2021-06-22 19:02:44 +02:00

335 lines
13 KiB

import random
import tqdm
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce
def genetic_algoritm(world_map: list, START: tuple, houses: list, pop_size = 200, rounds = 1000, tournament_size=20, verbose=0):
population = [Chromosome(START, world_map, houses) for _ in range(pop_size)]
for _ in tqdm.tqdm(range(rounds), position=0, leave=True):
candidates = random.sample(population, tournament_size)
parent_1 = get_best_parent(candidates)
candidates = random.sample(population, tournament_size)
parent_2 = get_best_parent(candidates)
offspring_1, offspring_2 = parent_1.cross_over(parent_2,verbose=verbose)
#Cykle czy nie
worst, worst_index = get_worst_chromosome(population)
if offspring_1.fitting_function() < worst.fitting_function():
# print(offspring_1.fitting_function())
population[worst_index] = offspring_1
worst, worst_index = get_worst_chromosome(population)
if offspring_2.fitting_function() < worst.fitting_function():
# print(offspring_2.fitting_function())
population[worst_index] = offspring_2
if verbose > 0:
print( get_best_parent(population).fitting_function(), get_worst_chromosome(population)[0].fitting_function())
# optymalne - najkrotsze z poprawnych
rozwiazanie = get_best_parent(population)
return rozwiazanie
class Chromosome():
def __init__(self, START: tuple, world_map: list, houses: list):
self.houses = houses
self.max_x = len(world_map)
self.max_y = len(world_map[0])
self.solution = [START]
self.world_map = world_map
visited_houses = set()
n_houses_to_visit = len(houses)
curr_x, curr_y = START
while len(visited_houses) < n_houses_to_visit:
# print(self.solution)
moved = False
while not moved:
move = random.randint(0, 3)
# 0 - R, 2 - L, 2 - D, 3 - U
if move == 0 and curr_x + 1 < self.max_x and self.world_map[curr_x + 1][curr_y] != '0':
self.solution.append((curr_x + 1, curr_y))
moved = True
elif move == 1 and curr_x - 1 >= 0 and self.world_map[curr_x - 1][curr_y] != '0':
self.solution.append((curr_x - 1, curr_y))
moved = True
elif move == 2 and curr_y + 1 < self.max_y and self.world_map[curr_x][curr_y + 1] != '0':
self.solution.append((curr_x, curr_y + 1))
moved = True
elif move == 3 and curr_y - 1 >= 0 and self.world_map[curr_x][curr_y - 1] != '0':
self.solution.append((curr_x, curr_y - 1))
moved = True
curr_x, curr_y = self.solution[-1]
if self.solution[-1] in houses and self.solution[-1] not in visited_houses:
# print("Przed", self.solution)
# print("FF", self.fitting_function(verbose=1))
# print("Po", self.solution)
# print("FF", self.fitting_function(verbose=1))
def remove_cycles(self):
#modyfikacja orgfinalnego rozwiazania poprzez usuniecie cyklu bez nieodwiedzonego domku
#Droga podzielona na frafgmenty od domku do domku
checkpoints = sorted([self.solution.index(house) for house in self.houses])
subsolutions = [self.solution[indx_1:indx_2] for indx_1,indx_2 in zip([0,*checkpoints], [*checkpoints, len(self.solution)])]
self.solution = reduce(lambda z, y :z + y, self._remove_cycles(subsolutions))
def fitting_function(self, verbose=0):
# Rozwiazania nieoprawne
# nie odwiedza wszystkich domow
for house in self.houses:
if house not in self.solution:
if verbose > 0:
print("Not visiting all the houses!")
return 100 * self.max_x * self.max_y
# Odwiedza miejsca poza mapą albo niedozwolone
for x, y in self.solution:
if x >= self.max_x or x < 0 or y >= self.max_y or y < 0 or self.world_map[x][y] == 0:
if verbose > 0:
return 100 * self.max_x * self.max_y
#Sprawdzamy czy droga jest spojna, czy mozna ja wykonac krok po kroku
for index in range(len(self.solution)-1):
if abs(self.solution[index][0] - self.solution[index + 1][0]) + abs(self.solution[index][1] - self.solution[index + 1][1]) != 1:
if verbose > 0:
print("Not continuous!")
return 100 * self.max_x * self.max_y
#Actual fitting value
return len(self.solution)
def mutate(self, patience=10, verbose = 0):
mutation_point = random.randint(1, len(self.solution) - 3)
options = [0, 1, 2, 3]
curr_x, curr_y = self.solution[mutation_point]
next_x, next_y = self.solution[mutation_point + 1]
if curr_x < next_x:
move = 0
elif curr_x > next_x:
move = 1
elif curr_y < next_y:
move = 2
move = 3
while patience > 0:
curr_x, curr_y = self.solution[mutation_point]
moved = False
while not moved:
move = random.choice(options)
if move == 0 and curr_x + 1 < self.max_x and self.world_map[curr_x + 1][curr_y] != '0':
self.solution[mutation_point + 1] = (curr_x + 1, curr_y)
moved = True
elif move == 1 and curr_x - 1 >= 0 and self.world_map[curr_x - 1][curr_y] != '0':
self.solution[mutation_point + 1] = (curr_x - 1, curr_y)
moved = True
elif move == 2 and curr_y + 1 < self.max_y and self.world_map[curr_x][curr_y + 1] != '0':
self.solution[mutation_point + 1] = (curr_x, curr_y + 1)
moved = True
elif move == 3 and curr_y - 1 >= 0 and self.world_map[curr_x][curr_y - 1] != '0':
self.solution[mutation_point + 1] = (curr_x, curr_y - 1)
moved = True
if len(options) == 0 and not moved:
# Szukamy miejsca aby zespolic droge
if verbose > 0:
print("\tMade one step in a different direction.")
