// // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY // OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2019 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 AGEIA Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 NovodeX AG. All rights reserved. #ifndef PX_PHYSICS_EXTENSIONS_MASS_PROPERTIES_H #define PX_PHYSICS_EXTENSIONS_MASS_PROPERTIES_H /** \addtogroup extensions @{ */ #include "PxPhysXConfig.h" #include "foundation/PxMath.h" #include "foundation/PxMathUtils.h" #include "foundation/PxVec3.h" #include "foundation/PxMat33.h" #include "foundation/PxQuat.h" #include "foundation/PxTransform.h" #include "geometry/PxGeometry.h" #include "geometry/PxBoxGeometry.h" #include "geometry/PxSphereGeometry.h" #include "geometry/PxCapsuleGeometry.h" #include "geometry/PxConvexMeshGeometry.h" #include "geometry/PxConvexMesh.h" #if !PX_DOXYGEN namespace physx { #endif /** \brief Utility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties. In most cases #PxRigidBodyExt::updateMassAndInertia(), #PxRigidBodyExt::setMassAndUpdateInertia() should be enough to setup the mass properties of a rigid body. This utility class targets users that need to customize the mass properties computation. */ class PxMassProperties { public: /** \brief Default constructor. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxMassProperties() : inertiaTensor(PxIdentity), centerOfMass(0.0f), mass(1.0f) {} /** \brief Construct from individual elements. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxMassProperties(const PxReal m, const PxMat33& inertiaT, const PxVec3& com) : inertiaTensor(inertiaT), centerOfMass(com), mass(m) {} /** \brief Compute mass properties based on a provided geometry structure. This constructor assumes the geometry has a density of 1. Mass and inertia tensor scale linearly with density. \param[in] geometry The geometry to compute the mass properties for. Supported geometry types are: sphere, box, capsule and convex mesh. */ PxMassProperties(const PxGeometry& geometry) { switch (geometry.getType()) { case PxGeometryType::eSPHERE: { const PxSphereGeometry& s = static_cast(geometry); mass = (4.0f / 3.0f) * PxPi * s.radius * s.radius * s.radius; inertiaTensor = PxMat33::createDiagonal(PxVec3(2.0f / 5.0f * mass * s.radius * s.radius)); centerOfMass = PxVec3(0.0f); } break; case PxGeometryType::eBOX: { const PxBoxGeometry& b = static_cast(geometry); mass = b.halfExtents.x * b.halfExtents.y * b.halfExtents.z * 8.0f; PxVec3 d2 = b.halfExtents.multiply(b.halfExtents); inertiaTensor = PxMat33::createDiagonal(PxVec3(d2.y + d2.z, d2.x + d2.z, d2.x + d2.y)) * (mass * 1.0f / 3.0f); centerOfMass = PxVec3(0.0f); } break; case PxGeometryType::eCAPSULE: { const PxCapsuleGeometry& c = static_cast(geometry); PxReal r = c.radius, h = c.halfHeight; mass = ((4.0f / 3.0f) * r + 2 * c.halfHeight) * PxPi * r * r; PxReal a = r*r*r * (8.0f / 15.0f) + h*r*r * (3.0f / 2.0f) + h*h*r * (4.0f / 3.0f) + h*h*h * (2.0f / 3.0f); PxReal b = r*r*r * (8.0f / 15.0f) + h*r*r; inertiaTensor = PxMat33::createDiagonal(PxVec3(b, a, a) * PxPi * r * r); centerOfMass = PxVec3(0.0f); } break; case PxGeometryType::eCONVEXMESH: { const PxConvexMeshGeometry& c = static_cast(geometry); PxVec3 unscaledCoM; PxMat33 unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM; // inertia tensor of convex mesh in mesh local space PxMat33 unscaledInertiaTensorCOM; PxReal unscaledMass; c.convexMesh->getMassInformation(unscaledMass, unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM, unscaledCoM); // inertia tensor relative to center of mass unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[0][0] = unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[0][0] - unscaledMass*PxReal((unscaledCoM.y*unscaledCoM.y+unscaledCoM.z*unscaledCoM.z)); unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[1][1] = unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[1][1] - unscaledMass*PxReal((unscaledCoM.z*unscaledCoM.z+unscaledCoM.x*unscaledCoM.x)); unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[2][2] = unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[2][2] - unscaledMass*PxReal((unscaledCoM.x*unscaledCoM.x+unscaledCoM.y*unscaledCoM.y)); unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[0][1] = unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[1][0] = (unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[0][1] + unscaledMass*PxReal(unscaledCoM.x*unscaledCoM.y)); unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[1][2] = unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[2][1] = (unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[1][2] + unscaledMass*PxReal(unscaledCoM.y*unscaledCoM.z)); unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[0][2] = unscaledInertiaTensorCOM[2][0] = (unscaledInertiaTensorNonCOM[0][2] + unscaledMass*PxReal(unscaledCoM.z*unscaledCoM.x)); const PxMeshScale& s = c.scale; mass = unscaledMass * s.scale.x * s.scale.y * s.scale.z; centerOfMass = s.rotationCamera.rotate(s.scale.multiply(s.rotationCamera.rotateInv(unscaledCoM))); inertiaTensor = scaleInertia(unscaledInertiaTensorCOM, s.rotationCamera, s.scale); } break; case PxGeometryType::eHEIGHTFIELD: case PxGeometryType::ePLANE: case PxGeometryType::eTRIANGLEMESH: case PxGeometryType::eINVALID: case PxGeometryType::eGEOMETRY_COUNT: { *this = PxMassProperties(); } break; } PX_ASSERT(inertiaTensor.column0.isFinite() && inertiaTensor.column1.isFinite() && inertiaTensor.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(centerOfMass.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(PxIsFinite(mass)); } /** \brief Scale mass properties. \param[in] scale The linear scaling factor to apply to the mass properties. \return The scaled mass properties. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE PxMassProperties operator*(const PxReal scale) const { PX_ASSERT(PxIsFinite(scale)); return PxMassProperties(mass * scale, inertiaTensor * scale, centerOfMass); } /** \brief Translate the center of mass by a given vector and adjust the inertia tensor accordingly. \param[in] t The translation vector for the center of mass. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE void translate(const PxVec3& t) { PX_ASSERT(t.isFinite()); inertiaTensor = translateInertia(inertiaTensor, mass, t); centerOfMass += t; PX_ASSERT(inertiaTensor.column0.isFinite() && inertiaTensor.column1.isFinite() && inertiaTensor.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(centerOfMass.isFinite()); } /** \brief Get the entries of the diagonalized inertia tensor and the corresponding reference rotation. \param[in] inertia The inertia tensor to diagonalize. \param[out] massFrame The frame the diagonalized tensor refers to. \return The entries of the diagonalized inertia tensor. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE static PxVec3 getMassSpaceInertia(const PxMat33& inertia, PxQuat& massFrame) { PX_ASSERT(inertia.column0.isFinite() && inertia.column1.isFinite() && inertia.column2.isFinite()); PxVec3 diagT = PxDiagonalize(inertia, massFrame); PX_ASSERT(diagT.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(massFrame.isFinite()); return diagT; } /** \brief Translate an inertia tensor using the parallel axis theorem \param[in] inertia The inertia tensor to translate. \param[in] mass The mass of the object. \param[in] t The relative frame to translate the inertia tensor to. \return The translated inertia tensor. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE static PxMat33 translateInertia(const PxMat33& inertia, const PxReal mass, const PxVec3& t) { PX_ASSERT(inertia.column0.isFinite() && inertia.column1.isFinite() && inertia.