added useful functions to; code refactoring

This commit is contained in:
JakubR 2021-04-21 20:10:18 +02:00
parent 7b87cb71ed
commit a4bc74d5f2

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@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
import json
import random
import project_constants as const
# import tile class
import tile as tl
# auxiliary function that returns random attribute values based on their type
def _get_random_attribute_values(self, attr_type, grid_dimensions):
num_of_rows, num_of_columns = grid_dimensions
if attr_type == int:
# temporary solution
return random.randint(num_of_rows + num_of_columns, (2 * num_of_rows + num_of_columns))
return None
# import mine models
import mine_models.standard_mine as sm
import mine_models.time_mine as tm
import mine_models.chained_mine as cm
class JsonGenerator:
@ -24,12 +21,9 @@ class JsonGenerator:
self.agents_initial_position = agents_initial_position
self.agents_initial_direction = agents_initial_direction
# getting position coordinates
starting_row, starting_column = agents_initial_position
# saving data to the grid dictionary
self.grid["agents_initial_state"] = {
"position": str(starting_row) + ',' + str(starting_column),
"position": format_position_to_str(agents_initial_position),
"direction": agents_initial_direction
@ -39,19 +33,16 @@ class JsonGenerator:
self.agents_initial_position = position
self.agents_initial_direction = direction
# getting position coordinates
starting_row, starting_column = position
# setting new agent's initial state
self.grid["agents_initial_state"] = {
"position": str(starting_row) + ',' + str(starting_column),
"position": format_position_to_str(position),
"direction": direction
# overwrites grid field with a new grid with randomized colors and mines
def generate_randomized_grid(self, dimensions, mine_appearance_chance=0.15, predecessor_chance_decrease=0.25):
# clearing grid field
# getting grid dimensions
num_of_rows, num_of_columns = dimensions
@ -60,6 +51,7 @@ class JsonGenerator:
for i in range(num_of_rows):
for j in range(num_of_columns):
# picking random values for tiles
random_tile_color = random.choice(const.STRUCT_TILE_COLORS)
@ -86,7 +78,7 @@ class JsonGenerator:
random_attribute_values = []
for attr_type in const.STRUCT_MINE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPES[random_mine_type]:
random_attribute_values.append(_get_random_attribute_values(self, attr_type, dimensions))
random_attribute_values.append(_get_random_attribute_values(attr_type, dimensions))
# adding the mine
self.set_a_mine((i, j), random_mine_type, random_attribute_values)
@ -94,15 +86,14 @@ class JsonGenerator:
# if is ChainedMine create predecessors
if random_mine_type == "chained":
predecessor_appearance_chance = 1.0
current_tile = str(i) + ',' + str(j)
current_tile = format_position_to_str((i, j))
# create chained predecessors
while random.random() < predecessor_appearance_chance and len(tile_pool) > 0:
predecessor_appearance_chance -= predecessor_chance_decrease
predecessor_position = random.choice(tile_pool)
pre_row, pre_column = predecessor_position
predecessor = str(pre_row) + ',' + str(pre_column)
predecessor = format_position_to_str(predecessor_position)
self.set_a_mine(predecessor_position, "chained", [])
@ -114,19 +105,14 @@ class JsonGenerator:
# adds a new tile or edits an existing one in the grid field
def add_tile(self, position, color):
# getting added/edited tile's index values
row, column = position
# creating new tile without a mine
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)] = {
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)] = {
"color": color,
"mine": None
# adds a new tile with a mine or edits an existing one in the grid field
def add_tile_with_a_mine(self, position, color, mine_type, attribute_values):
# getting added/edited tile's index values
row, column = position
# setting mine data using attribute_values
mine_values = const.STRUCT_MINE_ATTRIBUTES[mine_type]
@ -135,29 +121,23 @@ class JsonGenerator:
mine_values[key] = attribute_values.pop(0)
# creating a new tile
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)] = {
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)] = {
"color": color
# updating the tile with a mine field
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)]["mine"] = {}
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]["mine"] = {}
for key in mine_values.keys():
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)]["mine"][key] = mine_values[key]
self.grid[format_position_to_str()]["mine"][key] = mine_values[key]
# deletes a mine with a given position from the grid field
def delete_a_tile(self, position):
# getting tile's index values
row, column = position
# deleting a tile with given key
self.grid.pop(str(row) + ',' + str(column))
# adds a mine to a tile stored in the grid field
def set_a_mine(self, position, mine_type, attribute_values):
# getting edited tile's index values
row, column = position
# setting mine data using attribute_values
mine_values = const.STRUCT_MINE_ATTRIBUTES[mine_type]
@ -166,34 +146,36 @@ class JsonGenerator:
mine_values[key] = attribute_values.pop(0)
# adding a mine to the edited tile
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)]["mine"] = {}
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]["mine"] = {}
