format 224 classinstance 128770 class_ref 128538 // Client drawing_mode actor name "" xyz 1.40371 4.32234 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128898 class_ref 128770 // TransactionController name "" xyz 88.1096 9.7434 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 129410 class_ref 135688 // Card name "" xyz 610.137 4.43219 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 129794 class_ref 135298 // Terminal name "" xyz 434.694 6.11117 2000 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 130562 class_ref 135554 // AuthorizationSystem name "" xyz 948.376 5.18725 2000 life_line_z 2000 durationcanvas 129026 classinstance_ref 128770 // :Client xyzwh 12 73.38 2010 11 102 end durationcanvas 129154 classinstance_ref 128898 // :TransactionController xyzwh 140 105.42 2010 11 306 end durationcanvas 129538 classinstance_ref 129410 // :Card xyzwh 629 302.28 2010 11 74 end durationcanvas 129922 classinstance_ref 129794 // :Terminal xyzwh 454 168.2 2010 11 106 end msg 129282 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129026 to durationcanvas_ref 129154 yz 120 2015 msg operation_ref 128130 // "applyCard()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 32 106 msg 129666 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129154 to durationcanvas_ref 129538 yz 312 3005 msg operation_ref 128386 // "createCard()" stereotype "<>" xyz 322 324 3000 show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default args "number:String,month:Int,year:Int,cvv:String" label_xy 172 288 msg 130050 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129154 to durationcanvas_ref 129922 yz 176 2015 msg operation_ref 128258 // "getCardData()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default args "number:String,month:Int,year:Int,cvv:String" label_xy 174 146 msg 130434 return from durationcanvas_ref 129922 to durationcanvas_ref 129154 yz 231 3010 explicitmsg "number, month, year, cvv" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 236 215 preferred_whz 0 0 1.03 end