import random import heapq from mesa import Agent from othercharacters import dice, Box, Creature, Armor, Weapon from actions import actions, actionsInterpreter from state import AgentState from direction import Direction from node import Node class Player(Creature): def __init__(self, unique_id, model, n, s, a, w, maxhp, hp, weap, arm, g, w2, w3, listOfChests): super().__init__(unique_id, model, n, s, a, w, maxhp, hp, weap, arm, g) = n self.strength = s self.agility = a self.wisdom = w self.maxHealth = maxhp = hp = g self.weapon1 = weap self.weapon2 = w2 self.weapon3 = w3 self.armor = arm self.isBox = False self.isCreature = False self.directions = { Direction.N : [0, 1], Direction.E : [1, 0], Direction.S : [0, -1], Direction.W : [-1, 0] } self.direction = Direction.N self.queue = [] self.hasgoalchest = False self.openedchests = 0 self.__listOfChests = listOfChests self.__actionsCollection = [] def meleeAttack(self, opponent): attackValue = self.strength + dice(6) defenseValue = opponent.strength + opponent.armor.defence damage = attackValue - defenseValue if damage > 0: = - (damage + self.weapon1.damage) def rangeAttack(self, opponent): attackValue = self.agility + dice(6) defenseValue = opponent.agility damage = attackValue - defenseValue if (damage > 0) and (damage + self.weapon2.damage - opponent.armor.defence > 0): = - (damage + self.weapon2.damage - opponent.armor.defence) def magicAttack(self, opponent): attackValue = self.wisdom + dice(6) defenseValue = opponent.wisdom damage = attackValue - defenseValue if (damage > 0) and (damage + self.weapon3.damage - opponent.armor.mag_protection > 0): = - (damage + self.weapon3.damage - opponent.armor.mag_protection) def fightOrFlight(self, opponent): combat = True while combat: choice = dice(4) print("dice rolled:", choice) if choice == 1: running_speed = self.agility + dice(6) opponent_speed = opponent.agility + dice(6) if running_speed > opponent_speed: combat = False print("Player ran away") self.step() else: opponent.defaultAttack(self) if <= 0: combat = False print("Player died :/") elif choice == 2: self.meleeAttack(opponent) if > 0: opponent.defaultAttack(self) if <= 0: combat = False print("Player died :/") else: combat = False = + = 0 opponent.model.grid.remove_agent(opponent) print("Fight won") elif choice == 3: self.rangeAttack(opponent) if > 0: opponent.defaultAttack(self) if <= 0: combat = False print("Player died :/") else: combat = False = + = 0 opponent.model.grid.remove_agent(opponent) print("Fight won") else: self.magicAttack(opponent) if > 0: opponent.defaultAttack(self) if <= 0: combat = False print("Player died :/") else: combat = False = + = 0 opponent.model.grid.remove_agent(opponent) print("Fight won") def openChest(self, chest): = + print("------Chest opened. Gold inside:",,"-----") = 0 self.openedchests += 1 self.hasgoalchest = False chest.model.grid.remove_agent(chest) #self.direction = 0 # po osiągnięciu jednego celu 'restartuje sie' na szukanie ścieżki do kolejnego -- NIE ZEROWAĆ OBROTU - to psuje goldState w bfs!!! # if isinstance(chest.loot,Armor): # buffer = self.armor # self.armor = chest.loot # chest.loot = buffer # if isinstance(chest.loot,Weapon): # if chest.loot.type == "Melee": # buffer = self.weapon1 # self.weapon1 = chest.loot # chest.loot = buffer # elif chest.loot.type == "Range": # buffer = self.weapon2 # self.weapon2 = chest.loot # chest.loot = buffer # elif chest.loot.type == "Magic": # buffer = self.weapon3 # self.weapon3 = chest.loot # chest.loot = buffer #- - - - bfs & successor - - - -# def successor(self, append): rotateLeft = AgentState( append.get_x(), append.get_y(), append.get_direction().counterClockwise() ) rotateRight = AgentState( append.get_x(), append.get_y(), append.get_direction().clockwise() ) move_x = 0 move_y = 0 if append.get_direction() == Direction.N: move_y = 1 elif append.get_direction() == Direction.E: move_x = 1 elif append.get_direction() == Direction.S: move_y = -1 elif append.get_direction() == Direction.W: move_x = -1 if append.get_x() + move_x >= 0 and append.get_x() + move_x < 10 and append.get_y() + move_y >=0 and append.get_y() + move_y < 10: moveForward = AgentState( append.get_x() + move_x, append.get_y() + move_y, append.get_direction() ) else: moveForward = None return [ [actions["rotateLeft"], rotateLeft], [actions["moveForward"], moveForward], [actions["rotateRight"], rotateRight] ] def heuristics(self, state, target_state): # cost is initially step distance in