from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List
import ctypes

from project_constants import Direction, Action
from minefield import Minefield

# temporary goal for testing
GOAL = (9, 9)

class State:
    def __init__(self, row, column, direction: Direction):
        self.row = row
        self.column = column
        self.direction = direction

class Node:
    def __init__(self, state: State, parent: Node = None, action: Action = None):
        self.state = state
        self.parent = parent
        self.action = action

def goal_test(state: State):
    if (state.row, state.column) == GOAL:
        return True
    return False

def get_successors(state: State, minefield: Minefield):
    successors = list()

    state_left = State(state.row, state.column, state.direction.previous())
    successors.append((Action.ROTATE_LEFT, state_left))

    state_right = State(state.row, state.column,
    successors.append((Action.ROTATE_RIGHT, state_right))

    target = go(state.row, state.column, state.direction)

    if minefield.is_valid_move(target[0], target[1]):
        state_go = State(target[0], target[1], state.direction)
        successors.append((Action.GO, state_go))

    return successors

def graphsearch(initial_state: State, minefield: Minefield, fringe: List[Node] = None, explored: List[Node] = None):
    # fringe and explored initialization
    if fringe is None:
        fringe = list()
    if explored is None:
        explored = list()

    explored_states = set()
    fringe_states = set()

    # root Node
    fringe_states.add((initial_state.row, initial_state.column, initial_state.direction))

    while True:
        # fringe empty -> solution not found
        if not any(fringe):
            ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Brak rozwiązania", "GAME OVER", 1)
            return []

        # get first element from fringe
        element = fringe.pop(0)
        fringe_states.remove((element.state.row, element.state.column, element.state.direction))

        # if solution was found, prepare and return actions sequence
        if goal_test(element.state):
            actions_sequence = [element.action]
            parent = element.parent

            while parent is not None:
                # root's action will be None, don't add it
                if parent.action is not None:
                parent = parent.parent

            return actions_sequence

        # add current node to explored (prevents infinite cycles)
        explored_states.add((element.state.row, element.state.column, element.state.direction))

        # loop through every possible next action
        for successor in get_successors(element.state, minefield):

            # make sure not to fall into a cycle
            successor_state = (successor[1].row, successor[1].column, successor[1].direction)
            if successor_state not in fringe_states and \
                    successor_state not in explored_states:
                # create new Node and add it at the end of fringe
                new_node = Node(state=successor[1],
                fringe_states.add((new_node.state.row, new_node.state.column, new_node.state.direction))

def go(row, column, direction):
    target = tuple()

    if direction == Direction.RIGHT:
        target = row, column + 1
    elif direction == Direction.LEFT:
        target = row, column - 1
    elif direction == Direction.UP:
        target = row - 1, column
    elif direction == Direction.DOWN:
        target = row + 1, column

    return target