143 lines
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143 lines
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import datetime
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from flask import current_app
from ...app.dependencies import db
from ...app.base.utils import is_allowed_extensions, order_by_column_name, paginate_models
from ...app.coordinator.utils import check_columns, parse_csv, generate_range_dates, generate_csv
from ...app.coordinator.exceptions import InvalidNameOrTypeHeaderException
from ...app.students.models import Student, Group
def test_is_allowed_extensions(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
for ext in current_app.config.get('ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS'):
assert is_allowed_extensions(f'file.{ext}') is True
def test_is_allowed_extensions_with_invalid_extensions(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
assert is_allowed_extensions('file.invalid_ext') is False
assert is_allowed_extensions('file') is False
def test_order_by_column_name_ascending_mode(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
query = order_by_column_name(Student.query, 'index', 'desc')
assert 'ORDER BY students."index"' in str(query)
def test_order_by_column_name_descending_mode(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
query = order_by_column_name(Student.query, 'index', 'desc')
assert 'ORDER BY students."index" DESC' in str(query)
def test_paginate_models(test_app_ctx_with_db) -> None:
with test_app_ctx_with_db:
st = Student(index=123456, first_name='Dominic', last_name='Smith', pesel='99010109876', email='xxx@gmail.com')
st1 = Student(index=123457, first_name='John', last_name='Newton', pesel='99010109871', email='zzz@gmail.com')
db.session.add_all([st, st1])
result = paginate_models(1, Student.query, 1)
items = result.get('items', [])
max_pages = result.get('max_pages', 0)
assert len(items) == 1
assert max_pages == 2
def test_check_columns() -> None:
dummy_data = {'NAZWISKO': ['Smith'], 'IMIE': ['Dominic'], 'INDEKS': [343433], 'PESEL': [90020178654],
'EMAIL': ['domsmi@gmail.com']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_data)
assert check_columns(df) is True
def test_check_columns_with_invalid_column_names() -> None:
dummy_data = {'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [2, 3]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_data)
assert check_columns(df) is False
def test_check_columns_with_invalid_column_types() -> None:
dummy_data = {'NAZWISKO': [999], 'IMIE': ['Dominic'], 'INDEKS': [343433], 'PESEL': [90020178654],
'EMAIL': ['domsmi@gmail.com']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_data)
assert check_columns(df) is False
def get_path_to_fake_data(filename: str) -> str:
base_dir = current_app.config.get('BASE_DIR', '/')
return base_dir / 'tmp_data' / filename
def test_parse_csv(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
with open(get_path_to_fake_data('students.csv')) as f:
students = sorted(list(parse_csv(f)), key=lambda s: s.index)
indexes = [452790 + i for i in range(3)]
assert len(students) == len(indexes)
for st, idx in zip(students, indexes):
assert st.index == idx
def test_parse_csv_with_invalid_column_header_name_in_csv_file(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
with open(get_path_to_fake_data('students_column_name.csv')) as f:
with pytest.raises(InvalidNameOrTypeHeaderException):
def test_parse_csv_with_invalid_column_type_in_csv_file(test_app) -> None:
with test_app.app_context():
with open(get_path_to_fake_data('students_column_type.csv')) as f:
with pytest.raises(InvalidNameOrTypeHeaderException):
def test_generate_range_dates() -> None:
start_date = datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0)
end_date = datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 2, 12, 0, 0, 0)
step = 30
expected_dates_amount = (end_date - start_date).total_seconds() / 60.0 / step
dates = list(generate_range_dates(start_date, end_date, step))
assert expected_dates_amount == len(dates)
for date in dates:
assert start_date <= date < end_date
def test_generate_csv(test_app_ctx_with_db) -> None:
students_data = [
{'first_name': 'Dominic', 'last_name': 'Smith', 'email': 'xxe@gmail.com', 'index': 123456,
'pesel': '98070234293'},
{'first_name': 'Matthew', 'last_name': 'Cash', 'email': 'zze@gmail.com', 'index': 123455,
'pesel': '98070234291'},
{'first_name': 'Martin', 'last_name': 'Rose', 'email': 'nne@gmail.com', 'index': 123446,
'pesel': '98070234223'},
with test_app_ctx_with_db:
students = [Student(**data) for data in students_data]
gr1 = Group(name="new-project")
gr2 = Group(name="system-pri")
db.session.add_all([gr1, gr2])
students_and_groups = [(students[0], gr1), (students[1], gr1), (students[2], gr2)]
generated_csv = generate_csv(students_and_groups)
for data in students_data:
for value in data.values():
assert str(value) in generated_csv