2021-05-18 00:21:14 +02:00

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Pytest test running.
This module implements the ``test()`` function for NumPy modules. The usual
boiler plate for doing that is to put the following in the module
```` file::
from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester
test = PytestTester(__name__)
del PytestTester
Warnings filtering and other runtime settings should be dealt with in the
``pytest.ini`` file in the numpy repo root. The behavior of the test depends on
whether or not that file is found as follows:
* ``pytest.ini`` is present (develop mode)
All warnings except those explicitly filtered out are raised as error.
* ``pytest.ini`` is absent (release mode)
DeprecationWarnings and PendingDeprecationWarnings are ignored, other
warnings are passed through.
In practice, tests run from the numpy repo are run in develop mode. That
includes the standard ``python`` invocation.
This module is imported by every numpy subpackage, so lies at the top level to
simplify circular import issues. For the same reason, it contains no numpy
imports at module scope, instead importing numpy within function calls.
import sys
import os
__all__ = ['PytestTester']
def _show_numpy_info():
from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import (
__cpu_features__, __cpu_baseline__, __cpu_dispatch__
import numpy as np
print("NumPy version %s" % np.__version__)
relaxed_strides = np.ones((10, 1), order="C").flags.f_contiguous
print("NumPy relaxed strides checking option:", relaxed_strides)
if len(__cpu_baseline__) == 0 and len(__cpu_dispatch__) == 0:
enabled_features = "nothing enabled"
enabled_features = ' '.join(__cpu_baseline__)
for feature in __cpu_dispatch__:
if __cpu_features__[feature]:
enabled_features += " %s*" % feature
enabled_features += " %s?" % feature
print("NumPy CPU features:", enabled_features)
class PytestTester:
Pytest test runner.
A test function is typically added to a package's like so::
from numpy._pytesttester import PytestTester
test = PytestTester(__name__).test
del PytestTester
Calling this test function finds and runs all tests associated with the
module and all its sub-modules.
module_name : str
Full path to the package to test.
module_name : module name
The name of the module to test.
Unlike the previous ``nose``-based implementation, this class is not
publicly exposed as it performs some ``numpy``-specific warning
def __init__(self, module_name):
self.module_name = module_name
def __call__(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
doctests=False, coverage=False, durations=-1, tests=None):
Run tests for module using pytest.
label : {'fast', 'full'}, optional
Identifies the tests to run. When set to 'fast', tests decorated
with `pytest.mark.slow` are skipped, when 'full', the slow marker
is ignored.
verbose : int, optional
Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-3. Default is 1.
extra_argv : list, optional
List with any extra arguments to pass to pytests.
doctests : bool, optional
.. note:: Not supported
coverage : bool, optional
If True, report coverage of NumPy code. Default is False.
Requires installation of (pip) pytest-cov.
durations : int, optional
If < 0, do nothing, If 0, report time of all tests, if > 0,
report the time of the slowest `timer` tests. Default is -1.
tests : test or list of tests
Tests to be executed with pytest '--pyargs'
result : bool
Return True on success, false otherwise.
Each NumPy module exposes `test` in its namespace to run all tests for
it. For example, to run all tests for numpy.lib:
>>> np.lib.test() #doctest: +SKIP
>>> result = np.lib.test() #doctest: +SKIP
1023 passed, 2 skipped, 6 deselected, 1 xfailed in 10.39 seconds
>>> result
import pytest
import warnings
module = sys.modules[self.module_name]
module_path = os.path.abspath(module.__path__[0])
# setup the pytest arguments
pytest_args = ["-l"]
# offset verbosity. The "-q" cancels a "-v".
pytest_args += ["-q"]
# Filter out distutils cpu warnings (could be localized to
# distutils tests). ASV has problems with top level import,
# so fetch module for suppression here.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
from numpy.distutils import cpuinfo
# Filter out annoying import messages. Want these in both develop and
# release mode.
pytest_args += [
"-W ignore:Not importing directory",
"-W ignore:numpy.dtype size changed",
"-W ignore:numpy.ufunc size changed",
"-W ignore::UserWarning:cpuinfo",
# When testing matrices, ignore their PendingDeprecationWarnings
pytest_args += [
"-W ignore:the matrix subclass is not",
"-W ignore:Importing from numpy.matlib is",
if doctests:
raise ValueError("Doctests not supported")
if extra_argv:
pytest_args += list(extra_argv)
if verbose > 1:
pytest_args += ["-" + "v"*(verbose - 1)]
if coverage:
pytest_args += ["--cov=" + module_path]
if label == "fast":
# not importing at the top level to avoid circular import of module
from numpy.testing import IS_PYPY
pytest_args += ["-m", "not slow and not slow_pypy"]
pytest_args += ["-m", "not slow"]
elif label != "full":
pytest_args += ["-m", label]
if durations >= 0:
pytest_args += ["--durations=%s" % durations]
if tests is None:
tests = [self.module_name]
pytest_args += ["--pyargs"] + list(tests)
# run tests.
code = pytest.main(pytest_args)
except SystemExit as exc:
code = exc.code
return code == 0