Examples of FCL files (with data) ======================================= This directory contains some examples of FCL files, along with data that can be used to test them. These files were gathered from two sources: * [jFuzzyLogic](http://jfuzzylogic.sourceforge.net/) GNU Lesser General Public License (GPL) 3.0 * [FuzzyLite](http://www.fuzzylite.com/) GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0 The files in this folder are a _subset_ of those provided by these tools. I've removed any FCL files that used features not (yet) supported by `scikit-fuzzy`. For `FuzzyLite` I've only used the mamdani-style examples - this is a small subset of those supplied with the tool. Also, I've tweaked some of the RANGEs for fuzzy variables (or added them if not there), since this can have a dramatic effect on the accuracy of the results. Test Data --------- Each of the FCL files in this folder is accompanied by an `.fld` file which contains test data: basically a list of values for the input and output variables. In the case of FuzzyLite these were supplied with the tool. For jFuzzyLogic I ran the tool with some sample inputs; since jFuzzyLogic also reports rule fire-strengths, I've included these in the `.fld` file too as they helped with debugging. The purpose of these files is to test the implementation: when we run the same files through `scikit-fuzzy` we should get mostly the same answers as the original tools. The script [simulate.py](../simulate.py) can be used to run these - note that running them _all_ make take a while. Example run: ``` > python3 simulate.py Examples/jFuzzyLogic/tipper.fcl ====================================================================== = Examples/jFuzzyLogic/tipper.fcl on 08 Sep 2018 at 16:06 ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Run 0: food=0.00 service=0.00 Output variables: tip=5.00 CORRECT, ERROR=0.0% Rule fire-strengths for test case 0: RULE No1.1 = 1.00 (CORRECT) RULE No1.2 = 0.00 (CORRECT) RULE No1.3 = 0.00 (CORRECT) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ..... ``` [James Power](http://www.cs.nuim.ie/~jpower/), 8 Sept 2018.