2020-11-28 19:30:45 +01:00

484 lines
21 KiB

const request = require('supertest');
const faker = require('faker');
const httpStatus = require('http-status');
const httpMocks = require('node-mocks-http');
const moment = require('moment');
const bcrypt = require('bcryptjs');
const app = require('../../src/app');
const config = require('../../src/config/config');
const auth = require('../../src/middlewares/auth');
const { tokenService, emailService } = require('../../src/services');
const ApiError = require('../../src/utils/ApiError');
const setupTestDB = require('../utils/setupTestDB');
const { User, Token } = require('../../src/models');
const { roleRights } = require('../../src/config/roles');
const { tokenTypes } = require('../../src/config/tokens');
const { userOne, admin, insertUsers } = require('../fixtures/user.fixture');
const { userOneAccessToken, adminAccessToken } = require('../fixtures/token.fixture');
describe('Auth routes', () => {
describe('POST /v1/auth/register', () => {
let newUser;
beforeEach(() => {
newUser = {
password: 'password1',
test('should return 201 and successfully register user if request data is ok', async () => {
const res = await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.CREATED);
expect(res.body.user).toEqual({ id: expect.anything(), name:, email:, role: 'user' });
const dbUser = await User.findById(;
expect(dbUser).toMatchObject({ name:, email:, role: 'user' });
access: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
refresh: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
test('should return 400 error if email is invalid', async () => { = 'invalidEmail';
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 400 error if email is already used', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]); =;
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 400 error if password length is less than 8 characters', async () => {
newUser.password = 'passwo1';
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 400 error if password does not contain both letters and numbers', async () => {
newUser.password = 'password';
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
newUser.password = '11111111';
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/register').send(newUser).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
describe('POST /v1/auth/login', () => {
test('should return 200 and login user if email and password match', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const loginCredentials = {
password: userOne.password,
const res = await request(app).post('/v1/auth/login').send(loginCredentials).expect(httpStatus.OK);
id: expect.anything(),
role: userOne.role,
access: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
refresh: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
test('should return 401 error if there are no users with that email', async () => {
const loginCredentials = {
password: userOne.password,
const res = await request(app).post('/v1/auth/login').send(loginCredentials).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
expect(res.body).toEqual({ code: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Incorrect email or password' });
test('should return 401 error if password is wrong', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const loginCredentials = {
password: 'wrongPassword1',
const res = await request(app).post('/v1/auth/login').send(loginCredentials).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
expect(res.body).toEqual({ code: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Incorrect email or password' });
describe('POST /v1/auth/logout', () => {
test('should return 204 if refresh token is valid', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/logout').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
const dbRefreshTokenDoc = await Token.findOne({ token: refreshToken });
test('should return 400 error if refresh token is missing from request body', async () => {
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/logout').send().expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 404 error if refresh token is not found in the database', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/logout').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
test('should return 404 error if refresh token is blacklisted', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH, true);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/logout').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
describe('POST /v1/auth/refresh-tokens', () => {
test('should return 200 and new auth tokens if refresh token is valid', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
const res = await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.OK);
access: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
refresh: { token: expect.anything(), expires: expect.anything() },
const dbRefreshTokenDoc = await Token.findOne({ token: res.body.refresh.token });
expect(dbRefreshTokenDoc).toMatchObject({ type: tokenTypes.REFRESH, user: userOne._id, blacklisted: false });
const dbRefreshTokenCount = await Token.countDocuments();
test('should return 400 error if refresh token is missing from request body', async () => {
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send().expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 401 error if refresh token is signed using an invalid secret', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH, 'invalidSecret');
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
test('should return 401 error if refresh token is not found in the database', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
test('should return 401 error if refresh token is blacklisted', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH, true);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
test('should return 401 error if refresh token is expired', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().subtract(1, 'minutes');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
test('should return 401 error if user is not found', async () => {
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.refreshExpirationDays, 'days');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await tokenService.saveToken(refreshToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/refresh-tokens').send({ refreshToken }).expect(httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
describe('POST /v1/auth/forgot-password', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(emailService.transport, 'sendMail').mockResolvedValue();
test('should return 204 and send reset password email to the user', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const sendResetPasswordEmailSpy = jest.spyOn(emailService, 'sendResetPasswordEmail');
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/forgot-password').send({ email: }).expect(httpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
expect(sendResetPasswordEmailSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, expect.any(String));
const resetPasswordToken = sendResetPasswordEmailSpy.mock.calls[0][1];
const dbResetPasswordTokenDoc = await Token.findOne({ token: resetPasswordToken, user: userOne._id });
test('should return 400 if email is missing', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/forgot-password').send().expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 404 if email does not belong to any user', async () => {
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/forgot-password').send({ email: }).expect(httpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
describe('POST /v1/auth/reset-password', () => {
test('should return 204 and reset the password', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.resetPasswordExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const resetPasswordToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await tokenService.saveToken(resetPasswordToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'password2' })
const dbUser = await User.findById(userOne._id);
const isPasswordMatch = await'password2', dbUser.password);
const dbResetPasswordTokenCount = await Token.countDocuments({ user: userOne._id, type: tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD });
test('should return 400 if reset password token is missing', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/reset-password').send({ password: 'password2' }).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
test('should return 401 if reset password token is blacklisted', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.resetPasswordExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const resetPasswordToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await tokenService.saveToken(resetPasswordToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD, true);
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'password2' })
test('should return 401 if reset password token is expired', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().subtract(1, 'minutes');
const resetPasswordToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await tokenService.saveToken(resetPasswordToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'password2' })
test('should return 401 if user is not found', async () => {
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.resetPasswordExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const resetPasswordToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await tokenService.saveToken(resetPasswordToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'password2' })
test('should return 400 if password is missing or invalid', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.resetPasswordExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const resetPasswordToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await tokenService.saveToken(resetPasswordToken, userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.RESET_PASSWORD);
await request(app).post('/v1/auth/reset-password').query({ token: resetPasswordToken }).expect(httpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'short1' })
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: 'password' })
await request(app)
.query({ token: resetPasswordToken })
.send({ password: '11111111' })
describe('Auth middleware', () => {
test('should call next with no errors if access token is valid', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userOneAccessToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
test('should call next with unauthorized error if access token is not found in header', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest();
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with unauthorized error if access token is not a valid jwt token', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer randomToken' } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with unauthorized error if the token is not an access token', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.accessExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const refreshToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.REFRESH);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${refreshToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with unauthorized error if access token is generated with an invalid secret', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().add(config.jwt.accessExpirationMinutes, 'minutes');
const accessToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.ACCESS, 'invalidSecret');
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with unauthorized error if access token is expired', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const expires = moment().subtract(1, 'minutes');
const accessToken = tokenService.generateToken(userOne._id, expires, tokenTypes.ACCESS);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with unauthorized error if user is not found', async () => {
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userOneAccessToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth()(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, message: 'Please authenticate' })
test('should call next with forbidden error if user does not have required rights and userId is not in params', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userOneAccessToken}` } });
const next = jest.fn();
await auth('anyRight')(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.objectContaining({ statusCode: httpStatus.FORBIDDEN, message: 'Forbidden' }));
test('should call next with no errors if user does not have required rights but userId is in params', async () => {
await insertUsers([userOne]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${userOneAccessToken}` },
params: { userId: userOne._id.toHexString() },
const next = jest.fn();
await auth('anyRight')(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);
test('should call next with no errors if user has required rights', async () => {
await insertUsers([admin]);
const req = httpMocks.createRequest({
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${adminAccessToken}` },
params: { userId: userOne._id.toHexString() },
const next = jest.fn();
await auth(...roleRights.get('admin'))(req, httpMocks.createResponse(), next);