250 lines
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250 lines
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# canonical.py - functions for converting systems to canonical forms
# RMM, 10 Nov 2012
from .exception import ControlNotImplemented
from .lti import issiso
from .statesp import StateSpace
from .statefbk import ctrb, obsv
from numpy import zeros, shape, poly, iscomplex, hstack, dot, transpose
from numpy.linalg import solve, matrix_rank, eig
__all__ = ['canonical_form', 'reachable_form', 'observable_form', 'modal_form',
def canonical_form(xsys, form='reachable'):
"""Convert a system into canonical form
xsys : StateSpace object
System to be transformed, with state 'x'
form : String
Canonical form for transformation. Chosen from:
* 'reachable' - reachable canonical form
* 'observable' - observable canonical form
* 'modal' - modal canonical form
zsys : StateSpace object
System in desired canonical form, with state 'z'
T : matrix
Coordinate transformation matrix, z = T * x
# Call the appropriate tranformation function
if form == 'reachable':
return reachable_form(xsys)
elif form == 'observable':
return observable_form(xsys)
elif form == 'modal':
return modal_form(xsys)
raise ControlNotImplemented(
"Canonical form '%s' not yet implemented" % form)
# Reachable canonical form
def reachable_form(xsys):
"""Convert a system into reachable canonical form
xsys : StateSpace object
System to be transformed, with state `x`
zsys : StateSpace object
System in reachable canonical form, with state `z`
T : matrix
Coordinate transformation: z = T * x
# Check to make sure we have a SISO system
if not issiso(xsys):
raise ControlNotImplemented(
"Canonical forms for MIMO systems not yet supported")
# Create a new system, starting with a copy of the old one
zsys = StateSpace(xsys)
# Generate the system matrices for the desired canonical form
zsys.B = zeros(shape(xsys.B))
zsys.B[0, 0] = 1.0
zsys.A = zeros(shape(xsys.A))
Apoly = poly(xsys.A) # characteristic polynomial
for i in range(0, xsys.states):
zsys.A[0, i] = -Apoly[i+1] / Apoly[0]
if (i+1 < xsys.states):
zsys.A[i+1, i] = 1.0
# Compute the reachability matrices for each set of states
Wrx = ctrb(xsys.A, xsys.B)
Wrz = ctrb(zsys.A, zsys.B)
if matrix_rank(Wrx) != xsys.states:
raise ValueError("System not controllable to working precision.")
# Transformation from one form to another
Tzx = solve(Wrx.T, Wrz.T).T # matrix right division, Tzx = Wrz * inv(Wrx)
# Check to make sure inversion was OK. Note that since we are inverting
# Wrx and we already checked its rank, this exception should never occur
if matrix_rank(Tzx) != xsys.states: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Transformation matrix singular to working precision.")
# Finally, compute the output matrix
zsys.C = solve(Tzx.T, xsys.C.T).T # matrix right division, zsys.C = xsys.C * inv(Tzx)
return zsys, Tzx
def observable_form(xsys):
"""Convert a system into observable canonical form
xsys : StateSpace object
System to be transformed, with state `x`
zsys : StateSpace object
System in observable canonical form, with state `z`
T : matrix
Coordinate transformation: z = T * x
# Check to make sure we have a SISO system
if not issiso(xsys):
raise ControlNotImplemented(
"Canonical forms for MIMO systems not yet supported")
# Create a new system, starting with a copy of the old one
zsys = StateSpace(xsys)
# Generate the system matrices for the desired canonical form
zsys.C = zeros(shape(xsys.C))
zsys.C[0, 0] = 1
zsys.A = zeros(shape(xsys.A))
Apoly = poly(xsys.A) # characteristic polynomial
for i in range(0, xsys.states):
zsys.A[i, 0] = -Apoly[i+1] / Apoly[0]
if (i+1 < xsys.states):
zsys.A[i, i+1] = 1
# Compute the observability matrices for each set of states
Wrx = obsv(xsys.A, xsys.C)
Wrz = obsv(zsys.A, zsys.C)
# Transformation from one form to another
Tzx = solve(Wrz, Wrx) # matrix left division, Tzx = inv(Wrz) * Wrx
if matrix_rank(Tzx) != xsys.states:
raise ValueError("Transformation matrix singular to working precision.")
# Finally, compute the output matrix
zsys.B = Tzx * xsys.B
return zsys, Tzx
def modal_form(xsys):
"""Convert a system into modal canonical form
xsys : StateSpace object
System to be transformed, with state `x`
zsys : StateSpace object
System in modal canonical form, with state `z`
T : matrix
Coordinate transformation: z = T * x
# Check to make sure we have a SISO system
if not issiso(xsys):
raise ControlNotImplemented(
"Canonical forms for MIMO systems not yet supported")
# Create a new system, starting with a copy of the old one
zsys = StateSpace(xsys)
# Calculate eigenvalues and matrix of eigenvectors Tzx,
eigval, eigvec = eig(xsys.A)
# Eigenvalues and according eigenvectors are not sorted,
# thus modal transformation is ambiguous
# Sorting eigenvalues and respective vectors by largest to smallest eigenvalue
idx = eigval.argsort()[::-1]
eigval = eigval[idx]
eigvec = eigvec[:,idx]
# If all eigenvalues are real, the matrix of eigenvectors is Tzx directly
if not iscomplex(eigval).any():
Tzx = eigvec
# A is an arbitrary semisimple matrix
# Keep track of complex conjugates (need only one)
lst_conjugates = []
Tzx = None
for val, vec in zip(eigval, eigvec.T):
if iscomplex(val):
if val not in lst_conjugates:
if Tzx is not None:
Tzx = hstack((Tzx, hstack((vec.real.T, vec.imag.T))))
Tzx = hstack((vec.real.T, vec.imag.T))
# if conjugate has already been seen, skip this eigenvalue
if Tzx is not None:
Tzx = hstack((Tzx, vec.real.T))
Tzx = vec.real.T
# Generate the system matrices for the desired canonical form
zsys.A = solve(Tzx, xsys.A).dot(Tzx)
zsys.B = solve(Tzx, xsys.B)
zsys.C = xsys.C.dot(Tzx)
return zsys, Tzx
def similarity_transform(xsys, T, timescale=1):
"""Perform a similarity transformation, with option time rescaling.
Transform a linear state space system to a new state space representation
z = T x, where T is an invertible matrix.
T : 2D invertible array
The matrix `T` defines the new set of coordinates z = T x.
timescale : float
If present, also rescale the time unit to tau = timescale * t
zsys : StateSpace object
System in transformed coordinates, with state 'z'
# Create a new system, starting with a copy of the old one
zsys = StateSpace(xsys)
# Define a function to compute the right inverse (solve x M = y)
def rsolve(M, y):
return transpose(solve(transpose(M), transpose(y)))
# Update the system matrices
zsys.A = rsolve(T, dot(T, zsys.A)) / timescale
zsys.B = dot(T, zsys.B) / timescale
zsys.C = rsolve(T, zsys.C)
return zsys