class):
""" Add an extension to this serializer instance, which must be
a subclass of Extension. Can be used as a decorator.
# Check class
if not (
isinstance(extension_class, type) and issubclass(extension_class, Extension)
raise TypeError("add_extension() expects a Extension class.")
extension = extension_class()
# Get name
name =
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Extension name must be str.")
if len(name) == 0 or len(name) > 250:
raise NameError(
"Extension names must be nonempty and shorter " "than 251 chars."
if name in self._extensions:
'BSDF warning: overwriting extension "%s", '
"consider removing first" % name
# Get classes
cls = extension.cls
if not cls:
clss = []
elif isinstance(cls, (tuple, list)):
clss = cls
clss = [cls]
for cls in clss:
if not isinstance(cls, classtypes):
raise TypeError("Extension classes must be types.")
# Store
for cls in clss:
self._extensions_by_cls[cls] = name, extension.encode
self._extensions[name] = extension
return extension_class
def remove_extension(self, name):
""" Remove a converted by its unique name.
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Extension name must be str.")
if name in self._extensions:
for cls in list(self._extensions_by_cls.keys()):
if self._extensions_by_cls[cls][0] == name:
def _encode(self, f, value, streams, ext_id):
""" Main encoder function.
x = encode_type_id
if value is None:
f.write(x(b"v", ext_id)) # V for void
elif value is True:
f.write(x(b"y", ext_id)) # Y for yes
elif value is False:
f.write(x(b"n", ext_id)) # N for no
elif isinstance(value, integer_types):
if -32768 <= value <= 32767:
f.write(x(b"h", ext_id) + spack("h", value)) # H for ...
f.write(x(b"i", ext_id) + spack("<q", value)) # I for int
elif isinstance(value, float):
if self._float64:
f.write(x(b"d", ext_id) + spack("<d", value)) # D for double
f.write(x(b"f", ext_id) + spack("<f", value)) # f for float
elif isinstance(value, unicode_types):
bb = value.encode("UTF-8")
f.write(x(b"s", ext_id) + lencode(len(bb))) # S for str
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
f.write(x(b"l", ext_id) + lencode(len(value))) # L for list
for v in value:
self._encode(f, v, streams, None)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
f.write(x(b"m", ext_id) + lencode(len(value))) # M for mapping
for key, v in value.items():
if PY3:
assert key.isidentifier() # faster
else: # pragma: no cover
assert _isidentifier(key)
# yield ' ' * indent + key
name_b = key.encode("UTF-8")
self._encode(f, v, streams, None)
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
f.write(x(b"b", ext_id)) # B for blob
blob = Blob(
value, compression=self._compression, use_checksum=self._use_checksum
blob._to_file(f) # noqa
elif isinstance(value, Blob):
f.write(x(b"b", ext_id)) # B for blob
value._to_file(f) # noqa
elif isinstance(value, BaseStream):
# Initialize the stream
if value.mode != "w":
raise ValueError("Cannot serialize a read-mode stream.")
elif isinstance(value, ListStream):
f.write(x(b"l", ext_id) + spack("<BQ", 255, 0)) # L for list
raise TypeError("Only ListStream is supported")
# Mark this as *the* stream, and activate the stream.
# The save() function verifies this is the last written object.
if len(streams) > 0:
raise ValueError("Can only have one stream per file.")
value._activate(f, self._encode, self._decode) # noqa
if ext_id is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Extension %s wronfully encodes object to another "
"extension object (though it may encode to a list/dict "
"that contains other extension objects)." % ext_id
# Try if the value is of a type we know
ex = self._extensions_by_cls.get(value.__class__, None)
# Maybe its a subclass of a type we know
if ex is None:
for name, c in self._extensions.items():
if c.match(self, value):
ex = name, c.encode
ex = None
# Success or fail
if ex is not None:
ext_id2, extension_encode = ex
self._encode(f, extension_encode(self, value), streams, ext_id2)
t = (
"Class %r is not a valid base BSDF type, nor is it "
"handled by an extension."
raise TypeError(t % value.__class__.__name__)
def _decode(self, f):
""" Main decoder function.
