//Code automatically generated with fuzzylite 6.0. FUNCTION_BLOCK AllTerms VAR_INPUT AllInputTerms: REAL; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT AllOutputTerms: REAL; END_VAR FUZZIFY AllInputTerms RANGE := (0.000 .. 6.500); TERM A := Sigmoid 0.500 -20.000; TERM B := ZShape 0.000 1.000; TERM C := Ramp 1.000 0.000; TERM D := Triangle 0.500 1.000 1.500; TERM E := Trapezoid 1.000 1.250 1.750 2.000; TERM F := Concave 0.850 0.250; TERM G := Rectangle 1.750 2.250; TERM H := (2.000, 0.000) (2.250, 1.000) (2.500, 0.500) (2.750, 1.000) (3.000, 0.000); TERM I := Gaussian 3.000 0.200; TERM J := Cosine 3.250 0.650; TERM K := GaussianProduct 3.500 0.100 3.300 0.300; TERM L := Spike 3.640 1.040; TERM M := Bell 4.000 0.250 3.000; TERM N := PiShape 4.000 4.500 4.500 5.000; TERM O := Concave 5.650 6.250; TERM P := SigmoidDifference 4.750 10.000 30.000 5.250; TERM Q := SigmoidProduct 5.250 20.000 -10.000 5.750; TERM R := Ramp 5.500 6.500; TERM S := SShape 5.500 6.500; TERM T := Sigmoid 6.000 20.000; END_FUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY AllOutputTerms RANGE := (0.000 .. 6.500); TERM A := Sigmoid 0.500 -20.000; TERM B := ZShape 0.000 1.000; TERM C := Ramp 1.000 0.000; TERM D := Triangle 0.500 1.000 1.500; TERM E := Trapezoid 1.000 1.250 1.750 2.000; TERM F := Concave 0.850 0.250; TERM G := Rectangle 1.750 2.250; TERM H := (2.000, 0.000) (2.250, 1.000) (2.500, 0.500) (2.750, 1.000) (3.000, 0.000); TERM I := Gaussian 3.000 0.200; TERM J := Cosine 3.250 0.650; TERM K := GaussianProduct 3.500 0.100 3.300 0.300; TERM L := Spike 3.640 1.040; TERM M := Bell 4.000 0.250 3.000; TERM N := PiShape 4.000 4.500 4.500 5.000; TERM O := Concave 5.650 6.250; TERM P := SigmoidDifference 4.750 10.000 30.000 5.250; TERM Q := SigmoidProduct 5.250 20.000 -10.000 5.750; TERM R := Ramp 5.500 6.500; TERM S := SShape 5.500 6.500; TERM T := Sigmoid 6.000 20.000; METHOD : COG; ACCU : MAX; DEFAULT := nan; END_DEFUZZIFY RULEBLOCK AND : MIN; OR : MAX; ACT : MIN; RULE 1 : if AllInputTerms is A then AllOutputTerms is T RULE 2 : if AllInputTerms is B then AllOutputTerms is S RULE 3 : if AllInputTerms is C then AllOutputTerms is R RULE 4 : if AllInputTerms is D then AllOutputTerms is Q RULE 5 : if AllInputTerms is E then AllOutputTerms is P RULE 6 : if AllInputTerms is F then AllOutputTerms is O RULE 7 : if AllInputTerms is G then AllOutputTerms is N RULE 8 : if AllInputTerms is H then AllOutputTerms is M RULE 9 : if AllInputTerms is I then AllOutputTerms is L RULE 10 : if AllInputTerms is J then AllOutputTerms is K RULE 11 : if AllInputTerms is K then AllOutputTerms is J RULE 12 : if AllInputTerms is L then AllOutputTerms is I RULE 13 : if AllInputTerms is M then AllOutputTerms is H RULE 14 : if AllInputTerms is N then AllOutputTerms is G RULE 15 : if AllInputTerms is O then AllOutputTerms is F RULE 16 : if AllInputTerms is P then AllOutputTerms is E RULE 17 : if AllInputTerms is Q then AllOutputTerms is D RULE 18 : if AllInputTerms is R then AllOutputTerms is C RULE 19 : if AllInputTerms is S then AllOutputTerms is B RULE 20 : if AllInputTerms is T then AllOutputTerms is A END_RULEBLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK