2021-03-13 21:16:35 +01:00

89 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
""" pygame.examples.liquid
This example demonstrates a simplish water effect of an
image. It attempts to create a hardware display surface that
can use pageflipping for faster updates. Note that the colormap
from the loaded GIF image is copied to the colormap for the
display surface.
This is based on the demo named F2KWarp by Brad Graham of Freedom2000
done in BlitzBasic. I was just translating the BlitzBasic code to
pygame to compare the results. I didn't bother porting the text and
sound stuff, that's an easy enough challenge for the reader :]
import pygame as pg
import os
from math import sin
import time
main_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
def main():
# initialize and setup screen
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480), pg.HWSURFACE | pg.DOUBLEBUF)
# load image and quadruple
imagename = os.path.join(main_dir, "data", "liquid.bmp")
bitmap = pg.image.load(imagename)
bitmap = pg.transform.scale2x(bitmap)
bitmap = pg.transform.scale2x(bitmap)
# get the image and screen in the same format
if screen.get_bitsize() == 8:
bitmap = bitmap.convert()
# prep some variables
anim = 0.0
# mainloop
xblocks = range(0, 640, 20)
yblocks = range(0, 480, 20)
stopevents = pg.QUIT, pg.KEYDOWN, pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN
while 1:
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type in stopevents:
anim = anim + 0.02
for x in xblocks:
xpos = (x + (sin(anim + x * 0.01) * 15)) + 20
for y in yblocks:
ypos = (y + (sin(anim + y * 0.01) * 15)) + 20
screen.blit(bitmap, (x, y), (xpos, ypos, 20, 20))
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""BTW, here is the code from the BlitzBasic example this was derived
from. i've snipped the sound and text stuff out.
; Load a bmp pic (800x600) and slice it into 1600 squares
Graphics 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; use SIN to move all 1600 squares around to give liquid effect
f=0:w=w+10:If w=360 Then w=0
For y=0 To 599 Step 15
For x = 0 To 799 Step 20
f=f+1:If f=1600 Then f=0
DrawBlock pic,(x+(Sin(w+x)*40))/1.7+80,(y+(Sin(w+y)*40))/1.7+60,f
Until KeyDown(1)