# Get value
char =
c = char.lower()
# Conversion (uppercase value identifiers signify converted values)
if not char:
raise EOFError()
elif char != c:
n = strunpack("<B",[0]
# if n == 253: n = strunpack('<Q',[0] # noqa - noneed
ext_id ="UTF-8")
ext_id = None
if c == b"v":
value = None
elif c == b"y":
value = True
elif c == b"n":
value = False
elif c == b"h":
value = strunpack("<h",[0]
elif c == b"i":
value = strunpack("<q",[0]
elif c == b"f":
value = strunpack("<f",[0]
elif c == b"d":
value = strunpack("<d",[0]
elif c == b"s":
n_s = strunpack("<B",[0]
if n_s == 253:
n_s = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
value ="UTF-8")
elif c == b"l":
n = strunpack("<B",[0]
if n >= 254:
# Streaming
closed = n == 254
n = strunpack("<Q",[0]
if self._load_streaming:
value = ListStream(n if closed else "r")
value._activate(f, self._encode, self._decode) # noqa
elif closed:
value = [self._decode(f) for i in range(n)]
value = []
while True:
except EOFError:
# Normal
if n == 253:
n = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
value = [self._decode(f) for i in range(n)]
elif c == b"m":
value = dict()
n = strunpack("<B",[0]
if n == 253:
n = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
for i in range(n):
n_name = strunpack("<B",[0]
if n_name == 253:
n_name = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
assert n_name > 0
name ="UTF-8")
value[name] = self._decode(f)
elif c == b"b":
if self._lazy_blob:
value = Blob((f, True))
blob = Blob((f, False))
value = blob.get_bytes()
raise RuntimeError("Parse error %r" % char)
# Convert value if we have an extension for it
if ext_id is not None:
extension = self._extensions.get(ext_id, None)
if extension is not None:
value = extension.decode(self, value)
logger.warning("BSDF warning: no extension found for %r" % ext_id)
return value
def encode(self, ob):
""" Save the given object to bytes.
f = BytesIO(), ob)
return f.getvalue()
def save(self, f, ob):
""" Write the given object to the given file object.
f.write(struct.pack("<B", VERSION[0]))
f.write(struct.pack("<B", VERSION[1]))
# Prepare streaming, this list will have 0 or 1 item at the end
streams = []
self._encode(f, ob, streams, None)
# Verify that stream object was at the end, and add initial elements
if len(streams) > 0:
stream = streams[0]
if stream._start_pos != f.tell():
raise ValueError(
"The stream object must be " "the last object to be encoded."
def decode(self, bb):
""" Load the data structure that is BSDF-encoded in the given bytes.
f = BytesIO(bb)
return self.load(f)
def load(self, f):
""" Load a BSDF-encoded object from the given file object.
# Check magic string
f4 =
if f4 != b"BSDF":
raise RuntimeError("This does not look like a BSDF file: %r" % f4)
# Check version
major_version = strunpack("<B",[0]
minor_version = strunpack("<B",[0]
file_version = "%i.%i" % (major_version, minor_version)
if major_version != VERSION[0]: # major version should be 2
t = (
"Reading file with different major version (%s) "
"from the implementation (%s)."
raise RuntimeError(t % (__version__, file_version))
if minor_version > VERSION[1]: # minor should be < ours
t = (
"BSDF warning: reading file with higher minor version (%s) "
"than the implementation (%s)."
logger.warning(t % (__version__, file_version))
return self._decode(f)
# %% Streaming and blob-files
class BaseStream(object):
""" Base class for streams.
def __init__(self, mode="w"):
self._i = 0
self._count = -1
if isinstance(mode, int):
self._count = mode
mode = "r"
elif mode == "w":
self._count = 0
assert mode in ("r", "w")
self._mode = mode
self._f = None
self._start_pos = 0
def _activate(self, file, encode_func, decode_func):
if self._f is not None: # Associated with another write
raise IOError("Stream object cannot be activated twice?")
self._f = file
self._start_pos = self._f.tell()
self._encode = encode_func
self._decode = decode_func
def mode(self):
""" The mode of this stream: 'r' or 'w'.
return self._mode
class ListStream(BaseStream):
""" A streamable list object used for writing or reading.
In read mode, it can also be iterated over.
def count(self):
""" The number of elements in the stream (can be -1 for unclosed
streams in read-mode).
return self._count
def index(self):
""" The current index of the element to read/write.
return self._i
def append(self, item):
""" Append an item to the streaming list. The object is immediately
serialized and written to the underlying file.
# if self._mode != 'w':
# raise IOError('This ListStream is not in write mode.')
if self._count != self._i:
raise IOError("Can only append items to the end of the stream.")
if self._f is None:
raise IOError("List stream is not associated with a file yet.")
if self._f.closed:
raise IOError("Cannot stream to a close file.")
self._encode(self._f, item, [self], None)
self._i += 1
self._count += 1
def close(self, unstream=False):
""" Close the stream, marking the number of written elements. New
elements may still be appended, but they won't be read during decoding.
If ``unstream`` is False, the stream is turned into a regular list
(not streaming).
# if self._mode != 'w':
# raise IOError('This ListStream is not in write mode.')
if self._count != self._i:
raise IOError("Can only close when at the end of the stream.")
if self._f is None:
raise IOError("ListStream is not associated with a file yet.")
if self._f.closed:
raise IOError("Cannot close a stream on a close file.")
i = self._f.tell() - 8 - 1)
self._f.write(spack("<B", 253 if unstream else 254))
self._f.write(spack("<Q", self._count))
def next(self):
""" Read and return the next element in the streaming list.
Raises StopIteration if the stream is exhausted.
if self._mode != "r":
raise IOError("This ListStream in not in read mode.")
if self._f is None:
raise IOError("ListStream is not associated with a file yet.")
if getattr(self._f, "closed", None): # not present on 2.7 http req :/
raise IOError("Cannot read a stream from a close file.")
if self._count >= 0:
if self._i >= self._count:
raise StopIteration()
self._i += 1
return self._decode(self._f)
# This raises EOFError at some point.
res = self._decode(self._f)
self._i += 1
return res
except EOFError:
self._count = self._i
raise StopIteration()
def __iter__(self):
if self._mode != "r":
raise IOError("Cannot iterate: ListStream in not in read mode.")
return self
def __next__(self):
class Blob(object):
""" Object to represent a blob of bytes. When used to write a BSDF file,
it's a wrapper for bytes plus properties such as what compression to apply.
When used to read a BSDF file, it can be used to read the data lazily, and
also modify the data if reading in 'r+' mode and the blob isn't compressed.
# For now, this does not allow re-sizing blobs (within the allocated size)
# but this can be added later.
def __init__(self, bb, compression=0, extra_size=0, use_checksum=False):
if isinstance(bb, bytes):
self._f = None
self.compressed = self._from_bytes(bb, compression)
self.compression = compression
self.allocated_size = self.used_size + extra_size
self.use_checksum = use_checksum
elif isinstance(bb, tuple) and len(bb) == 2 and hasattr(bb[0], "read"):
self._f, allow_seek = bb
self.compressed = None
self._from_file(self._f, allow_seek)
self._modified = False
raise TypeError("Wrong argument to create Blob.")
def _from_bytes(self, value, compression):
""" When used to wrap bytes in a blob.
if compression == 0:
compressed = value
elif compression == 1:
compressed = zlib.compress(value, 9)
elif compression == 2:
compressed = bz2.compress(value, 9)
else: # pragma: no cover
assert False, "Unknown compression identifier"
self.data_size = len(value)
self.used_size = len(compressed)
return compressed
def _to_file(self, f):
""" Private friend method called by encoder to write a blob to a file.
# Write sizes - write at least in a size that allows resizing
if self.allocated_size <= 250 and self.compression == 0:
f.write(spack("<B", self.allocated_size))
f.write(spack("<B", self.used_size))
f.write(spack("<BQ", 253, self.allocated_size))
f.write(spack("<BQ", 253, self.used_size))
f.write(spack("<BQ", 253, self.data_size))
# Compression and checksum
f.write(spack("B", self.compression))
if self.use_checksum:
f.write(b"\xff" + hashlib.md5(self.compressed).digest())
# Byte alignment (only necessary for uncompressed data)
if self.compression == 0:
alignment = 8 - (f.tell() + 1) % 8 # +1 for the byte to write
f.write(spack("<B", alignment)) # padding for byte alignment
f.write(b"\x00" * alignment)
f.write(spack("<B", 0))
# The actual data and extra space
f.write(b"\x00" * (self.allocated_size - self.used_size))
def _from_file(self, f, allow_seek):
""" Used when a blob is read by the decoder.
# Read blob header data (5 to 42 bytes)
# Size
allocated_size = strunpack("<B",[0]
if allocated_size == 253:
allocated_size = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
used_size = strunpack("<B",[0]
if used_size == 253:
used_size = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
data_size = strunpack("<B",[0]
if data_size == 253:
data_size = strunpack("<Q",[0] # noqa
# Compression and checksum
compression = strunpack("<B",[0]
has_checksum = strunpack("<B",[0]
if has_checksum:
checksum =
# Skip alignment
alignment = strunpack("<B",[0]
# Get or skip data + extra space
if allow_seek:
self.start_pos = f.tell()
self.end_pos = self.start_pos + used_size + allocated_size)
self.start_pos = None
self.end_pos = None
self.compressed = - used_size)
# Store info
self.alignment = alignment
self.compression = compression
self.use_checksum = checksum if has_checksum else None
self.used_size = used_size
self.allocated_size = allocated_size
self.data_size = data_size
def seek(self, p):
""" Seek to the given position (relative to the blob start).
if self._f is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot seek in a blob " "that is not created by the BSDF decoder."
if p < 0:
p = self.allocated_size + p
if p < 0 or p > self.allocated_size:
raise IOError("Seek beyond blob boundaries.") + p)
def tell(self):
""" Get the current file pointer position (relative to the blob start).
if self._f is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot tell in a blob " "that is not created by the BSDF decoder."
return self._f.tell() - self.start_pos
def write(self, bb):
""" Write bytes to the blob.
