GRK/cw 4/dependencies/glm/gtx/simd_mat4.hpp
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2022-01-12 16:07:16 +01:00

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/// @ref gtx_simd_mat4
/// @file glm/gtx/simd_mat4.hpp
/// @see core (dependence)
/// @defgroup gtx_simd_mat4 GLM_GTX_simd_mat4
/// @ingroup gtx
/// @brief SIMD implementation of mat4 type.
/// <glm/gtx/simd_mat4.hpp> need to be included to use these functionalities.
#pragma once
// Dependencies
#include "../detail/setup.hpp"
# include "../detail/intrinsic_matrix.hpp"
# include "../gtx/simd_vec4.hpp"
# error "GLM: GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 requires compiler support of SSE2 through intrinsics"
# pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension included")
# pragma message("GLM: GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension is deprecated and will be removed in GLM 0.9.9. Use mat4 instead and use compiler SIMD arguments.")
namespace glm{
namespace detail
/// 4x4 Matrix implemented using SIMD SEE intrinsics.
/// \ingroup gtx_simd_mat4
typedef float value_type;
typedef fvec4SIMD col_type;
typedef fvec4SIMD row_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
typedef fmat4x4SIMD type;
typedef fmat4x4SIMD transpose_type;
typedef tmat4x4<float, defaultp> pure_type;
typedef tvec4<float, defaultp> pure_row_type;
typedef tvec4<float, defaultp> pure_col_type;
typedef tmat4x4<float, defaultp> pure_transpose_type;
GLM_FUNC_DECL length_t length() const;
fvec4SIMD Data[4];
// Constructors
explicit fmat4x4SIMD(float const & s);
explicit fmat4x4SIMD(
float const & x0, float const & y0, float const & z0, float const & w0,
float const & x1, float const & y1, float const & z1, float const & w1,
float const & x2, float const & y2, float const & z2, float const & w2,
float const & x3, float const & y3, float const & z3, float const & w3);
explicit fmat4x4SIMD(
fvec4SIMD const & v0,
fvec4SIMD const & v1,
fvec4SIMD const & v2,
fvec4SIMD const & v3);
explicit fmat4x4SIMD(
mat4x4 const & m);
explicit fmat4x4SIMD(
__m128 const in[4]);
// Conversions
//template <typename U>
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat4x4<U> const & m);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat2x2<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat3x3<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat2x3<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat3x2<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat2x4<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat4x2<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat3x4<T> const & x);
//explicit tmat4x4(tmat4x3<T> const & x);
// Accesses
fvec4SIMD & operator[](length_t i);
fvec4SIMD const & operator[](length_t i) const;
// Unary updatable operators
fmat4x4SIMD & operator= (fmat4x4SIMD const & m) GLM_DEFAULT;
fmat4x4SIMD & operator+= (float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator+= (fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator-= (float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator-= (fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator*= (float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator*= (fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator/= (float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator/= (fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD & operator++ ();
fmat4x4SIMD & operator-- ();
// Binary operators
fmat4x4SIMD operator+ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD operator+ (float const & s, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD operator+ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m1, fmat4x4SIMD const & m2);
fmat4x4SIMD operator- (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD operator- (float const & s, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD operator- (fmat4x4SIMD const & m1, fmat4x4SIMD const & m2);
fmat4x4SIMD operator* (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD operator* (float const & s, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fvec4SIMD operator* (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, fvec4SIMD const & v);
fvec4SIMD operator* (fvec4SIMD const & v, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD operator* (fmat4x4SIMD const & m1, fmat4x4SIMD const & m2);
fmat4x4SIMD operator/ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, float const & s);
fmat4x4SIMD operator/ (float const & s, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fvec4SIMD operator/ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, fvec4SIMD const & v);
fvec4SIMD operator/ (fvec4SIMD const & v, fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD operator/ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m1, fmat4x4SIMD const & m2);
// Unary constant operators
fmat4x4SIMD const operator- (fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
fmat4x4SIMD const operator-- (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, int);
fmat4x4SIMD const operator++ (fmat4x4SIMD const & m, int);
}//namespace detail
typedef detail::fmat4x4SIMD simdMat4;
/// @addtogroup gtx_simd_mat4
/// @{
//! Convert a simdMat4 to a mat4.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension)
mat4 mat4_cast(
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & x);
//! Multiply matrix x by matrix y component-wise, i.e.,
//! result[i][j] is the scalar product of x[i][j] and y[i][j].
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension).
detail::fmat4x4SIMD matrixCompMult(
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & x,
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & y);
//! Treats the first parameter c as a column vector
//! and the second parameter r as a row vector
//! and does a linear algebraic matrix multiply c * r.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension).
detail::fmat4x4SIMD outerProduct(
detail::fvec4SIMD const & c,
detail::fvec4SIMD const & r);
//! Returns the transposed matrix of x
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension).
detail::fmat4x4SIMD transpose(
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & x);
//! Return the determinant of a mat4 matrix.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension).
float determinant(
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
//! Return the inverse of a mat4 matrix.
//! (From GLM_GTX_simd_mat4 extension).
detail::fmat4x4SIMD inverse(
detail::fmat4x4SIMD const & m);
/// @}
}// namespace glm
#include "simd_mat4.inl"