forked from s151636/Generic_DialogSystem
242 lines
7.9 KiB
242 lines
7.9 KiB
import json
import random
import jsgf
from pathlib import Path
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from convlab.policy.policy import Policy
__location__ = Path().resolve()
book_grammar = jsgf.parse_grammar_file(os.path.join(__location__, "grammar3.jsgf"))
class DST():
def __init__(self):
self.state = json.load(open('dictionary.json'))
def update(self, user_act=None):
for intent, domain, slot, value in user_act:
domain = domain.lower()
intent = intent.lower()
slot = slot.lower()
if domain not in self.state['belief_state']:
if intent == 'inform':
if slot == 'none' or slot == '':
domain_dic = self.state['belief_state'][domain]
if slot in domain_dic:
self.state['belief_state'][domain][slot] = value
elif intent == 'request':
if domain not in self.state['request_state']:
self.state['request_state'][domain] = {}
if slot not in self.state['request_state'][domain]:
self.state['request_state'][domain][slot] = 0
self.state['user_act'] = user_act
return self.state
def init_session(self):
self.state = json.load(open('dictionary.json'))
class SimpleRulePolicy(Policy):
def __init__(self):
self.db = json.load(open('product_db.json'))
def predict(self, state):
self.results = []
system_action = defaultdict(list)
user_action = defaultdict(list)
system_acts = []
for intent, domain, slot, value in state['user_act']:
user_action[(domain.lower(), intent.lower())].append((slot.lower(), value))
for user_act in user_action:
self.update_system_action(user_act, user_action, state, system_action)
system_acts = [[intent, domain, slot, value] for (domain, intent), slots in system_action.items() for slot, value in slots]
state['system_act'] = system_acts
return system_acts
def update_system_action(self, user_act, user_action, state, system_action):
domain, intent = user_act
constraints = [(slot, value) for slot, value in state['belief_state'][domain.lower()].items() if value != '']
self.results = self.db['database'][domain]
# Reguła 1
if intent == 'request':
if len(self.results) == 0:
system_action[(domain, 'NoOffer')] = []
for slot in user_action[user_act]:
if self.results and slot[0] in self.results[0]:
system_action[(domain, 'Inform')].append([slot[0], self.results[0].get(slot[0], 'unknown')])
# Reguła 2
elif intent == 'inform':
if len(self.results) == 0:
system_action[(domain, 'NoOffer')] = []
system_action[(domain, 'Inform')].append(['Choice', str(len(self.results))])
for product in self.results:
if all(product.get(slot, '').lower() == value.lower() for slot, value in constraints):
system_action[(domain, 'Recommend')].append(['Name', product['name']])
def nlg(system_act):
domain, intent, slot, value = system_act
if intent == 'Affirm':
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return 'Tak'
elif r == 2:
return 'Zgadza się'
return 'Potwierdzam'
if intent == 'Deny':
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return 'Nie'
elif r == 2:
return 'Nie zgadza się'
return 'Nie potwierdzam'
if intent == 'Canthelp':
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return 'Przepraszam, ale obawiam się, że nie mogę tego zrobić'
elif r == 2:
return 'Wystąpił błąd, proszę się skontaktować z obsługą'
return 'ERR://23¤Y%/'
if intent == 'Hellomsg':
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return 'Witaj'
elif r == 2:
return 'Cześć'
return 'Dzień dobry'
if intent == 'Bye':
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return 'Do zobaczenia'
elif r == 2:
return 'Żegnaj'
return 'Buk zapłać'
if domain == 'Product':
if intent == 'Inform':
if slot == 'Quantity':
if value == 0:
return f'Nie znalazłem produktów spełniających podane kryteria.'
elif value == 1:
return f'Znalazłem jeden produkt spełniający podane kryteria.'
elif value <= 4:
return f'Znalazłem {value} produkty spełniające podane kryteria.'
elif value <= 9:
return f'Znalazłem {value} produktów spełniających podane kryteria.'
return f'Znalazłem wiele produktów spełniających podane kryteria.'
elif slot == 'Quality':
return f'Znalazłem produkt(y) jakości {value}'
elif slot == 'Price_range':
return f'Znalazłem produkt(y) w przedziale cenowym {value}'
elif slot == 'Type':
return f'Znalazłem produkt(y) typu {value}'
elif slot == 'Brand':
return f'Znalazłem produkt(y) marki {value}'
elif slot == 'Price':
return f'Znalazlem produkt(y) w cenie {value}'
if intent == 'Request':
if slot == 'CreditCardNo':
return 'Podaj nuber karty płatniczej'
if slot == 'Quantity':
return 'Podaj liczbę artykułów'
if slot == 'Type':
return 'Podaj typ produktu'
if intent == 'Recommend':
if slot == "Name":
r = random.randint(1, 3)
if r == 1:
return f'Kochany użytkowniku, z całego serduszka polecam Ci {value}'
elif r == 2:
return f'Polecam {value}'
return f'Mogę polecić {value}'
def get_dialog_act(rule):
slots = []
get_slots(rule.expansion, slots)
return {'act':, 'slots': slots}
def get_slots(expansion, slots):
if expansion.tag != '':
slots.append((expansion.tag, expansion.current_match))
for child in expansion.children:
get_slots(child, slots)
if not expansion.children and isinstance(expansion, jsgf.NamedRuleRef):
get_slots(expansion.referenced_rule.expansion, slots)
def nlu(utterance):
matched = book_grammar.find_matching_rules(utterance)
if matched:
return get_dialog_act(matched[0])
return {'act': 'null', 'slots': []}
def predict(utterance):
utterance = utterance.lower()
punctuation = '''!;:/?,.*'''
for i in utterance:
if i in punctuation:
utterance = utterance.replace(i, "")
matched = book_grammar.find_matching_rules(utterance)
return matched
dst = DST()
policy = SimpleRulePolicy()
utterance = input("Podaj wypowiedź użytkownika: ")
dialog_act = predict(utterance)
state = dst.update(dialog_act)
system_act = policy.predict(state)
for act in system_act:
response = nlg(act)
print("Odpowiedź systemu:", response)