from keras.models import Sequential, load_model from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization from PIL import Image from random import shuffle, choice import numpy as np import os import tree import pygame from time import sleep from os import path from colors import gray from house import create_houses from truck import Truck from trash import Trash from TSP import tsp, tspmove from bfs import bfs, distance model = load_model("model.h5") multi_trash = [] pygame.init() def game_keys(truck, multi_trash, houses, auto=False): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if auto: sleep(.01) if (event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP): if truck.test_crash(houses): break truck.move() print('↑') for tindex, trash in enumerate(multi_trash): if truck.pos == trash.pos: truck.mass += trash.mass += print(truck.mass, prediction = model.predict(multi_trash[tindex].content) for i in range (3): if multi_trash[tindex].names[i][:3] == 'cat': truck.allCats = truck.allCats + 1 else: truck.allTrash = truck.allTrash + 1 if prediction[i][0] > prediction[i][1]: truck.container.append(multi_trash[tindex].names[i]) if multi_trash[tindex].names[i][:3] == 'cat': truck.cats = truck.cats + 1 else: truck.trash = truck.trash + 1 print(f'cats in truck: {truck.cats} cats encountered: {truck.allCats}') print(f'trash in truck: {truck.trash} trash encountered: {truck.allTrash}') print(truck.container) multi_trash.pop(tindex) break elif (event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_LEFT): print('←') truck.rotate(-1) truck.rotate_image(90) break elif (event.key == pygame.K_d or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT): print('→') truck.rotate(1) truck.rotate_image(-90) break def update_images(gameDisplay, truck, multi_trash, houses): gameDisplay.fill(gray) for house in houses: gameDisplay.blit(pygame.image.load('./img/house.png'), house.pos) for trash in multi_trash: gameDisplay.blit(pygame.image.load('./img/trash.png'), trash.pos) gameDisplay.blit(truck.image, truck.pos) pygame.display.update() def game_loop(): game_w = 1280 # 32 game_h = 640 # 16 grid_size = 40 gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((game_w, game_h)) pygame.display.set_caption('Garbage truck') clock = pygame.time.Clock() gameExit = False truck = Truck(game_w, game_h, grid_size) houses = create_houses(grid_size) for _ in range(7): trash = Trash(game_w, game_h, grid_size) trash.new_pos(truck.pos, houses, multi_trash) multi_trash.append(trash) model.predict(multi_trash[0].content) while not gameExit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() quit() if (event.key == pygame.K_l): if path.isfile('./tree_model') and not os.stat( './tree_model').st_size == 0: decision_tree = tree.load_tree_from_structure('./tree_model') print("Tree model loaded!") if (event.key == pygame.K_k): print(":>") trash = multi_trash[0] dis_dump = distance(truck.pos,[80,80]) dis_trash = distance(truck.pos, trash.pos) print(dis_dump, dis_trash, truck.mass,, trash.mass, decision = tree.making_decision(decision_tree, dis_dump // 12 + 1, dis_trash // 12 + 1, truck.mass // 20 + 1, // 20 + 1, trash.mass // 20 + 1, // 20 + 1) print(decision) if(decision[0]==0): actions = bfs(truck.pos, truck.dir_control, trash.pos, houses) print(actions) if not actions: print('Path couldn\'t be found') break print('##################################################') while actions: action = actions.pop() pygame.KEYDOWN, {'key': action})) game_keys(truck, multi_trash, houses, True) update_images(gameDisplay, truck, multi_trash, houses) else: truck.mass=0 if (event.key == pygame.K_b): trash = multi_trash[0] actions = bfs(truck.pos, truck.dir_control, trash.pos, houses) print(actions) if not actions: print('Path couldn\'t be found') break print('##################################################') while actions: action = actions.pop() pygame.KEYDOWN, {'key': action})) game_keys(truck, multi_trash, houses, True) update_images(gameDisplay, truck, multi_trash, houses) if (event.key == pygame.K_t): solution = tsp(multi_trash, truck) actions = tspmove(solution, truck, multi_trash) if not actions: print('Path couldn\'t be found') break for i in actions: arr=i #print(arr) print('##################################################') while arr: action = arr.pop() pygame.KEYDOWN, {'key': action})) game_keys(truck, multi_trash, houses, True) update_images(gameDisplay, truck, multi_trash, houses) truck.direction = [1, 0] truck.dir_control = 0 truck.image = pygame.image.load('./img/truck.png') if not multi_trash: for _ in range(7): trash = Trash(game_w, game_h, grid_size) trash.new_pos(truck.pos, houses, multi_trash) multi_trash.append(trash) else: game_keys(truck, multi_trash, houses) update_images(gameDisplay, truck, multi_trash, houses) clock.tick(60) if __name__ == '__main__': game_loop() pygame.quit()