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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A Translation module.
You can translate text using this module.
import requests
import random
from googletrans import urls, utils
from googletrans.compat import PY3
from googletrans.gtoken import TokenAcquirer
from googletrans.constants import DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, LANGUAGES, SPECIAL_CASES
from googletrans.models import Translated, Detected
EXCLUDES = ('en', 'ca', 'fr')
class Translator(object):
"""Google Translate ajax API implementation class
You have to create an instance of Translator to use this API
:param service_urls: google translate url list. URLs will be used randomly.
For example ``['translate.google.com', 'translate.google.co.kr']``
:type service_urls: a sequence of strings
:param user_agent: the User-Agent header to send when making requests.
:type user_agent: :class:`str`
def __init__(self, service_urls=None, user_agent=DEFAULT_USER_AGENT):
self.session = requests.Session()
'User-Agent': user_agent,
self.token_acquirer = TokenAcquirer(session=self.session)
self.service_urls = service_urls or ['translate.google.com']
# Use HTTP2 Adapter if hyper is installed
try: # pragma: nocover
from hyper.contrib import HTTP20Adapter
self.session.mount(urls.BASE, HTTP20Adapter())
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
def _pick_service_url(self):
if len(self.service_urls) == 1:
return self.service_urls[0]
return random.choice(self.service_urls)
def _translate(self, text, dest='en', src='auto'):
if src != 'auto':
if src not in LANGUAGES.keys() and src in SPECIAL_CASES.keys():
src = SPECIAL_CASES[src]
elif src not in LANGUAGES.keys():
raise ValueError('invalid source language')
if dest not in LANGUAGES.keys():
if dest in SPECIAL_CASES.keys():
dest = SPECIAL_CASES[dest]
raise ValueError('invalid destination language')
if not PY3 and isinstance(text, str): # pragma: nocover
text = text.decode('utf-8')
token = self.token_acquirer.do(text)
params = utils.build_params(query=text, src=src, dest=dest,
url = urls.TRANSLATE.format(host=self._pick_service_url())
r = self.session.get(url, params=params)
data = utils.format_json(r.text)
return data
def translate(self, text, dest='en', src='auto'):
"""Translate text from source language to destination language
:param text: The source text(s) to be translated. Batch translation is supported via sequence input.
:type text: UTF-8 :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`; string sequence (list, tuple, iterator, generator)
:param dest: The language to translate the source text into.
The value should be one of the language codes listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGUAGES`.
:param dest: :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`
:param src: The language of the source text.
The value should be one of the language codes listed in :const:`googletrans.LANGUAGES`.
If a language is not specified,
the system will attempt to identify the source language automatically.
:param src: :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`
:rtype: Translated
:rtype: :class:`list` (when a list is passed)
Basic usage:
>>> from googletrans import Translator
>>> translator = Translator()
>>> translator.translate('안녕하세요.')
<Translated src=ko dest=en text=Good evening. pronunciation=Good evening.>
>>> translator.translate('안녕하세요.', dest='ja')
<Translated src=ko dest=ja text=こんにちは。 pronunciation=Kon'nichiwa.>
>>> translator.translate('veritas lux mea', src='la')
<Translated src=la dest=en text=The truth is my light pronunciation=The truth is my light>
Advanced usage:
>>> translations = translator.translate(['The quick brown fox', 'jumps over', 'the lazy dog'], dest='ko')
>>> for translation in translations:
... print(translation.origin, ' -> ', translation.text)
The quick brown fox -> 빠른 갈색 여우
jumps over -> 이상 점프
the lazy dog -> 게으른 개
if isinstance(text, list):
result = []
for item in text:
translated = self.translate(item, dest=dest, src=src)
return result
origin = text
data = self._translate(text, dest, src)
# this code will be updated when the format is changed.
translated = data[0][0][0]
# actual source language that will be recognized by Google Translator when the
# src passed is equal to auto.
src = data[-1][0][0]
except Exception: # pragma: nocover
pron = origin
pron = data[0][1][-1]
except Exception: # pragma: nocover
if not PY3 and isinstance(pron, unicode) and isinstance(origin, str): # pragma: nocover
origin = origin.decode('utf-8')
if dest in EXCLUDES and pron == origin:
pron = translated
# for python 2.x compatbillity
if not PY3: # pragma: nocover
if isinstance(src, str):
src = src.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(dest, str):
dest = dest.decode('utf-8')
if isinstance(translated, str):
translated = translated.decode('utf-8')
# put final values into a new Translated object
result = Translated(src=src, dest=dest, origin=origin,
text=translated, pronunciation=pron)
return result
def detect(self, text):
"""Detect language of the input text
:param text: The source text(s) whose language you want to identify.
Batch detection is supported via sequence input.
:type text: UTF-8 :class:`str`; :class:`unicode`; string sequence (list, tuple, iterator, generator)
:rtype: Detected
:rtype: :class:`list` (when a list is passed)
Basic usage:
>>> from googletrans import Translator
>>> translator = Translator()
>>> translator.detect('이 문장은 한글로 쓰여졌습니다.')
<Detected lang=ko confidence=0.27041003>
>>> translator.detect('この文章は日本語で書かれました。')
<Detected lang=ja confidence=0.64889508>
>>> translator.detect('This sentence is written in English.')
<Detected lang=en confidence=0.22348526>
>>> translator.detect('Tiu frazo estas skribita en Esperanto.')
<Detected lang=eo confidence=0.10538048>
Advanced usage:
>>> langs = translator.detect(['한국어', '日本語', 'English', 'le français'])
>>> for lang in langs:
... print(lang.lang, lang.confidence)
ko 1
ja 0.92929292
en 0.96954316
fr 0.043500196
if isinstance(text, list):
result = []
for item in text:
lang = self.detect(item)
return result
data = self._translate(text, dest='en', src='auto')
# actual source language that will be recognized by Google Translator when the
# src passed is equal to auto.
src = ''
confidence = 0.0
src = ''.join(data[8][0])
confidence = data[8][-2][0]
except Exception: # pragma: nocover
result = Detected(lang=src, confidence=confidence)
return result