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(PxIsFinite(mass)); PX_ASSERT(t.isFinite()); PxMat33 s( PxVec3(0,t.z,-t.y), PxVec3(-t.z,0,t.x), PxVec3(t.y,-t.x,0) ); PxMat33 translatedIT = s.getTranspose() * s * mass + inertia; PX_ASSERT(translatedIT.column0.isFinite() && translatedIT.column1.isFinite() && translatedIT.column2.isFinite()); return translatedIT; } /** \brief Rotate an inertia tensor around the center of mass \param[in] inertia The inertia tensor to rotate. \param[in] q The rotation to apply to the inertia tensor. \return The rotated inertia tensor. */ PX_FORCE_INLINE static PxMat33 rotateInertia(const PxMat33& inertia, const PxQuat& q) { PX_ASSERT(inertia.column0.isFinite() && inertia.column1.isFinite() && inertia.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(q.isUnit()); PxMat33 m(q); PxMat33 rotatedIT = m * inertia * m.getTranspose(); PX_ASSERT(rotatedIT.column0.isFinite() && rotatedIT.column1.isFinite() && rotatedIT.column2.isFinite()); return rotatedIT; } /** \brief Non-uniform scaling of the inertia tensor \param[in] inertia The inertia tensor to scale. \param[in] scaleRotation The frame of the provided scaling factors. \param[in] scale The scaling factor for each axis (relative to the frame specified in scaleRotation). \return The scaled inertia tensor. */ static PxMat33 scaleInertia(const PxMat33& inertia, const PxQuat& scaleRotation, const PxVec3& scale) { PX_ASSERT(inertia.column0.isFinite() && inertia.column1.isFinite() && inertia.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(scaleRotation.isUnit()); PX_ASSERT(scale.isFinite()); PxMat33 localInertiaT = rotateInertia(inertia, scaleRotation); // rotate inertia into scaling frame PxVec3 diagonal(localInertiaT[0][0], localInertiaT[1][1], localInertiaT[2][2]); PxVec3 xyz2 = PxVec3(diagonal.dot(PxVec3(0.5f))) - diagonal; // original x^2, y^2, z^2 PxVec3 scaledxyz2 = xyz2.multiply(scale).multiply(scale); PxReal xx = scaledxyz2.y + scaledxyz2.z, yy = scaledxyz2.z + scaledxyz2.x, zz = scaledxyz2.x + scaledxyz2.y; PxReal xy = localInertiaT[0][1] * scale.x * scale.y, xz = localInertiaT[0][2] * scale.x * scale.z, yz = localInertiaT[1][2] * scale.y * scale.z; PxMat33 scaledInertia( PxVec3(xx, xy, xz), PxVec3(xy, yy, yz), PxVec3(xz, yz, zz)); PxMat33 scaledIT = rotateInertia(scaledInertia * (scale.x * scale.y * scale.z), scaleRotation.getConjugate()); PX_ASSERT(scaledIT.column0.isFinite() && scaledIT.column1.isFinite() && scaledIT.column2.isFinite()); return scaledIT; } /** \brief Sum up individual mass properties. \param[in] props Array of mass properties to sum up. \param[in] transforms Reference transforms for each mass properties entry. \param[in] count The number of mass properties to sum up. \return The summed up mass properties. */ static PxMassProperties sum(const PxMassProperties* props, const PxTransform* transforms, const PxU32 count) { PxReal combinedMass = 0.0f; PxVec3 combinedCoM(0.0f); PxMat33 combinedInertiaT = PxMat33(PxZero); for(PxU32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { PX_ASSERT(props[i].inertiaTensor.column0.isFinite() && props[i].inertiaTensor.column1.isFinite() && props[i].inertiaTensor.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(props[i].centerOfMass.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(PxIsFinite(props[i].mass)); combinedMass += props[i].mass; const PxVec3 comTm = transforms[i].transform(props[i].centerOfMass); combinedCoM += comTm * props[i].mass; } if(combinedMass > 0.f) combinedCoM /= combinedMass; for(PxU32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { const PxVec3 comTm = transforms[i].transform(props[i].centerOfMass); combinedInertiaT += translateInertia(rotateInertia(props[i].inertiaTensor, transforms[i].q), props[i].mass, combinedCoM - comTm); } PX_ASSERT(combinedInertiaT.column0.isFinite() && combinedInertiaT.column1.isFinite() && combinedInertiaT.column2.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(combinedCoM.isFinite()); PX_ASSERT(PxIsFinite(combinedMass)); return PxMassProperties(combinedMass, combinedInertiaT, combinedCoM); } PxMat33 inertiaTensor; //!< The inertia tensor of the object. PxVec3 centerOfMass; //!< The center of mass of the object. PxReal mass; //!< The mass of the object. }; #if !PX_DOXYGEN } // namespace physx #endif /** @} */ #endif