format 224 classcanvas 139650 class_ref 128922 // Automat classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 497.524 64.1654 2000 end classcanvas 139778 class_ref 142600 // AutomatController classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 36.7678 3.8796 2000 end classcanvas 140034 class_ref 128410 // Order classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1010.26 -0.154523 2000 end classcanvas 140162 class_ref 135834 // CashPayment classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1433.16 621.2 2000 end classcanvas 140674 class_ref 129178 // Shelf classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1024.53 124.169 2000 end classcanvas 140930 class_ref 128666 // CardPayment classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1553.14 444.275 2000 end classcanvas 141058 class_ref 136072 // Culture classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1389.21 104.042 2000 end classcanvas 141186 class_ref 134853 // I18nService classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1010.99 213.836 2000 end classcanvas 141570 class_ref 141765 // CollectorFactory classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 989.914 300.483 2000 end classcanvas 141698 class_ref 135962 // CoinCollectorAdapter classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1408.5 221.176 2000 end classcanvas 141826 class_ref 135816 // CashCollectorAdapter classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1410.92 358.298 2000 end classcanvas 141954 class_ref 135944 // CollectorAdapter classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1238.33 295.972 2000 end classcanvas 142210 class_ref 141637 // PaymentSelectorController classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 38.1602 247.296 2000 end classcanvas 143362 class_ref 149122 // PaymentService classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 991.36 494.712 2000 end classcanvas 143746 class_ref 149250 // PaymentStrategy classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1224.17 489.947 2000 end classcanvas 145282 class_ref 135109 // MealPrepearer classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 498.605 464.946 2000 end classcanvas 145410 class_ref 129050 // Worker classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 706.469 442.618 2000 end classcanvas 145794 class_ref 135298 // Terminal classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 79.96 880.658 2000 end classcanvas 145922 class_ref 128770 // TransactionController classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 42.5047 321.903 2000 end classcanvas 146562 class_ref 135688 // Card classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1573.94 873.708 2000 end classcanvas 147202 class_ref 142466 // Transaction classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 513.302 721.3 2000 end classcanvas 147330 class_ref 135938 // TransactionConfirmation classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 904.65 720.852 2000 end classcanvas 147714 class_ref 135554 // AuthorizationSystem classdiagramsettings member_max_width 0 end xyz 1736.98 438.519 2000 end note 149506 "2 odmienne rodzaje platnosci charakteryzujace sie odmienna implementacja" xyzwh 1217.26 393.14 2006 121 89 note 149634 "Adapter-wspolny interfejs dla kolektorow pieniedzy" xyzwh 1230.94 211.4 2006 115 79 note 149762 "Klasa odpowiedzialna za budowanie odpowiednich kolektorow. Wyrecza automat z tej odpowiedzialnosci" xyzwh 984.6 351.18 2006 153 90 relationcanvas 139906 relation_ref 128258 // decenter_end 266 from ref 139778 z 2001 to ref 139650 role_a_pos 446 138 3000 no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 484 161 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 219 147 3000 end relationcanvas 140546 relation_ref 128386 // tworzy decenter_begin 32 from ref 139650 z 2001 label "tworzy" italic max_width 255 xyz 807 59 2001 to ref 140034 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 994 67 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 639 97 3000 end relationcanvas 140802 relation_ref 128514 // posiada decenter_begin 270 from ref 139650 z 2001 label "posiada" italic max_width 255 xyz 810 142 2001 to ref 140674 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1005 167 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 650 163 3000 end relationcanvas 141314 relation_ref 128642 // ma from ref 141186 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 1239 172 2001 to ref 141058 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1369 161 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1124 229 3000 end relationcanvas 141442 relation_ref 128770 // ma decenter_begin 560 from ref 139650 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 815 225 2001 to ref 141186 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 994 249 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 639 244 3000 end relationcanvas 142338 relation_ref 128898 // ma decenter_begin 828 from ref 139650 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 803 300 2001 to ref 141570 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 975 326 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 639 318 3000 end relationcanvas 142466 relation_ref 129026 // tworzy from ref 141570 z 2001 label "tworzy" italic max_width 255 xyz 1166 307 2001 to ref 141954 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end relationcanvas 143234 relation_ref 129410 // kontroluje decenter_end 703 from ref 142210 z 2001 label "kontroluje" italic max_width 255 xyz 317 256 2001 to ref 139650 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 484 282 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 201 273 3000 end relationcanvas 143490 relation_ref 129538 // ma decenter_begin 967 from ref 139650 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 805 411 2001 to ref 143362 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 979 511 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 639 361 3000 end relationcanvas 144130 relation_ref 129794 // ma decenter_end 670 from ref 143362 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 1148 504 2001 to ref 143746 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1212 526 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1095 522 3000 end relationcanvas 145538 relation_ref 130818 // ma from ref 139650 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 553 403 2001 to ref 145282 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 543 449 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 543 366 3000 end relationcanvas 145666 relation_ref 130946 // ma decenter_begin 483 from ref 145282 z 2001 to point 623.5 486.8 line 150274 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 657 473 2001 to ref 145410 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 689 491 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 630 493 3000 end relationcanvas 146050 relation_ref 131074 // kontroluje> decenter_end 939 from ref 145922 z 2001 label "kontroluje>" italic max_width 255 xyz 319 336 2001 to ref 139650 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 484 348 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 210 374 3000 end relationcanvas 146434 relation_ref 131330 // kontroluje from ref 145922 z 2001 label "kontroluje" italic max_width 255 xyz 95 661 2001 to ref 145794 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 101 865 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 101 477 3000 end relationcanvas 146946 relation_ref 131458 // uzywa decenter_begin 592 from ref 140930 z 2001 to point 1601.3 494.6 line 149890 z 2001 label "uzywa" italic max_width 255 xyz 1591 673 2001 to ref 146562 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1590 861 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1584 485 3000 end relationcanvas 147074 relation_ref 131586 // ma from ref 145794 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 858 900 2001 to ref 146562 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1557 930 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 169 917 3000 end relationcanvas 147458 relation_ref 131714 // ma from ref 147202 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 778 729 2001 to ref 147330 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 892 749 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 688 751 3000 end relationcanvas 147586 relation_ref 131842 // ma from ref 145922 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 370 566 2001 to ref 147202 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 492 703 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 208 481 3000 end relationcanvas 147842 relation_ref 131970 // ma from ref 140930 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 1679 447 2001 to ref 147714 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 1725 467 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 1645 467 3000 end relationcanvas 147970 relation_ref 132098 // ma decenter_begin 671 from ref 147202 z 2001 label "ma" italic max_width 255 xyz 796 613 2001 to ref 143362 no_role_a no_role_b multiplicity_a_pos 979 538 3000 multiplicity_b_pos 666 706 3000 end relationcanvas 148098 relation_ref 138626 // from ref 140162 z 2001 to ref 143746 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end relationcanvas 148226 relation_ref 138754 // from ref 140930 z 2001 to ref 143746 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end relationcanvas 149250 relation_ref 139138 // from ref 141698 z 2001 to ref 141954 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end relationcanvas 149378 relation_ref 139266 // from ref 141826 z 2001 to ref 141954 no_role_a no_role_b no_multiplicity_a no_multiplicity_b end end