# while not done:
for indx, step in zip(range(mutation_point + 2, len(self.solution)), self.solution[mutation_point + 2:]):
# jesli krok, ktory wykonalismy jest gdzies na liscie
if step == self.solution[mutation_point + 1]:
# print("Change")
# print("Old:", self.solution)
new_solution = self.solution[:mutation_point + 1]
if verbose > 0:
print(self.solution[mutation_point:mutation_point + patience])
self.solution = new_solution
if verbose > 0:
if mutation_point < len(self.solution) - 2:
mutation_point = mutation_point + 1
patience = patience - 1
options = [0, 1, 2, 3]
move = move + 1 if move % 2 == 0 else move - 1
def cross_over(self, other, verbose=0):
offspring_a = deepcopy(self)
offspring_b = deepcopy(other)
#Select 2 random houses
house_k_index, house_m_index = random.sample(range(len(self.houses)), 2)
if verbose > 0:
print(house_k_index, house_m_index)
a_house_k_index = self.solution.index(self.houses[house_k_index])
a_house_m_index = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(self.solution) if val == self.houses[house_m_index])
# a_house_m_index = self.solution.index(self.houses[house_m_index])
b_house_k_index = other.solution.index(self.houses[house_k_index])
b_house_m_index = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(other.solution) if val == self.houses[house_m_index])
# b_house_m_index = other.solution.index(self.houses[house_m_index])
# offspring_a
new_a_solution = offspring_a.solution[:a_house_k_index]
if b_house_k_index < b_house_m_index:
offspring_a.solution = new_a_solution
# offspring_b
new_b_solution = offspring_b.solution[:b_house_k_index]
if b_house_k_index < b_house_m_index:
new_b_solution.extend(reversed(offspring_a.solution[a_house_m_index + 1:a_house_k_index + 1]))
offspring_b.solution = new_b_solution
if verbose > 0:
print(a_house_k_index, a_house_m_index)
print(b_house_k_index, b_house_m_index)
return offspring_a, offspring_b
def __str__(self):
return self.solution.__str__()
def _remove_cycles(self, subsolutions):
for ind, subsolution in enumerate(subsolutions[:-1]):
# print(subsolutions)
shorted = subsolution
modified = False
beggining_index = 0
indices_to_remove_left = []
indices_to_remove_right = []
#print(len(subsolutions[ind]) == len(set(subsolutions[ind])))
while beggining_index < len(subsolution[:-2]):
for end_index in range(len(subsolution)-1,beggining_index , -1):
if subsolution[beggining_index] == subsolution[end_index]:
# print("Wycinamy cykl dlugosci", end_index - beggining_index)
modified = True
if modified:
beggining_index += end_index - beggining_index
beggining_index += 1
subsolutions[ind] = reduce(lambda z, y :z + y,[subsolution[indx_1:indx_2] for indx_1,indx_2 in zip([0,*indices_to_remove_right], [*indices_to_remove_left, len(subsolution)])])
#Sprawdzenie czy nie ma cykli
#print(len(subsolutions[ind]) == len(set(subsolutions[ind])))
return subsolutions
# given an iterable of pairs return the key corresponding to the greatest value
def argmax(pairs):
return max(pairs, key=lambda x: x[1].fitting_function())[0]
def argmin(pairs):
return min(pairs, key=lambda x: x[1].fitting_function())[0]
# given an iterable of values return the index of the greatest value
def argmax_index(values):
return argmax(enumerate(values))
def argmin_index(values):
return argmin(enumerate(values))
def get_best_parent(candidates):
best_index = argmin_index(candidates)
return candidates[best_index]
def get_worst_chromosome(population):
worst_index = argmax_index(population)
return population[worst_index], worst_index
def set_world(path):
array = []
with open(path) as f:
content =
for line in content:
return array
def k(START):
world_map = set_world('worldmap.txt')
houses = [
(1, 5), (2, 11), (6, 6), (6, 12), (9, 3), (9, 7), (9, 17), (12, 6)
solution = genetic_algoritm(world_map, START, houses, pop_size=20, rounds=200, tournament_size=2, verbose=0)
for i in solution.solution:
if (k!=0):
if (i[0]>k[0]):
actions.append("Go down")
if (i[0]<k[0]):
actions.append("Go up")
if (i[1]>k[1]):
actions.append("Go right")
if (i[1]<k[1]):
actions.append("Go left")
return actions