if self._f is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot write in a blob " "that is not created by the BSDF decoder."
if self.compression:
raise IOError("Cannot arbitrarily write in compressed blob.")
if self._f.tell() + len(bb) > self.end_pos:
raise IOError("Write beyond blob boundaries.")
self._modified = True
return self._f.write(bb)
def read(self, n):
""" Read n bytes from the blob.
if self._f is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot read in a blob " "that is not created by the BSDF decoder."
if self.compression:
raise IOError("Cannot arbitrarily read in compressed blob.")
if self._f.tell() + n > self.end_pos:
raise IOError("Read beyond blob boundaries.")
def get_bytes(self):
""" Get the contents of the blob as bytes.
if self.compressed is not None:
compressed = self.compressed
i = self._f.tell()
compressed =
if self.compression == 0:
value = compressed
elif self.compression == 1:
value = zlib.decompress(compressed)
elif self.compression == 2:
value = bz2.decompress(compressed)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("Invalid compression %i" % self.compression)
return value
def update_checksum(self):
""" Reset the blob's checksum if present. Call this after modifying
the data.
# or ... should the presence of a checksum mean that data is proteced?
if self.use_checksum and self._modified:
compressed = - self.alignment - 1 - 16)
# %% High-level functions
def encode(ob, extensions=None, **options):
""" Save (BSDF-encode) the given object to bytes.
See `BSDFSerializer` for details on extensions and options.
s = BsdfSerializer(extensions, **options)
return s.encode(ob)
def save(f, ob, extensions=None, **options):
""" Save (BSDF-encode) the given object to the given filename or
file object. See` BSDFSerializer` for details on extensions and options.
s = BsdfSerializer(extensions, **options)
if isinstance(f, string_types):
with open(f, "wb") as fp:
return, ob)
return, ob)
def decode(bb, extensions=None, **options):
""" Load a (BSDF-encoded) structure from bytes.
See `BSDFSerializer` for details on extensions and options.
s = BsdfSerializer(extensions, **options)
return s.decode(bb)
def load(f, extensions=None, **options):
""" Load a (BSDF-encoded) structure from the given filename or file object.
See `BSDFSerializer` for details on extensions and options.
s = BsdfSerializer(extensions, **options)
if isinstance(f, string_types):
if f.startswith(("~/", "~\\")): # pragma: no cover
f = os.path.expanduser(f)
with open(f, "rb") as fp:
return s.load(fp)
return s.load(f)
# Aliases for json compat
loads = decode
dumps = encode
# %% Standard extensions
# Defining extensions as a dict would be more compact and feel lighter, but
# that would only allow lambdas, which is too limiting, e.g. for ndarray
# extension.
class Extension(object):
""" Base class to implement BSDF extensions for special data types.
Extension classes are provided to the BSDF serializer, which
instantiates the class. That way, the extension can be somewhat dynamic:
e.g. the NDArrayExtension exposes the ndarray class only when numpy
is imported.
A extension instance must have two attributes. These can be attribiutes of
the class, or of the instance set in ``__init__()``:
* name (str): the name by which encoded values will be identified.
* cls (type): the type (or list of types) to match values with.
This is optional, but it makes the encoder select extensions faster.
Further, it needs 3 methods:
* `match(serializer, value) -> bool`: return whether the extension can
convert the given value. The default is ``isinstance(value, self.cls)``.
* `encode(serializer, value) -> encoded_value`: the function to encode a
value to more basic data types.
* `decode(serializer, encoded_value) -> value`: the function to decode an
encoded value back to its intended representation.
name = ""
cls = ()
def __repr__(self):
return "<BSDF extension %r at 0x%s>" % (, hex(id(self)))
def match(self, s, v):
return isinstance(v, self.cls)
def encode(self, s, v):
raise NotImplementedError()
def decode(self, s, v):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ComplexExtension(Extension):
name = "c"
cls = complex
def encode(self, s, v):
return (v.real, v.imag)
def decode(self, s, v):
return complex(v[0], v[1])
class NDArrayExtension(Extension):
name = "ndarray"
def __init__(self):
if "numpy" in sys.modules:
import numpy as np
self.cls = np.ndarray
def match(self, s, v): # pragma: no cover - e.g. work for nd arrays in JS
return hasattr(v, "shape") and hasattr(v, "dtype") and hasattr(v, "tobytes")
def encode(self, s, v):
return dict(shape=v.shape, dtype=text_type(v.dtype), data=v.tobytes())
def decode(self, s, v):
import numpy as np
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
return v
a = np.frombuffer(v["data"], dtype=v["dtype"])
a.shape = v["shape"]
return a
standard_extensions = [ComplexExtension, NDArrayExtension]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Invoke CLI
import bsdf_cli