FUNCTION_BLOCK Libcfuz // Block definition (there may be more than one block per file) VAR_INPUT // Define input variables Age : REAL; Lactation : REAL; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT // Define output variable rISk : REAL; END_VAR FUZZIFY Age // Fuzzify input variable 'Age': {'young', 'mature' , 'old'} TERM young := (0, 1)(10,1) (30, 1) (40, 0) ; TERM mature:= (30, 0) (40,1) (60,1) (70,0); TERM old := (60, 0) (70, 1) (90,1); RANGE := (0.0 .. 90.0); // Added range for Age END_FUZZIFY FUZZIFY Lactation // Fuzzify input variable 'Lactation': { 'low', 'medium','full' } TERM low := (0, 1) (2,1) (6, 1) (10,0); TERM medium := (6,0) (10,1) (16,1) (20,0); TERM full := (16,0) (20,1) (24,0); RANGE := (0.0 .. 24.0); // Added range for Lactation END_FUZZIFY DEFUZZIFY rISk // Defzzzify output variable 'rISk' : {'verylow',low', 'medium', 'high','veryhigh' } TERM verylow := (0,1) (5,1) (10,0); TERM low := (5,0) (10,1) (25,1) (30,0); TERM medium := (25,0) (30,1) (45,1) (50,0); TERM high := (45,0) (50,1) (75,1) (80,0); TERM veryhigh := (75,0) (80,1) (95,1) (100,0); METHOD : COG; // Use 'Center Of Gravity' defuzzification method DEFAULT := 0; // Default value IS 0 (if no rule activates defuzzifier) RANGE := (0.0 .. 100.0); // Added range for rISk END_DEFUZZIFY RULEBLOCK No1 ACCU : MAX; // Use 'max' accumulation method AND : MIN; // Use 'min' for 'and' (also implicit use 'max' for 'or' to fulfill DeMorgan's Law) ACT : MIN; // Use 'min' activation method RULE 1 : IF Age IS old AND Lactation IS low THEN rISk IS veryhigh; RULE 2 : IF Age IS old THEN rISk IS high; RULE 3 : IF Age IS old AND Lactation IS full THEN rISk IS low; /* In thIS it picks Rule2 When given the in put it should pick Rule3 with the given input */ RULE 4 : IF Age IS young THEN rISk IS low; RULE 5 : IF Age IS mature THEN rISk IS veryhigh; RULE 6 : IF Lactation IS medium THEN rISk IS medium; RULE 7 : IF Lactation IS full THEN rISk IS low; RULE 8 : IF Lactation IS low THEN rISk IS veryhigh; RULE 9 : IF Age IS young AND Lactation IS medium THEN rISk IS low; RULE 10 : IF Age IS young AND Lactation IS full THEN rISk IS verylow; RULE 11 : IF Age IS mature AND Lactation IS low THEN rISk IS veryhigh; RULE 12 : IF Age IS mature AND Lactation IS medium THEN rISk IS high; RULE 13 : IF Age IS mature AND Lactation IS full THEN rISk IS low ; RULE 14: IF Age IS old AND Lactation IS low THEN rISk IS high; RULE 15: IF Age IS old AND Lactation IS medium THEN rISk IS medium; RULE 16: IF Age IS old AND Lactation IS full THEN rISk IS low; RULE 17 : IF Age IS young AND Lactation IS low THEN rISk IS medium; END_RULEBLOCK END_FUNCTION_BLOCK