for key in mine_values.keys():
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)]["mine"][key] = mine_values[key]
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]["mine"][key] = mine_values[key]
# deletes a mine from a tile stored in the grid field
def delete_a_mine(self, position):
# getting edited tile's index values
row, column = position
# removing mine from the edited tile
self.grid[str(row) + ',' + str(column)]["mine"] = None
self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]["mine"] = None
# returns chosen tiles data
def get_tile(self, position):
return self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]
# returns chosen mines data
def get_mine(self, position):
return self.grid[format_position_to_str(position)]["mine"]
# returns the grid field
def get_tile_dictionary(self):
def get_grid(self):
return self.grid
# clears the grid field
def clear_tile_dictionary(self):
def clear_grid(self):
# clearing grid dict
# getting agent's starting position coordinates
starting_row, starting_column = self.agents_initial_position
# re-setting the agent's initial state
self.grid["agents_initial_state"] = {
"position": str(starting_row) + ',' + str(starting_column),
"position": format_position_to_str(self.agents_initial_position),
"direction": self.agents_initial_direction
@ -226,3 +208,118 @@ class JsonGenerator:
with open(file_path, "w") as output_file:
# saving the newly created grid
json.dump(new_grid, output_file, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
# creates a Mine (Standard or Time or Chained) instance from mine dict data
# doesn't link chained mines, since it has no actual access to a grid
def create_a_mine(mine_dict, position):
# initializing a mine with no value
mine = None
# if mine doesn't exist - returning None
if mine_dict is None:
return mine
# formatting position to right format - in case it's not
position = format_position_to_tuple(position)
# if mine's type is "standard" - creating standard mine
if mine_dict["mine_type"] == "standard":
mine = sm.StandardMine(position)
# if mine's type is "time" - creating time mine
elif mine_dict["mine_type"] == "time":
timer_value = mine_dict["timer"]
mine = tm.TimeMine(position, timer_value)
# if mine's type is "chained" - creating chained mine (no successors assigned yet)
elif mine_dict["mine_type"] == "chained":
mine = cm.ChainedMine(position)
return mine
# creates a Tile instance with a mine (if a mine exists) from tile dict data
def create_a_tile(tile_dict, position):
# formatting position to right format - in case it's not
position = format_position_to_tuple(position)
# getting tile's parameters
color = tile_dict["color"]
mine = create_a_mine(position, tile_dict["mine"])
# creating and returning a tile with the parameters set above
return tl.Tile(position, color, mine)
# returns a list of tuples containing chained mine's position and it's predecessors position
# data is in format [(chained_mine_position, its_predecessors_position), ...]
def get_chained_mine_and_its_predecessor_pairs(minefield_dictionary):
predecessors = list()
# iterate for each key in the grid field
for key in minefield_dictionary.keys():
# if a chained mine with predecessor exists - adding it's and it's predecessors positions as a tuple to a list
if key != "agents_initial_state" and minefield_dictionary[key]["mine"] is not None\
and minefield_dictionary[key]["mine"]["mine_type"] == "chained"\
and minefield_dictionary[key]["mine"]["predecessor"] is not None:
# getting the chained mines and it's predecessors positions
this_mines_position = tuple(int(i) for i in key.split(','))
its_predecessors_position = tuple(int(i) for i in minefield_dictionary[key]["mine"]["predecessor"].split(','))
# adding the positions to the list as a tuple
predecessors.append((this_mines_position, its_predecessors_position))
return predecessors
# changes position from str or tuple format to str format
def format_position_to_str(position):
# if mine's position is in "row,column" format - that means position parameter is already in good format
if isinstance(position, str):
# if mine's position is in (row:int, column:int) - creating string from tuple
elif isinstance(position, tuple) and list(map(type, position)) == [int, int]:
row, column = position
return str(row) + ',' + str(column)
# if mine's position is not in any of 2 formats above - returning None - unsupported format
return None
return position
# changes position from str or tuple format to tuple format
def format_position_to_tuple(position):
# if mine's position is in "row,column" format - getting parameters from string
if isinstance(position, str):
position = tuple(int(i) for i in position.split(','))
# if mine's position is in (row:int, column:int) - that means position parameter is already in good format
elif isinstance(position, tuple) and list(map(type, position)) == [int, int]:
# if mine's position is not in any of 2 formats above - returning None - unsupported format
return None
return position
# auxiliary function that returns random attribute values based on their type
def _get_random_attribute_values(attr_type, grid_dimensions):
num_of_rows, num_of_columns = grid_dimensions
if attr_type == int:
# temporary solution
return random.randint(num_of_rows + num_of_columns, (2 * num_of_rows + num_of_columns))
return None