from typing import Generator import pytest from apiflask import APIFlask from flask import Flask from flask.testing import FlaskClient from flask.ctx import AppContext from import create_app from import db @pytest.fixture() def test_app() -> Generator[Flask, None, None]: yield create_app("testing") @pytest.fixture() def test_app_ctx_with_db(test_app) -> Generator[AppContext, None, None]: with test_app.app_context() as ctx: db.create_all() yield ctx @pytest.fixture() def test_client() -> FlaskClient: app = create_app("testing") with app.app_context(): db.create_all() return app.test_client() @pytest.fixture() def test_app_with_context() -> Generator[APIFlask, None, None]: app = create_app("testing") with app.app_context(): db.create_all() yield app