manhattan metric return abs(state.get_x() - target_state.get_x()) + abs(state.get_y() - target_state.get_y()) def graphsearch(self, fringe, explored, istate, succesorFunction, goalState): finalActionList = [] init_state = [None, istate] root = Node(None, init_state, 0) heapq.heappush(fringe, (0, root)) # at beginning do nothing while len(fringe) != 0: _flag = True if len(fringe) == 0: return False tmpNode = (heapq.heappop(fringe))[1] # node # build dictionary # parent = tmpNode.get_predecessor() # fetch parent state # tmpNode.set_predecessor(None) # clear predecessor - don't build a tree chain # if parent is None: # finalActionList.append([parent, tmpNode]) # else: # finalActionList.append( # [parent[1], tmpNode]) # pair(key, value) - key: parent state, value: current state + action if tmpNode._state.get_x() == goalState.get_x() and tmpNode._state.get_y() == goalState.get_y(): while tmpNode._parent is not None: finalActionList.append(tmpNode._action) tmpNode = tmpNode._parent finalActionList = list(reversed(finalActionList)) return finalActionList # TODO change step! explored.append(tmpNode) tmpList = succesorFunction(tmpNode._state) for newState in tmpList: _flag = True _flagFringe = True _flagExplored = True if newState[1] is None: continue # calculating priority monster = 0 if any([thing.isCreature for thing in self.model.grid.get_cell_list_contents([(newState[1].get_x(), newState[1].get_y())])]): if newState[0] == 0: monster = 10 p = self.heuristics(newState[1], goalState) + tmpNode._cost + monster + 1 r = 0 counter = 0 pos = 0 for fringeNode in fringe: if fringeNode[1]._state.get_x() == newState[1].get_x() and fringeNode[1]._state.get_y() == newState[1].get_y() and fringeNode[1]._state.get_direction() == newState[1].get_direction(): _flagFringe = False _flag = False r = fringeNode[0] pos = counter counter = counter + 1 for exploredNode in explored: if exploredNode._state.get_x() == newState[1].get_x() and exploredNode._state.get_y() == newState[1].get_y() and exploredNode._state.get_direction() == newState[1].get_direction(): _flagExplored = False _flag = False # if _flag: # newState[1].set_predecessor(tmpNode) if _flagFringe and _flagExplored: newNode = Node(tmpNode, newState, tmpNode._cost + 1 + monster) heapq.heappush(fringe, (p, newNode)) elif not _flagFringe and (p < r): newNode = Node(tmpNode, newState, tmpNode._cost + 1 + monster) fringe[pos][0] = p fringe[pos][1] = newNode return None def step(self): if > 0: print("position: ", self.pos) # print("direction: ", self.direction) if not self.hasgoalchest: # jeśli nie ma wyznaczonej skrzynki do której idzie to robi bfs żeby ją wyznaczyć # self.path=self.findShortestPathToTarget() if len(self.__listOfChests) != 0: # select and remove element from list randomChest = random.choice(self.__listOfChests) self.__listOfChests.remove(randomChest) self.hasgoalchest = True currentState = AgentState(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.direction) goalState = AgentState(randomChest[1][0], randomChest[1][1], self.direction) # find way to goal state self.__actionsCollection = self.graphsearch([], [], currentState, self.successor, goalState) if self.__actionsCollection is None: raise Exception("CRITICAL ERROR - Algorithm error - Path doesn't exist!!! ://") else: self.__actionsCollection = [action for action in self.__actionsCollection if action is not None] # remove first None action else: raise Exception("WIN!!! :D") elif len(self.__actionsCollection) == 0: # jeśli jest wyznaczona skrzynka - cel & nie ma akcji do wykonania - cel osiągnięty self.hasgoalchest = False elif len(self.__actionsCollection) != 0: # jeśli jest wyznaczona skrzynka - cel & są akcje do wykoannia to je realizuje actionIndex = self.__actionsCollection[0] # ignore -1 because it's None self.__actionsCollection.remove(actionIndex) newState = actionsInterpreter(actionIndex, AgentState(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.direction), self.directions) self.model.grid.move_agent(self, (newState.get_x(), newState.get_y())) self.direction = newState.get_direction() print("moved to - ", [newState.get_x(), newState.get_y()]) cellmates = self.model.grid.get_cell_list_contents([self.pos]) if len(cellmates) > 1: if isinstance(cellmates[0], Box): self.openChest(cellmates[0]) else: opponent = cellmates[0] print("Fighting") self.fightOrFlight(opponent) # print("HP: " + str( + " / " + str(self.maxHealth)) print("Gold: " + str( else: print("HP: 0 / " + str(self.maxHealth))