from datetime import datetime from typing import List from flask import abort from sqlalchemy import and_, or_ from ...base.mode import EnrollmentsMode from ...dependencies import db from ...examination_schedule.models import ExaminationSchedule, TermOfDefence from ...project_supervisor.models import ProjectSupervisor from ...students.models import Group def get_term_of_defence_by_id_and_examination_schedule_id( examination_schedule_id: int, term_of_defence_id: int ) -> ExaminationSchedule: td = TermOfDefence.query.filter( == term_of_defence_id, TermOfDefence.examination_schedule_id == examination_schedule_id, ).first() if td is None: abort(404, "Not found examination schedule or term of defence!") return td def get_group_by_id(group_id: int) -> Group: group = Group.query.filter( == group_id).first() if group is None: abort(404, "Not found group!") return group def check_the_group_has_assigned_to_term_of_defence(group_id: int) -> TermOfDefence: td = TermOfDefence.query.filter(TermOfDefence.group_id == group_id).first() if td is not None: abort(400, "Group has already assigned to term of defence!") return td def set_new_group_to_term_of_defence( examination_schedule_id: int, term_of_defence_id: int, group_id: int ) -> TermOfDefence: td = get_term_of_defence_by_id_and_examination_schedule_id( examination_schedule_id, term_of_defence_id ) get_group_by_id(group_id) check_the_group_has_assigned_to_term_of_defence(group_id) td.group_id = group_id return td def get_examination_schedule_by_id(examination_schedule_id: int) -> ExaminationSchedule: ex = ExaminationSchedule.query.filter( == examination_schedule_id ).first() if ex is None: abort(404, "Not found examination schedule!") return ex def get_and_check_the_project_supervisors_exists_in_db( year_group_id: int, project_supervisors_ids: List[int] ) -> List[ProjectSupervisor]: project_supervisors = ( ProjectSupervisor.query.filter( or_(*[ == i for i in project_supervisors_ids]) ) .filter(ProjectSupervisor.year_group_id == year_group_id) .all() ) if len(project_supervisors) != len(project_supervisors_ids): abort(400, "Project Supervisors didn't exist!") return project_supervisors def validate_enrollments_date( ex_start_date: datetime, ex_end_date: datetime, duration_time: int, data: dict ) -> None: start_date = data.get("start_date") end_date = data.get("end_date") if not ( ex_start_date.timestamp() <= start_date.timestamp() and ex_end_date.timestamp() >= end_date.timestamp() ): abort(400, "Invalid date range!") if end_date <= start_date: abort(400, "End date must be greater than start date!") delta_time = end_date - start_date delta_time_in_minutes = delta_time.total_seconds() / 60 print(delta_time_in_minutes, duration_time, delta_time_in_minutes != duration_time) if delta_time_in_minutes % duration_time != 0: abort(400, "Invalid duration time!") def check_the_term_of_defence_not_exists_in_chosen_date_range( examination_schedule_id: int, data: dict ) -> None: start_date = data.get("start_date") end_date = data.get("end_date") td = ( TermOfDefence.query.filter( TermOfDefence.examination_schedule_id == examination_schedule_id ) .filter( or_( and_( TermOfDefence.start_date >= start_date, TermOfDefence.start_date < end_date, TermOfDefence.end_date >= end_date, ), and_( TermOfDefence.start_date <= start_date, TermOfDefence.end_date > start_date, TermOfDefence.end_date <= end_date, ), ) ) .first() ) if td is not None: abort(400, "This term of defence is taken! You choose other date!") def set_enrollments_mode( examination_schedule_id: int, mode: EnrollmentsMode, action_name: str ) -> dict: examination_schedule = ( db.session.query(ExaminationSchedule) .filter( == examination_schedule_id) .first() ) if examination_schedule is None: abort(404, "Not found examination schedule!") examination_schedule.open_enrollments = mode.value db.session.commit() return {"message": f"You {action_name} enrollments for this examination schedule!"}