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2020-06-04 17:24:47 +02:00
import copy
import sys
from unittest import mock
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
import pytest
def mpl_test_settings(qt_core, mpl_test_settings):
Ensure qt_core fixture is *first* fixture.
We override the `mpl_test_settings` fixture and depend on the `qt_core`
fixture first. It is very important that it is first, because it skips
tests when Qt is not available, and if not, then the main
`mpl_test_settings` fixture will try to switch backends before the skip can
be triggered.
def qt_core(request):
backend, = request.node.get_closest_marker('backend').args
if backend == 'Qt4Agg':
if any(k in sys.modules for k in ('PyQt5', 'PySide2')):
pytest.skip('Qt5 binding already imported')
import PyQt4
# RuntimeError if PyQt5 already imported.
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
import PySide
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("Failed to import a Qt4 binding.")
elif backend == 'Qt5Agg':
if any(k in sys.modules for k in ('PyQt4', 'PySide')):
pytest.skip('Qt4 binding already imported')
import PyQt5
# RuntimeError if PyQt4 already imported.
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
import PySide2
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("Failed to import a Qt5 binding.")
raise ValueError('Backend marker has unknown value: ' + backend)
qt_compat = pytest.importorskip('matplotlib.backends.qt_compat')
QtCore = qt_compat.QtCore
if backend == 'Qt4Agg':
py_qt_ver = int(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR.split('.')[0])
except AttributeError:
py_qt_ver = QtCore.__version_info__[0]
if py_qt_ver != 4:
pytest.skip('Qt4 is not available')
return QtCore
@pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', [
# Note: the value is irrelevant; the important part is the marker.
pytest.param('Qt4Agg', marks=pytest.mark.backend('Qt4Agg')),
pytest.param('Qt5Agg', marks=pytest.mark.backend('Qt5Agg')),
def test_fig_close(backend):
# save the state of Gcf.figs
init_figs = copy.copy(Gcf.figs)
# make a figure using pyplot interface
fig = plt.figure()
# simulate user clicking the close button by reaching in
# and calling close on the underlying Qt object
# assert that we have removed the reference to the FigureManager
# that got added by plt.figure()
assert init_figs == Gcf.figs
def test_fig_signals(qt_core):
# Create a figure
# Access signals
import signal
event_loop_signal = None
# Callback to fire during event loop: save SIGINT handler, then exit
def fire_signal_and_quit():
# Save event loop signal
nonlocal event_loop_signal
event_loop_signal = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
# Request event loop exit
# Timer to exit event loop
qt_core.QTimer.singleShot(0, fire_signal_and_quit)
# Save original SIGINT handler
original_signal = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
# Use our own SIGINT handler to be 100% sure this is working
def CustomHandler(signum, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, CustomHandler)
# mainloop() sets SIGINT, starts Qt event loop (which triggers timer and
# exits) and then mainloop() resets SIGINT
# Assert: signal handler during loop execution is signal.SIG_DFL
assert event_loop_signal == signal.SIG_DFL
# Assert: current signal handler is the same as the one we set before
assert CustomHandler == signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)
# Reset SIGINT handler to what it was before the test
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, original_signal)
'qt_key, qt_mods, answer',
('Key_A', ['ShiftModifier'], 'A'),
('Key_A', [], 'a'),
('Key_A', ['ControlModifier'], 'ctrl+a'),
('Key_Aacute', ['ShiftModifier'],
('Key_Aacute', [],
('Key_Control', ['AltModifier'], 'alt+control'),
('Key_Alt', ['ControlModifier'], 'ctrl+alt'),
('Key_Aacute', ['ControlModifier', 'AltModifier', 'MetaModifier'],
'ctrl+alt+super+\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}'),
('Key_Backspace', [], 'backspace'),
('Key_Backspace', ['ControlModifier'], 'ctrl+backspace'),
('Key_Play', [], None),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('backend', [
# Note: the value is irrelevant; the important part is the marker.
pytest.param('Qt4Agg', marks=pytest.mark.backend('Qt4Agg')),
pytest.param('Qt5Agg', marks=pytest.mark.backend('Qt5Agg')),
def test_correct_key(backend, qt_core, qt_key, qt_mods, answer):
Make a figure.
Send a key_press_event event (using non-public, qtX backend specific api).
Catch the event.
Assert sent and caught keys are the same.
qt_mod = qt_core.Qt.NoModifier
for mod in qt_mods:
qt_mod |= getattr(qt_core.Qt, mod)
class _Event:
def isAutoRepeat(self): return False
def key(self): return getattr(qt_core.Qt, qt_key)
def modifiers(self): return qt_mod
def receive(event):
assert event.key == answer
qt_canvas = plt.figure().canvas
qt_canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', receive)
def test_dpi_ratio_change():
Make sure that if _dpi_ratio changes, the figure dpi changes but the
widget remains the same physical size.
prop = 'matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5.FigureCanvasQT._dpi_ratio'
with mock.patch(prop, new_callable=mock.PropertyMock) as p:
p.return_value = 3
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2), dpi=120)
qt_canvas = fig.canvas
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5 import qApp
# Make sure the mocking worked
assert qt_canvas._dpi_ratio == 3
size = qt_canvas.size()
# The DPI and the renderer width/height change
assert fig.dpi == 360
assert qt_canvas.renderer.width == 1800
assert qt_canvas.renderer.height == 720
# The actual widget size and figure physical size don't change
assert size.width() == 600
assert size.height() == 240
assert qt_canvas.get_width_height() == (600, 240)
assert (fig.get_size_inches() == (5, 2)).all()
p.return_value = 2
assert qt_canvas._dpi_ratio == 2
# this second processEvents is required to fully run the draw.
# On `update` we notice the DPI has changed and trigger a
# resize event to refresh, the second processEvents is
# required to process that and fully update the window sizes.
# The DPI and the renderer width/height change
assert fig.dpi == 240
assert qt_canvas.renderer.width == 1200
assert qt_canvas.renderer.height == 480
# The actual widget size and figure physical size don't change
assert size.width() == 600
assert size.height() == 240
assert qt_canvas.get_width_height() == (600, 240)
assert (fig.get_size_inches() == (5, 2)).all()
def test_subplottool():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
with mock.patch(
lambda self: None):
def test_figureoptions():
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([1, 2])
ax.scatter(range(3), range(3), c=range(3))
with mock.patch(
lambda self: None):
def test_double_resize():
# Check that resizing a figure twice keeps the same window size
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
window = fig.canvas.manager.window
w, h = 3, 2
fig.set_size_inches(w, h)
assert fig.canvas.width() == w * rcParams['figure.dpi']
assert fig.canvas.height() == h * rcParams['figure.dpi']
old_width = window.width()
old_height = window.height()
fig.set_size_inches(w, h)
assert window.width() == old_width
assert window.height() == old_height
def test_canvas_reinit():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from functools import partial
called = False
def crashing_callback(fig, stale):
nonlocal called
called = True
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.stale_callback = crashing_callback
# this should not raise
canvas = FigureCanvasQTAgg(fig)
assert called