
495 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-11-27 20:36:02 +01:00
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<resources xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<bool name="config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved">false</bool>
<color name="preference_fallback_accent_color">#ff008577</color>
<dimen name="preference_dropdown_padding_start">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="preference_icon_minWidth">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="preference_seekbar_padding_horizontal">0dp</dimen>
<dimen name="preference_seekbar_padding_vertical">15dp</dimen>
<dimen name="preference_seekbar_value_minWidth">36dp</dimen>
<string name="copy">Copy</string>
<string name="expand_button_title">Advanced</string>
<string name="not_set">Not set</string>
<string name="preference_copied">
\"<ns1:g example="Version 1.1" id="summary">%1$s</ns1:g>\" copied to clipboard.
<string name="summary_collapsed_preference_list"><ns1:g id="current_items">%1$s</ns1:g>, <ns1:g id="added_items">%2$s</ns1:g></string>
<string name="v7_preference_off">OFF</string>
<string name="v7_preference_on">ON</string>
<style name="Preference">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference</item>
<style name="Preference.Category">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_category</item>
<!-- The title should not dim if the category is disabled, instead only the preference children should dim. -->
<item name="android:shouldDisableView">false</item>
<item name="android:selectable">false</item>
<style name="Preference.Category.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_category_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">true</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.CheckBoxPreference">
<item name="android:widgetLayout">@layout/preference_widget_checkbox</item>
<style name="Preference.CheckBoxPreference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.DialogPreference">
<item name="android:positiveButtonText">@android:string/ok</item>
<item name="android:negativeButtonText">@android:string/cancel</item>
<style name="Preference.DialogPreference.EditTextPreference">
<item name="android:dialogLayout">@layout/preference_dialog_edittext</item>
<style name="Preference.DialogPreference.EditTextPreference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="singleLineTitle">false</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.DialogPreference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.DropDown">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_dropdown</item>
<style name="Preference.DropDown.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_dropdown_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.Information">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_information</item>
<item name="android:enabled">false</item>
<item name="android:shouldDisableView">false</item>
<style name="Preference.Information.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_information_material</item>
<item name="android:enabled">false</item>
<item name="android:shouldDisableView">false</item>
<style name="Preference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="singleLineTitle">false</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.PreferenceScreen">
<style name="Preference.PreferenceScreen.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.SeekBarPreference">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_widget_seekbar</item>
<item name="adjustable">true</item>
<item name="showSeekBarValue">true</item>
<item name="updatesContinuously">false</item>
<style name="Preference.SeekBarPreference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_widget_seekbar_material</item>
<item name="adjustable">true</item>
<item name="showSeekBarValue">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.SwitchPreference">
<item name="android:widgetLayout">@layout/preference_widget_switch</item>
<item name="android:switchTextOn">@string/v7_preference_on</item>
<item name="android:switchTextOff">@string/v7_preference_off</item>
<style name="Preference.SwitchPreference.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="singleLineTitle">false</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="Preference.SwitchPreferenceCompat">
<item name="android:widgetLayout">@layout/preference_widget_switch_compat</item>
<item name="android:switchTextOn">@string/v7_preference_on</item>
<item name="android:switchTextOff">@string/v7_preference_off</item>
<style name="Preference.SwitchPreferenceCompat.Material">
<item name="android:layout">@layout/preference_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAbove">false</item>
<item name="allowDividerBelow">true</item>
<item name="iconSpaceReserved">@bool/config_materialPreferenceIconSpaceReserved</item>
<style name="PreferenceCategoryTitleTextStyle">
<item name="android:textAppearance">?attr/preferenceCategoryTitleTextAppearance</item>
<item name="android:textColor">@color/preference_fallback_accent_color</item>
<style name="PreferenceFragment">
<item name="android:paddingLeft">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingStart">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingRight">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingEnd">0dp</item>
<item name="android:divider">?android:attr/listDivider</item>
<style name="PreferenceFragment.Material">
<item name="android:divider">@drawable/preference_list_divider_material</item>
<item name="allowDividerAfterLastItem">false</item>
<style name="PreferenceFragmentList">
<item name="android:paddingLeft">16dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingStart">16dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingRight">16dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingEnd">16dp</item>
<style name="PreferenceFragmentList.Material">
<item name="android:paddingLeft">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingStart">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingRight">0dp</item>
<item name="android:paddingEnd">0dp</item>
<style name="PreferenceSummaryTextStyle">
<item name="android:textAppearance">?android:attr/textAppearanceSmall</item>
<style name="PreferenceThemeOverlay">
<item name="android:scrollbars">vertical</item>
<item name="checkBoxPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.CheckBoxPreference.Material</item>
<item name="dialogPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.DialogPreference.Material</item>
<item name="dropdownPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.DropDown.Material</item>
<item name="editTextPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.DialogPreference.EditTextPreference.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceCategoryStyle">@style/Preference.Category.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceFragmentCompatStyle">@style/PreferenceFragment.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceFragmentListStyle">@style/PreferenceFragmentList.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceFragmentStyle">@style/PreferenceFragment.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceScreenStyle">@style/Preference.PreferenceScreen.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceStyle">@style/Preference.Material</item>
<item name="seekBarPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.SeekBarPreference.Material</item>
<item name="switchPreferenceCompatStyle">@style/Preference.SwitchPreferenceCompat.Material</item>
<item name="switchPreferenceStyle">@style/Preference.SwitchPreference.Material</item>
<item name="preferenceCategoryTitleTextAppearance">@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Body2</item>
<style name="PreferenceThemeOverlay.v14"/>
<style name="PreferenceThemeOverlay.v14.Material"/>
<declare-styleable name="BackgroundStyle">
<attr name="android:selectableItemBackground"/>
<!-- Need a non-android: attr here so that gradle doesn't remove it -->
<attr name="selectableItemBackground"/>
<declare-styleable name="CheckBoxPreference">
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
CheckBoxPreference is checked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr format="string" name="summaryOn"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOn"/>
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
CheckBoxPreference is unchecked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr format="string" name="summaryOff"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOff"/>
<!-- The state (true for on, or false for off) that causes dependents to be disabled. By default,
dependents will be disabled when this is unchecked, so the value of this preference is false. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="disableDependentsState"/>
<attr name="android:disableDependentsState"/>
<declare-styleable name="DialogPreference">
<!-- The title in the dialog. -->
<attr format="string" name="dialogTitle"/>
<attr name="android:dialogTitle"/>
<!-- The message in the dialog. If a dialogLayout is provided and contains
a TextView with ID android:id/message, this message will be placed in there. -->
<attr format="string" name="dialogMessage"/>
<attr name="android:dialogMessage"/>
<!-- The icon for the dialog. -->
<attr format="reference" name="dialogIcon"/>
<attr name="android:dialogIcon"/>
<!-- The positive button text for the dialog. Set to @null to hide the positive button. -->
<attr format="string" name="positiveButtonText"/>
<attr name="android:positiveButtonText"/>
<!-- The negative button text for the dialog. Set to @null to hide the negative button. -->
<attr format="string" name="negativeButtonText"/>
<attr name="android:negativeButtonText"/>
<!-- A layout to be used as the content View for the dialog. By default, this shouldn't
be needed. If a custom DialogPreference is required, this should be set. For example,
the EditTextPreference uses a layout with an EditText as this attribute. -->
<attr format="reference" name="dialogLayout"/>
<attr name="android:dialogLayout"/>
<declare-styleable name="EditTextPreference">
<!-- Whether the preference should automatically set its summary to the value saved for the
preference, and update the summary when the value is changed. Defaults to false. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="useSimpleSummaryProvider"/>
<declare-styleable name="ListPreference">
<!-- The human-readable array to present as a list. Each entry must have a corresponding
index in entryValues. -->
<attr format="reference" name="entries"/>
<attr name="android:entries"/>
<!-- The array to find the value to save for a preference when an entry from
entries is selected. If a user clicks on the second item in entries, the
second item in this array will be saved to the preference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="entryValues"/>
<attr name="android:entryValues"/>
<!-- Whether the preference should automatically set its summary to the value saved for the
preference, and update the summary when the value is changed. Defaults to false. -->
<attr name="useSimpleSummaryProvider"/>
<declare-styleable name="MultiSelectListPreference">
<!-- The human-readable array to present as a list. Each entry must have a corresponding
index in entryValues. -->
<attr name="entries"/>
<attr name="android:entries"/>
<!-- The array to find the value to save for a preference when an entry from
entries is selected. If a user clicks the second item in entries, the
second item in this array will be saved to the preference. -->
<attr name="entryValues"/>
<attr name="android:entryValues"/>
<declare-styleable name="Preference">
<!-- The optional icon for the preference -->
<attr name="icon"/>
<attr name="android:icon"/>
<!-- The key to store the Preference value. -->
<attr format="string" name="key"/>
<attr name="android:key"/>
<!-- The title for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. -->
<attr name="title"/>
<attr name="android:title"/>
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. -->
<attr format="string" name="summary"/>
<attr name="android:summary"/>
<!-- The order for the Preference (lower values are to be ordered first). If this is not
specified, the default ordering will be alphabetic. -->
<attr format="integer" name="order"/>
<attr name="android:order"/>
<!-- When used inside of a modern PreferenceActivity, this declares
a new PreferenceFragment to be shown when the user selects this item. -->
<attr format="string" name="fragment"/>
<attr name="android:fragment"/>
<!-- The layout for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. This should
rarely need to be changed, look at widgetLayout instead. -->
<attr name="layout"/>
<attr name="android:layout"/>
<!-- The layout for the controllable widget portion of a Preference. This is inflated
into the layout for a Preference and should be used more frequently than
the layout attribute. For example, a checkbox preference would specify
a custom layout (consisting of just the CheckBox) here. -->
<attr format="reference" name="widgetLayout"/>
<attr name="android:widgetLayout"/>
<!-- Whether the Preference is enabled. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="enabled"/>
<attr name="android:enabled"/>
<!-- Whether the Preference is selectable. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="selectable"/>
<attr name="android:selectable"/>
<!-- The key of another Preference that this Preference will depend on. If the other
Preference is not set or is off, this Preference will be disabled. -->
<attr format="string" name="dependency"/>
<attr name="android:dependency"/>
<!-- Whether the Preference stores its value to the shared preferences. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="persistent"/>
<attr name="android:persistent"/>
<!-- The default value for the preference, which will be set either if persistence
is off or persistence is on and the preference is not found in the persistent
storage. -->
<attr format="string|boolean|integer|reference|float" name="defaultValue"/>
<attr name="android:defaultValue"/>
<!-- Whether the view of this Preference should be disabled when
this Preference is disabled. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="shouldDisableView"/>
<attr name="android:shouldDisableView"/>
<!-- Whether the preference allows displaying divider on top -->
<attr format="boolean" name="allowDividerAbove"/>
<!-- Whether the preference allows displaying divider below it -->
<attr format="boolean" name="allowDividerBelow"/>
<!-- Whether to use single line for the preference title text. By default, preference title
will be constrained to one line, so the default value of this attribute is true. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="singleLineTitle"/>
<attr name="android:singleLineTitle"/>
<!-- Whether the space for the preference icon view will be reserved. If set to true, the
preference will be offset as if it would have the icon and thus aligned with other
preferences having icons. By default, preference icon view visibility will be set to
GONE when there is no icon provided, so the default value of this attribute is false.
<attr format="boolean" name="iconSpaceReserved"/>
<attr name="android:iconSpaceReserved"/>
<!-- Whether the Preference is visible. By default, this is set to true. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="isPreferenceVisible"/>
<!-- Whether the summary of this preference can be copied to the clipboard by long pressing
on the preference. By default, this is set to false. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="enableCopying"/>
<declare-styleable name="PreferenceFragment">
<!-- The layout for the PreferenceFragment. This should rarely need to be changed. -->
<attr name="android:layout"/>
<!-- List separator to draw between preference views -->
<attr name="android:divider"/>
<!-- List separator height -->
<attr name="android:dividerHeight"/>
<!-- Whether a divider is allowed to draw after the last item -->
<attr name="allowDividerAfterLastItem"/>
<declare-styleable name="PreferenceFragmentCompat">
<!-- The layout for the PreferenceFragment. This should rarely need to be changed. -->
<attr name="android:layout"/>
<!-- List separator to draw between preference views -->
<attr name="android:divider"/>
<!-- List separator height -->
<attr name="android:dividerHeight"/>
<!-- Whether a divider is allowed to draw after the last item -->
<attr format="boolean" name="allowDividerAfterLastItem"/>
<declare-styleable name="PreferenceGroup">
<!-- Whether to order the Preference under this group as they appear in the XML file.
If this is false, the ordering will follow the Preference order attribute and
default to alphabetic for those without the order attribute. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="orderingFromXml"/>
<attr name="android:orderingFromXml"/>
<!-- The maximal number of children that are shown when the preference group is launched
where the rest of the children will be hidden. If some children are hidden an expand
button will be provided to show all the hidden children.
Any child in any level of the hierarchy that is also a preference group (e.g.
preference category) will not be counted towards the limit. But instead the children of
such group will be counted.
By default, all children will be shown, so the default value of this attribute is equal
to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
The group should have a key defined if an expandable preference is present to correctly
persist state. -->
<attr format="integer" name="initialExpandedChildrenCount"/>
<declare-styleable name="PreferenceImageView">
<attr format="dimension" name="maxWidth"/>
<attr name="android:maxWidth"/>
<attr format="dimension" name="maxHeight"/>
<attr name="android:maxHeight"/>
<declare-styleable name="PreferenceTheme">
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- Preference styles -->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- Theme for inflating Preference objects -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceTheme"/>
<!-- The preferred TextAppearance for the title displayed in a PreferenceCategory.
This is needed as there are no relevant android: attributes we can use for this as we
do with other text appearance styles. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceCategoryTitleTextAppearance"/>
<!-- Default style for PreferenceScreen. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceScreenStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for Headers pane in PreferenceActivity. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceFragmentStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for Headers pane in PreferenceActivity. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceFragmentCompatStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for PreferenceCategory. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceCategoryStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for Preference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for informational Preference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceInformationStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for CheckBoxPreference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="checkBoxPreferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for DialogPreference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="dialogPreferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for EditTextPreference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="editTextPreferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for DropDownPreference. -->
<attr format="reference" name="dropdownPreferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Preference fragment list style -->
<attr format="reference" name="preferenceFragmentListStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for switch preferences. -->
<attr format="reference" name="switchPreferenceStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for switch compat preferences. -->
<attr format="reference" name="switchPreferenceCompatStyle"/>
<!-- Default style for seekbar preferences. -->
<attr format="reference" name="seekBarPreferenceStyle"/>
<declare-styleable name="SeekBarPreference">
<attr format="integer" name="min"/>
<attr name="android:max"/>
<attr name="android:layout"/>
<!--Attribute controlling the amount to increment or decrement the seekbar when the user
presses the arrow keys-->
<attr format="integer" name="seekBarIncrement"/>
<!-- Attribute indicating whether the slider within this preference can be adjusted, that is
pressing left/right keys when this preference is focused will move the slider accordingly
(e.g. inline adjustable preferences). False, if the slider within the preference is
read-only and cannot be adjusted. By default, the seekbar is adjustable. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="adjustable"/>
<!-- Flag indicating whether the TextView next to the seekbar that shows the current seekbar
value will be displayed. If true, the view is VISIBLE; if false, the view will be GONE.
By default, this view is GONE. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="showSeekBarValue"/>
<!-- Flag indicating whether the SeekBarPreference should continuously save the Seekbar
value while the Seekbar is being dragged. If true, the SeekBarPreference should continuously
save the Seekbar value while it is being dragged. If false, the Seekbar value is only saved
when released. By default, this boolean is false. -->
<attr format="boolean" name="updatesContinuously"/>
<declare-styleable name="SwitchPreference">
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
SwitchPreference is checked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr name="summaryOn"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOn"/>
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
SwitchPreference is unchecked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr name="summaryOff"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOff"/>
<!-- The text used on the switch itself when in the "on" state.
This should be a very SHORT string, as it appears in a small space. -->
<attr name="switchTextOn"/>
<attr name="android:switchTextOn"/>
<!-- The text used on the switch itself when in the "off" state.
This should be a very SHORT string, as it appears in a small space. -->
<attr name="switchTextOff"/>
<attr name="android:switchTextOff"/>
<!-- The state (true for on, or false for off) that causes dependents to be disabled. By default,
dependents will be disabled when this is unchecked, so the value of this preference is false. -->
<attr name="disableDependentsState"/>
<attr name="android:disableDependentsState"/>
<declare-styleable name="SwitchPreferenceCompat">
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
SwitchPreference is checked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr name="summaryOn"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOn"/>
<!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
SwitchPreference is unchecked. If separate on/off summaries are not
needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
<attr name="summaryOff"/>
<attr name="android:summaryOff"/>
<!-- The text used on the switch itself when in the "on" state.
This should be a very SHORT string, as it appears in a small space. -->
<attr format="string" name="switchTextOn"/>
<attr name="android:switchTextOn"/>
<!-- The text used on the switch itself when in the "off" state.
This should be a very SHORT string, as it appears in a small space. -->
<attr format="string" name="switchTextOff"/>
<attr name="android:switchTextOff"/>
<!-- The state (true for on, or false for off) that causes dependents to be disabled. By default,
dependents will be disabled when this is unchecked, so the value of this preference is false. -->
<attr name="disableDependentsState"/>
<attr name="android:disableDependentsState"/>