import copy import settings class State: def __init__(self, direction, x, y): self.direction = direction self.x = x self.y = y def get_direction(self): return self.direction def set_direction(self, direction): self.direction = direction def get_x(self): return self.x def set_x(self, x): self.x = x def get_y(self): return self.y def set_y(self, y): self.y = y class Node: def __init__(self, action, direction, parent, x, y): self.action = action self.direction = direction self.parent = parent self.x = x self.y = y def get_action(self): return self.action def set_action(self, action): self.action = action def get_direction(self): return self.direction def set_direction(self, direction): self.direction = direction def get_parent(self): return self.parent def set_parent(self, parent): self.parent = parent def get_x(self): return self.x def set_x(self, x): self.x = x def get_y(self): return self.y def set_y(self, y): self.y = y def goal_test(goal_test_arr, elem): if elem.get_x() == goal_test_arr[0] and elem.get_y() == goal_test_arr[1]: return True else: return False def graph_search(explored, fringe, goal_test_arr, is_state, succ): node = Node(None, is_state.get_direction(), None, is_state.get_x(), is_state.get_y()) fringe.append(node) while True: if not fringe: return False elem = fringe.pop(0) temp = copy.copy(elem) if goal_test(goal_test_arr, elem) is True: return get_moves_list(elem) explored.append(elem) for (action, state) in succ( temp): fringe_tuple = [] explored_tuple = [] for x in fringe: fringe_tuple.append((x.get_direction(), x.get_x(), x.get_y())) for x in explored: explored_tuple.append((x.get_direction(), x.get_x(), x.get_y())) if state not in fringe_tuple and state not in explored_tuple: x = Node(action, state[0], elem, state[1], state[2]) fringe.append(x) def get_moves_list(node): moves_list = [] while (node.get_parent() != None): moves_list.append(node.get_action()) node = node.get_parent() moves_list.reverse() return moves_list def succ(node): actions_list = [] direction = copy.copy(node.get_direction()) if direction == 1: direction = 4 else: direction = direction - 1 actions_list.append(("l", (direction, node.get_x(), node.get_y()))) direction = copy.copy(node.get_direction()) if direction == 4: direction = 1 else: direction = direction + 1 actions_list.append(("r", (direction, node.get_x(), node.get_y()))) temp_move_south = node.get_y() + 1 temp_move_west = node.get_x() - 1 temp_move_east = node.get_x() + 1 temp_move_north = node.get_y() - 1 if is_move_allowed(node) == "x + 1": actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), temp_move_east, node.get_y()))) elif is_move_allowed(node) == "y - 1": actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), node.get_x(), temp_move_north))) elif is_move_allowed(node) == "y + 1": actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), node.get_x(), temp_move_south))) elif is_move_allowed(node) == "x - 1": actions_list.append(("f", (node.get_direction(), temp_move_west, node.get_y()))) return actions_list def is_move_allowed(node): if node.get_direction() == 2 and node.get_x() + 1 < settings.Pygame.width(): return "x + 1" elif node.get_direction() == 1 and node.get_y() - 1 >= 0: return "y - 1" elif node.get_direction() == 3 and node.get_y() + 1 < settings.Pygame.height(): return "y + 1" elif node.get_direction() == 4 and node.get_x() - 1 >= 0: return "x - 1" else: return False