//Code automatically generated with fuzzylite 6.0. FUNCTION_BLOCK Laundry VAR_INPUT Load: REAL; Dirt: REAL; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT Detergent: REAL; Cycle: REAL; END_VAR FUZZIFY Load RANGE := (0.000 .. 6.000); TERM small := (0.000, 1.000) (1.000, 1.000) (2.000, 0.800) (5.000, 0.000); TERM normal := (3.000, 0.000) (4.000, 1.000) (6.000, 0.000); END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY Dirt RANGE := (0.000 .. 6.000); TERM low := (0.000, 1.000) (2.000, 0.800) (5.000, 0.000); TERM high := (1.000, 0.000) (2.000, 0.200) (4.000, 0.800) (6.000, 1.000); END_FUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Detergent RANGE := (0.000 .. 80.000); TERM less_than_usual := (10.000, 0.000) (40.000, 1.000) (50.000, 0.000); TERM usual := (40.000, 0.000) (50.000, 1.000) (60.000, 1.000) (80.000, 0.000); TERM more_than_usual := (50.000, 0.000) (80.000, 1.000); METHOD : MM; ACCU : MAX; DEFAULT := nan; END_DEFUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY Cycle RANGE := (0.000 .. 20.000); TERM short := (0.000, 1.000) (10.000, 1.000) (20.000, 0.000); TERM long := (10.000, 0.000) (20.000, 1.000); METHOD : MM; ACCU : MAX; DEFAULT := nan; END_DEFUZZIFY RULEBLOCK AND : MIN; OR : MAX; ACT : MIN; RULE 1 : if Load is small and Dirt is not high then Detergent is less_than_usual RULE 2 : if Load is small and Dirt is high then Detergent is usual RULE 3 : if Load is normal and Dirt is low then Detergent is less_than_usual RULE 4 : if Load is normal and Dirt is high then Detergent is more_than_usual RULE 5 : if Detergent is usual or Detergent is less_than_usual then Cycle is short RULE 6 : if Detergent is more_than_usual then Cycle is long END_RULEBLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK