2021-06-06 19:55:55 +02:00

83 lines
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from survival.components.position_component import PositionComponent
from survival.components.resource_component import ResourceComponent
from survival.entity_layer import EntityLayer
from survival.esper import World
from survival.graph_search import graph_search
from survival.settings import AGENT_VISION_RANGE
from survival.tile_layer import TileLayer
class GameMap:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.tile_layer = TileLayer(width, height)
self.entity_layer = EntityLayer(width, height)
def draw(self, camera):
visible_area = camera.get_visible_area()
self.tile_layer.draw(camera, visible_area)
def add_entity(self, entity, pos):
self.entity_layer.add_entity(entity, pos.grid_position)
def move_entity(self, from_pos, to_pos):
self.entity_layer.move_entity(from_pos, to_pos)
def remove_entity(self, pos):
def get_entity(self, pos) -> int:
if not self.in_bounds(pos):
return None
return self.entity_layer.get_entity(pos)
def is_colliding(self, pos):
return not self.in_bounds(pos) or self.entity_layer.is_colliding(pos)
def in_bounds(self, pos):
return 0 <= pos[0] < self.width and 0 <= pos[1] < self.height
def get_cost(self, pos):
return self.tile_layer.get_cost(pos)
def find_nearby_resources(self, world: World, player: int, position: PositionComponent, search_range: int = 5):
entity_position = position.grid_position
x_range = [entity_position[0] - search_range, entity_position[0] + search_range]
y_range = [entity_position[1] - search_range, entity_position[1] + search_range]
# Check if range is not out of map bounds
if x_range[0] < 0:
x_range[0] = 0
if x_range[1] >= self.width:
x_range[1] = self.width - 1
if y_range[0] < 0:
y_range[0] = 0
if y_range[1] >= self.height:
y_range[1] = self.height - 1
found_resources = []
for y in range(y_range[0], y_range[1]):
for x in range(x_range[0], x_range[1]):
ent = self.get_entity([x, y])
if ent == player:
if ent is not None and world.has_component(ent, ResourceComponent):
res_position = world.component_for_entity(ent, PositionComponent).grid_position
path, cost = graph_search(self, position, tuple(res_position), world)
found_resources.append([ent, path, cost])
return found_resources
def find_nearest_resource(self, world: World, player: int, position: PositionComponent):
resources = self.find_nearby_resources(world, player, position, AGENT_VISION_RANGE)
nearest = None
for resource in resources:
if nearest is None or resource[2] < nearest[2]:
nearest = resource
return nearest