from docx import Document from googletrans import Translator def translate_doc(filename, destination='zh-CN', mix=True): """ translate a word document type of file and save the result as document and keep the exactly same file format. :param filename: word doc file :param destination='zh-CN': :param mix=True: if True, will have original language and target language into the same doc. paragraphs by paragraphs. """ def tx(t): return Translator().translate(t, dest=destination).text doc = Document(filename) for p in doc.paragraphs: txd = tx(p.text) p.text = p.text + ('\n' + txd if mix else '') for table in doc.tables: for row in table.rows: for cell in row.cells: txd = tx(cell.text) p.text = cell.text + ('\n' + txd if mix else '') f = filename.replace('.doc', destination.lower() + '.doc') if __name__ == '__main__': filename = 'p1.docx' translate_doc(filename)